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Multithreading with multi-instancing and inter-thread communication support


Submitted on: 7/3/2001 3:29:55 AM
By: Srideep Prasad  
Level: Advanced
User Rating: By 136 Users

Users have accessed this article 20761 times.
(About the author)
     This article teaches how to multithread safely and effectively using pure VB. No need to use C/C++ or the infamous CreateThread API notorious for its instability with VB 6. Simple and effective code complete with a HTML article documenting the various aspects of Multithreading are included to help you get started right away ! What's more, multiple-app instances are also now supported ! So say goodbye to Timers, crashes, threading API's and "freezing" forms. And if you find this code useful, remember that your vote will be GREATLY APPRECIATED ! (NOTE: When you create your own multithreaded app, set the threading model to "Thread per object") NO EXPERIENCE OF C/C++ IS REQUIRED . SO NO NEED TO GO RUNNING ABOUT FOR A VC++ COMPILER. ENTIRELY BASED ON MICROSOFT'S ACTIVEX TECHNOLOGY FAMOUS FOR ITS SCALABILITY AND STABILITY. AND FOR THE SCEPTICS, THIS DEMO CAN CREATE 102 THREADS FOR A MEAGRE RAM MEMORY REQUIREMENT OF 2.5MB ALTOGETHER (A STANDARD BLANK FORM EXE TAKES AROUNG 2.0 MB OF MEMORY IN WIN98 FE) IF YOU FIND THIS ARTICLE USEFUL PLEASE VOTE FOR ME ! [REQUIRES VB 5(Sp2) / VB 6)

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Multithreading - Understanding the pros and cons
One of the greatest problems of the earlier Win16 environment was that an application could do only one thing at one time (that is "single thread"). However with the advent of Windows NT 3.5x, this changed. In 1995, with the release of Windows 95 this ultra powerful technique came to be used in the common PC.
So what is the use of Multithreading ? - Consider Microsoft Word 97 or higher. It checks spelling while you type ! It does it by multithreading - i.e running two "threads" (in layman's language a "thread" is nothing but a piece of code, a sub or function running simultaneously with the main program). In VB 5, a new function AddressOf was introduced that enabled VB programmers to get the address of any public function in a standard module. This enabled developers to use the CreateThread API to create raw Win32 threads. Though this was effective in VB 5.0, with VB 6.0 it crashes miserably !
Even at planet-source-code.com, I came across a multithreading demo using the CreateThread API. Though THE PROGRAM works with VB 6, it is VERY unstable. Also For ... Next loops, Msgbox..., Open .. etc statements do NOT work in the multithreaded procedures!

Does this mean we cannot multithread safely !? Does it mean that we have to worry about "exception errors" and GPF's popping up any time ?

The Answer is a BIG NO !
Multithreading is VERY easy once you master the concepts... So just have a look at the sample code.. You will understand just how easy it is to perform true and safe multithreading in VB !
If you gained any information, or if this article is useful to you, a vote of yours will be appreciated. If you found it useless.... just DELETE it !

Multithreading In VB 6 - The Safe Way

The trick to effective and safe multithreading in VB is to use the ActiveX EXE project type (set to standalone EXE). The trick here is to create a new object on a new thread by callin the CreateObject() function and to create the Form that you want to be multithreaded from within this object. As a reult the form is created on a new thread, both of them can run almost independently of the other ! The only problem is managing the code re-enterancy - VB calls the Sub main() procedure every time a new object is created - we must find whether the main window is shown or not - if not we must initialize it. This method is actually very easy ! Just check out the sample code and I am sure that you will be Multithreading right away

What's more - this code now even demonstrates how to communicate between threads !

And if you found this code useful - be sure to vote for me ! After all, coding is a tough job, and so is writing a tutorial !

IMPORTANT: You can now download a new generic multithreader component at the following link http://planet-source-code.com/vb/default.asp?lngCId=26900&lngWId;=1  . This component allows you to multithread any sub or function in a standard EXE. No ActiveX EXEs needed (PS:Thanks for all your votes And I am happy to know that my articles are of some use to you !)

