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Fastest String Concatenation Yet In Visual Basic


Submitted on: 7/21/2002 12:11:35 PM
By: Chris Lucas 
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 25 Users

Users have accessed this article 2159 times.

(About the author)
     This is the fastest string concatenation method you'll ever come across in Visual Basic. I use a novel buffering technique that leaves the competition choking on my dust.

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  • Faster than anything else (check out screenshot!)
  • No API calls
  • Fully configurable at runtime


    The buffering scheme I've come up with is simplicity itself.  Rather than allocating increasingly large buffers only to move the previous buffer into the new buffer I've taken a different approach.   My buffer is a string array.  When one string fills up the class simply moves on to the next string in the array.   While this seems like a minor change it has two very profound effects on string concatenation.  First, this approach speeds concatenation up dramatically.  This is because buffers are never moved around which obviously takes time.  Second, much larger strings are possible because unlike conventional buffering schemes paged buffering does not require one huge and continuous chunk of memory.


    Paged buffering string concatenation is best implemented as a class module.  I've named this class cFastCat and implemented it as follows:

Read / Write Properties

  • BufferPages - Sets/returns the number of pages contained in the buffer
  • BufferPageSize - Sets/returns the size of each buffer page

Read Only Properties

  • Value - Returns the current string in the buffer.  This is the default property of cFastCat
  • TotalBufferSize - Returns the amount of space in bytes the buffer is currently using.  Because the buffer does not by default free its resources this space can be different from the size of the string in the buffer
  • StringLength - Returns the length in characters of the string in the buffer
  • StringLengthB - Returns the length in bytes of the string in the buffer


  • Append - Concatenates the passed string onto the end of the buffer
  • Flush - Empties the buffer
  • ReleaseMemory - Frees all currently consumed resources

Don't Take My Word For it

    I've included everything in the zip.  A demonstration project is included as well as a full article complete with graphs of the timing results for a variety of calls.  Nothing is faster and all the proof is free for the downloading. Please leave your votes and feedback.

