Venting frustrations
by Queen City Software
I'm sorry this is not code, but I guess I'll be speaking for a lot of serious programmers just by venting a few frustrations...
HTML Help and VB
by Almar Joling
This tutorial will learn you how to combine HTML Help with VB, so your applications can easily have functions like "Whats this help" and "context sensitive help". This tutorial is fully illustrated, (17 images), everything done nicely step by step. VB6 is REQUIRED. This will not work with older versions.
An Introduction To DirectX 8 - And More!!!
by Simon Price
Learn every aspect of DirectX8 now!
This HUGE tutorial covers DirectX 8,
DirectSound8, DirectInput8, Direct3D8. It includes everything - from knowing
nothing to having a good grasp of DirectX 8 with Visual Basic. It even goes
beyond that and explains the logic needed to create 3D geometry and animation.
There is a fully documented sample program too! And a glossary of terms - not
just DirectX terms - but general p ... (see entry for full description)
Game Programming in Visual Basic - Lesson Two
by Greg L English
This article is lesson two in my mini-series of "Game Programming in Visual Basic". If you like it or even dislike please tell me what was wrong and what was good. PLEASE EVERYONE VOTE, IT ONLY TAKES A FEW SECONDS!!!!
ADO Tutorial For Absolute Beginners
by Jerry Barnes
This is an ADO DB tutorial for programmers who know nothing about ADO. It is a good template to following when making your own project. I hope that it helps.
Optimizing your VB code even more
by Almar Joling
This article shows various speed increasing methods, I've done tests myself, you can see the performance difference in a graph and in a table.
This article is really worth your time.
For example, it shows how one simple "\" instead of "/" will speed up your app with more than 400% percent!
Hey, did you know? VERY Useful TIP
by Jeff D
Hey everyone. A great TIP here! I don't know if this has been brought up before (did a search but found nothing) it may even be in VB books - but some of you may not know this...
Did you know that (in the code) you can right-mouse click over a particular procedure, function, word, method, event, any declared variable, etc... Then choosing "DEFINITION" from the menu selection will jump you to where it was declared or the code for it?! See screen shot for example of this.
Then after ... (see entry for full description)
Ms Agent Unleashed
by Mahangu
This tutorial covers everything - from building your first Ms Agent app, to Using Ms Agent on your website, to using the Office Character files in your apps. Because of popular demand, Speech Recognition section added. Also features a section describing making your own character files. This tutorial shows you how to do nearly everything the Agent Control can do.
VBMagic - A tutorial to teach you everything about mixing VB and Flash, to do Magic!!
by Anoop Madhusudanan
This tutorial (with source) is for you, just if you need to add a new dimension to your VB Skills. Break out from those old looking forms and sleepy dialogs, mix VB with Flash to create wonders. Vote for me just if you find this one useful (you will :)). Most of these concepts are from my own experiments and experience. Create great looking skin able apps (with remote interfaces), cool e cards, presentations, and you name it :). See the screenshot below, and download the code. Comme ... (see entry for full description)
Tutorial On Application Severs: Develop Killer Web Applications In VB..
by Anoop Madhusudanan
This Tutorial will teach you the Ins and outs of creating custom Application Servers. Get the power to make true killer VB web applications, and give more scalability to your existing applications. If you are new to the term 'Application Server', just consider that it is an application that runs between a thin front end (in this case the web browser) and back end servers: After reading this article, you can (a) Understand what is an 'Application Server' (b) Create an ... (see entry for full description)
DoEvents evolution; the API approach. (Method for 100% optimized loops)
by John Galanopoulos
Do you want to make your loops 100% faster? Here's how :
Many of us have used several times DoEvents, to supply a bit of air to our App, on Heavy-Duty times such as loops for updates or inserts on recordsets etc. As we most know, DoEvents processes Windows messages currently in the message queue. But what if we wanted to execute DoEvents only in times, when we want to allow user (Keyboard and Mouse) input? ( A special "thank you" to all of you who rated this article)
__Direct3D Tutorial [Updated]__
by Matt Carpenter
A Tutorial on how to do Direct3D7 Retained Mode Graphics! HTML file and an example! Every line of code is commented and easy to understand. Begin making 3D Games with this article! I WORKED A LONG TIME ON THIS ARTICLE! If you like it, PLEASE VOTE FOR ME on PSC :) I am also planning on putting out a 3D flight simulator soon so keep lookin-
__Simple Winsock Tutorial__
by Matt Carpenter
This tutorial will teach you the basics of winsock (the winsock OCX control). How to connect to computers, how to be a server, sending and getting data. If you like this, Please vote for me ;)
API - Simulate multithreading with WaitForMultipleObjects (eg. How ICQ monitors connection state)
by John Galanopoulos
In this article, we are going to see how to use WaitForSingleObject, WaitForMultipleObjects, RasConnectionNotification and many other commands with Visual Basic. We are also going to see how to monitor multiple events without the need of multithreading. I have included two examples : how to monitor when a shelled application has ended and how ICQ monitors connection state (that little flower that gets green when we dial-up and establish a connection). If you like it, post a comment. ... (see entry for full description)
DXTUT4 - Introduction to Direct3D!
by Simon Price
This tutorial WILL teach you how to get started with using Direct3D Immediate Mode from Visual
Basic. It includes background knowledge, definitions, explanations, a sample program to download, and exercises for you to practice on. I have spent hours, wrong, days planning, writing, testing and re-reading this so that it's almost a work of art. Seriously though, you will learn alot. I recommend a very basic
knowledge of DirectDraw, but this is ... (see entry for full description)
Fastest String Concatenation Yet In Visual Basic
by Chris Lucas
This is the fastest string concatenation method you'll ever come across in Visual Basic. I use a novel buffering technique that leaves the competition choking on my dust.