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Other User Comments
7/8/2001 11:37:44 AM:Srideep Prasad
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/16/2001 3:17:15 AM:Edwin Vermeer
You probably would like to communicate between the instances of youre executable. I did something like this in an app of mine. The code pasted below is a rip from this project, so it probably need some rewriting. If you want to do this, then create a form with the name parser. The code in the main module is also a litle different. Here it comes: '------------------------------- ---- ' Put this code in the beginning of your app. '--------------------------------- -- Dim bSubApp as Boolean If App.PrevInstance = True Then ' Send message to master app dim txtPrevHandle as String dim lngPrevHandle as String bSubApp = True load Parser DoEvents txtPrevHandle = GetSetting(App.Title, "ActiveWindow", "Handle") lngPrevHandle = CLng(Val(txtPrevHandle)) Doevents SendMessage lngPrevHandle, WM_SETTEXT, 0, ByVal CStr("SubApp ") & Str(Parser!CommandParser.hwnd) DoEvents Else ' Open parser form bSubApp = False load Parser DoEvents End If
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7/16/2001 3:17:48 AM:Edwin Vermeer
'------------------------------------- ' Put the code below in the parser form '--------------------------------- --- Dim lngSubApp() as Long Private Sub Form_Load() If not bSubApp SaveSetting App.Title, "ActiveWindow", "Handle", Str(CommandParser.hwnd) Redim lngSubApp(0) as Long End If End Sub Private Sub CommandParser_Change() Dim txtCommand as String Dim txtSubCommand as String txtCommand = left(CommandParser, instr(1, CommandParser & " ", " ") - 1) txtSubCommand = trim(Mid(CommandParser, instr(1, CommandParser & " ", " "))) Select Case txtCommand Case "SubApp" ' Keep track of all the sub applications Redim Preserve lngSubApp(Ubound(lngSubApp)+1) As Long lngSubApp(Ubound(lngSubApp)) = CLng(Val(txtSubCommand)) Case "Quit" End End Select CommandParser = "" End Sub
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7/16/2001 3:19:46 AM:Edwin Vermeer
Sorry for the layout. :(
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7/16/2001 5:02:06 AM:Srideep Prasad
Thanks Edwin ! Anyway, I already know of a method to communicate between instances. You can use Mailslots for this, and I have also achieved inter-thread communication.
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8/14/2001 7:19:00 AM:Neil Giddings
Hold on here m8, I just tested this out as I too am really struggling with threads and thought this may work. This isn't multi-threading properly, if I put a do loop in the main form to display the time in the caption with a doevents in the code to allow me to click button etc and as part of the form load in the other form, which should be multitasked, I put a msgbox and run the code this is what I get. The timer ticks away and updates as I would expect it too but then I hit the button to create a new form the msgbox is displayed and halts the time being updated. So it isn't multi tasking at all. Can you help me out, as to what's wrong?
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8/14/2001 12:49:56 PM:Srideep Prasad
Neil - The problem you have mentioned has a simple solution - Check out your e-mail since I have e-mail the solution to you
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8/25/2001 4:21:52 AM:Kristi
Good work,got 5 :)
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8/29/2001 6:07:35 PM:JimM
Srideep: How can I get one thread to terminate another?
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8/30/2001 1:12:36 PM:Srideep Prasad
Jimm, I have e-mail a solution to your problem.. Please check your mailbox
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9/6/2001 5:45:17 PM:Tomfoolry
Why not post the answers to the questions here instead of emailing them.
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9/6/2001 11:06:18 PM:Nazer Mohamed
Got 5! Please proceed with posting answers and try not to send the mail.
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9/7/2001 7:12:18 AM:Hawkeye
Excellent article!! Very timely, I might add, as I have employed the techniques in a large database program I am creating for my client. BTW, could you send a copy of the answers you have emailed to the other commenters, as I have similar problems. Thank you and, please keep bringing this information to our attention.
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9/7/2001 1:03:43 PM:Srideep Prasad
THANKS FOR ALL YOUR VOTES ! But I would like to let all of you know that I have developed a generic multithreader that you can use to implement multithreading in any Standard EXE. You could check out the code at - http://planet-source-code.com/vb/defau lt.asp?lngCId=26900&lngWId;=1
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9/17/2001 6:30:11 AM:Bard
Is the most up-to-date code available to download from Planet-Source-Code.com?
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9/24/2001 9:48:23 PM:Yannick
Srideep: I would also like to know how to get one thread to terminate another?
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9/24/2001 9:49:38 PM:Yannick
Srideep: I would also like to know how to get one thread to terminate another?
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11/7/2001 11:26:49 AM:Donald Derrick
This is excellent code. It has helped me get an assignment that aught to have been given to the C++ coders done. Now all I need is a timer w/ callbacks and w/o the need to a hwnd!
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11/11/2001 3:29:07 AM:sherwin
this+works+great%2E++but+it+doesnt+work+ dlls+being+called+by+ASP+and+registered+ under+COM+%2FMTS%2C+please+help%2E
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7/17/2002 1:58:45 PM:Luis Cantero
Thanks a lot for this tutorial, I had some issues with it and I posted the solutions I've found for everyone to profit: http://www.planet-source-code.c om/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=369 97&lngWId;=1
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7/17/2002 3:51:25 PM:Dusp2000
Well, how do you send data from the mainform to the different threads and from thread to thread ??? Tnx
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9/20/2002 10:08:32 AM:TV2k.net
I DID IT! I created a working, kinda fast small HTTP server with this! =)
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9/28/2002 9:33:40 AM:
Good Work Srideep, but I have some difficulties here. When I use this example with Winsock control, either bind nor listen with UDP / TCP protocol, I got an error msg. telling that the 'Addresses is in use', How can I solve this problem. Anyway 5 globe from me...
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