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Other User Comments
7/21/2002 12:15:11 PM:Chris Lucas
If you take the time to read my article please leave your votes and feedback.
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7/21/2002 1:24:44 PM:John Galanopoulos
Hi eisai ellinas?polu kali meleti.sinxaritiria.This is a very well documented project. Really usefull. 5 from me. Keep up.
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7/21/2002 3:15:51 PM:Bobert
This code is simply amazing thank you so much for your excellent contributions.
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7/21/2002 3:24:29 PM:lostcauz
OK, I must admit when I read the description I immediately thought of Robin Schuil's Speed String Concatenation which is awesome. I thought, "I bet he didn't compare this to that one." Well this bench even includes Robin's submission for comparison and beats it hands down! Wow! I am very pleased to see something of substance in this sea of "kiddie scripts" submitted here. Excellent work and 5 globes of course.
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7/21/2002 4:16:38 PM:Chris Lucas
My thanks, I don't like to post something unless I've compared it to everything else out there and it is actually faster, otherwise its a waste of everyone's time.
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7/21/2002 4:33:05 PM:StanTheMan
One word: Wow!
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7/21/2002 7:28:12 PM:Michael W.
I am very impressed. Excellent work :)
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7/22/2002 11:16:02 AM:ViperTECH Software
Yeah, you "sux" too =P Chris, excellent work! Couldn't have done any better, myself.
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7/22/2002 11:53:22 AM:Aldo Vargas
Page Buffering is the fastest method when concatenating small strings. I developed a more simple algorithm that in average is faster than Chris' Page Buffering with large strings, and faster than all the other methods. Public Property Get Value() As String Dim i As Long, NumPages As Long Dim TotalSize As Long, PageLen As Long NumPages = PageCount - 1 For i = 0 To NumPages TotalSize = TotalSize + Len(strPages(i)) Next Value = Space$(TotalSize) If LenB(Value) = 0 Then Exit Property TotalSize = 1 For i = 0 To NumPages PageLen = LenB(strPages(i)) MidB$(Value, TotalSize, PageLen) = strPages(i) TotalSize = TotalSize + PageLen Next End Property Friend Sub Append(strAppend As String) If PageCount > MaxPages Then MaxPages = MaxPages + m_def_BUFFER_PAGES ReDim Preserve strPages(0 To MaxPages) End If strPages(PageCount) = strAppend PageCount = PageCount + 1 End Sub
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7/22/2002 7:22:28 PM:Jigglestheclown
About time we get a good example on here, thanks
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7/22/2002 9:10:11 PM:Jero
I've been using this code snippet for a few months now... (see below) Can't remember where I found it... I think it uses the same method. Its very useful for converting a recordset into a string to send over TCP/IP... Its just a procedure you can copy in and use... The lngOffset is just a Long Variable. All you need do is declare it in the function you Call StrConcat in... All and don't forget to Trim$(strBuffer) after concaternation! It works about as fast as the code listed here... seemingly a little faster if you increase the reps to over 10000, there is really nothing in it though when I used Chris's timer to time this procedure against his. This proc seems a tad slower the lesser amount of repetitions there is?!? If you want to know why these methods are so fast, its because Visual Basic is seemingly slow allocating the 'space' for the appended string. I think from memory the function Space$() causes a bottleneck when called 1000's of times.
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7/22/2002 9:11:10 PM:Jero
Private Sub StrConcat(ByRef strBuffer As String, ByRef strAppend As String, ByRef lngOffset As Long) Dim lngLen As Long lngLen = Len(strAppend) If (lngOffset + lngLen) >= Len(strBuffer) Then If lngLen > 4096 Then strBuffer = strBuffer & Space$(lngLen) Else strBuffer = strBuffer & Space$(4096) End If End If Mid$(strBuffer, lngOffset + 1, lngLen) = strAppend lngOffset = lngOffset + lngLen End Sub
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7/22/2002 10:17:51 PM:Chris Lucas
Thanks for all your votes and feedback. This last code sample here looks almost exactly like the conventional string buffering method so I doubt that it is faster than paged buffering, could be though, I'll test it later and let you all know. Anyway, I hope this class helps you out and I'll keep looking for ways to make it even faster.
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7/22/2002 10:26:35 PM:Chris Lucas
So I'm curious, do we really need to concatenate strings this fast and this big? I'm all about chasing that last 1% but I'm wondering if anyone else really cares...and if so what are you doing that you make such massive strings?
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7/22/2002 10:43:05 PM:MerliN Projects
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7/23/2002 3:10:41 AM:Dreamlax
Chris Lucas: I suppose if you wanting to join a whole bunch of things from a database... but even so.
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7/23/2002 10:05:55 AM:Hawkeye
Loved the code. Excellent work. 5 globes. I am working on an enhancement that will allow searching, and specific location of individual strings appended during the course of program use, by implementing a dictionary object that holds a type structure defining specific information for each buffer and each string added. You call it 'page buffering', but, in essence, it is just a series of buffers, designated by size, in a an array, is it not? These could not be compared, for instance, to an SQL Server data page? Thanks for the great code.
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7/23/2002 11:04:50 AM:Chris Lucas
Yeah, I call it paged buffering because I think its an apt physical analogy of whats really happening. I'm glad so many people are using and extending this method, does my heart good to see code actually used.
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7/24/2002 10:26:20 AM:Paul Caton
Chris, re what for? I'll be using it for base64 decoding... but not this week. Possibly also to concatenate html strings in a web class.
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7/24/2002 12:44:20 PM:mark jackson
I've been following the 'fast strings' race for a while now, and enjoy the healthy and usefull competition. It's nice when parsing text to be able to manipulate it quickly. Love the idea of a class module to handle the details. The more features to play with VB strings the better.
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