Windows Messages and Subclassing
by Coding Genius
Subclassing ofers great advantages to VB programmres. This article should teach you all about the message system Windows Uses, and how to implement it into your Visual Basic Programs.
Make an Active X Control (Step by Step)
by Clint LaFever
A step by step article on how to make an Active X control. In my eyes, I am not an expert but somebody asked me to write this (past comment on another submission) so I did. If you follow it, in the end you will have your own Custom PictureBox control that will have a property to assign a URL to an image to use for its picture along with an event to know when it completed its download. Hope you all enjoy. I did not realize it would take me so long to write.
MThreadVB - The Generic Multithreader For VB
by Srideep Prasad
Learn how to multithread easily and effectively with this powerful award winning component. With a host of intuitive functions and powerful ActiveX(tm) events ! To find out more, download now !!!
Forget Controls MultiMedia. Now By API Support DVD Video Version 6.1
by Abdullah Al-Ahdal
(New version, now version 6.1 with control volume channels audio)
You can here make Controls for audio,video and midi files just by pure Windows API.
you can open,play,pause,resume,stop,close,make control for audio channels,Get Progress,Get Total Time,Get Total frames,Get Number frames per second,SetAutoRepeat,GetCurrent frame (Get current position),Get cuurent time,Get Actual size,Get Current Size,resize the movie,SetDefaultDevice,let you at the end of file..for all types Mu ... (see entry for full description)
Multithreading with multi-instancing and inter-thread communication support
by Srideep Prasad
This article teaches how to multithread safely and effectively using pure VB. No need to use C/C++ or the infamous CreateThread API notorious for its instability with VB 6. Simple and effective code complete with a HTML article documenting the various aspects of Multithreading are included to help you get started right away ! What's more, multiple-app instances are also now supported ! So say goodbye to Timers, crashes, threading API's and "freezing" forms. And if you find this code ... (see entry for full description)
Easy COM based Multichannel Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Between Apps - With InterCommVB II (Updated)
by Srideep Prasad
Learn a new method of dynamically exchanging data between apps - with InterCommVB II. With unparalled power and ease of use, InterCommVB truly allows you to get the max output from minimum code. So you no longer need to tamper around with DDE APIs and other hard Win32 APIs. InterCommVB truely makes implementing DDE a breeze - even a beginner could be implementing DDE with this component. The package also includes an HTML file to help you understand the concepts better, in case you a ... (see entry for full description)
Multithreading in VB!!! (updated)
by Philipp E. Weidmann
Finally it is there! The first multithreading example on PSC. About half a year ago, I looked on PSC for some multithreading stuff and found nothing. Then when I had improved my skills, I finally made my own multithreading code. Now have fun with this and vote for me!!! Updates: -Fixed the bug that the program didn´t exit properly -Added code in the multithreading class that prevents a thread from being created twice -Fixed the bug in the PropertyLet procedure Prio ... (see entry for full description)
Learn How To Make VB Handle Strings As Fast As C (Updated 5-28-02)
by Chris Lucas
If you want your strings routines to be as fast as possible, learn C. If you don't want to learn C use string mapping, its nearly as fast and pure VB. In this article I give you the silver bullet for strings. If strings are bottlenecking your code, I'm your new best friend. I've included a project that attempts to visualize the string for you. It also contains a word count comparision which uses four methods string mapping being the fastest by far (compiled).
A Complete Guide to Web Based Email Systems
by BrainSoft
in this tutorial of 100+ pages, you can get every thing which is mainly related to build a complete web based email system. this artical will cover everthing of SMTP, POP3, MIME and HTTP. you can get a lot of material regarding to different Coding and encoding methods like BASE64 & Quoted Printable. a far better option to read this tutorial instead of reading RFCs. The next sequel of this tutorial will be comming in few weeks. see ya: ... (see entry for full description)
Hack a box
by Cakkie
No, we are not going to do anything illegal here. We are going to hack the MsgBox and InputBox. Let me start by saying that this is !NOT! one of those custom messagebox classes, but this uses the real MsgBox and InputBox functions from VB.
Programming The Windows MCI - Part 1, 2 & 3
by IceWeb Systems
Begin to learn about the Windows MCI's basic functions such as open, play, pause, stop and close. Part 2 includes using progress bars to monitor MCI files and reading ID3 & ID3v2 tags! Part 3 includes resizing video to fit pictureboxes!