Forget Controls MultiMedia. Now By API Support DVD Video Version 6.1 |
| | | | Submitted on: 7/15/2000 2:18:20 AM
By: Abdullah Al-Ahdal
Level: Advanced User Rating:
By 128 Users Compatibility:
Users have accessed this article 49132 times. | |
| | (New version, now version 6.1 with control volume channels audio)
You can here make Controls for audio,video and midi files just by pure Windows API.
you can open,play,pause,resume,stop,close,make control for audio channels,Get Progress,Get Total Time,Get Total frames,Get Number frames per second,SetAutoRepeat,GetCurrent frame (Get current position),Get cuurent time,Get Actual size,Get Current Size,resize the movie,SetDefaultDevice,let you at the end of file..for all types Multimedia qt,mov, dat,snd, mpg, mpa, mpv, enc, m1v, mp2,mp3, mpe, mpeg, mpm
au,snd, aif, aiff, aifc,wav,avi,mid,rmi,(and *.vob this format for dvd video)...etc. This article has accompanying files | |
![](../../upload/ScreenShots/PIC2000816175241286.JPG ) |
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Are you Sure wanna using API to Playing video or audio files and forget ocx?
Version 6.1
you Sure wanna using Windows API to Playing video *.dat) or audio
(including (including *.mpg and *.mp3) or Midi files and forget
Then Download this source.
know the Controls like MCI32.ocx, ActiveMovie and Media player
can do this but the control have disadvantages like it size about
more than 90 kb,but now your program just will increased 6 kilo
bytes(this size of the Module) and not take system resources.
Note : This
source code Support DVD's Video if you had VGA Card Support DVD
like ATI RAGE II Or All in Wonder 128.
Please reRead
the description for Function OpenMultimedia in the Module or in
the form(This simple update for version 5.0)
for this Source Code
1-This code
Just use Windows API
calls (no ocx) ,no install new dll.
2-This code
work useful for Windows98,Windows
2000 and Windows NT without installing any
other programs.
3-It has ready
functions in the Module or Dll for Standerd use just for
copy and paste in your own projects.
4-More faster than WinAmp and Xing
Mpeg in playing and viewing Movie.
5-It can
playing all Multimedia files by less
lines included mp3,mpg,avi,wav..etc.
6-It has the
most controls for multimedia files(keep on
reading the page and you will know the controls).
7-It can open
all movie files.
8-It have descriptions.
9-It Include
four Sources in the zip (three for vb and dll in C++).
10-It for all
Levels (advanced - intermediate - beginner).
11-very easy
(read the code carefully).
12-Others (keep
on reading this page).
This code Updated to be more well Download
it again
reRead the descriptions for function OpenMultimedia in
the form or in the Module.
Version 6.1
Special thanks to "Hans de Vries"
For Notice me about bug when playing rmi files in some
computers (it was repaired).
Version 6.0
For request Members planet-source-code
I add four Functions:
1-Two Functions to deal with
volume audio for every channel(left or right) or the the
one to get volume for every channel
audio and the another to set volume for every channel or
the both.
NOTE: Contolling with volume for
every Multimedia file not for all Multimedia files(not
like Mixer windows).
2-Two Functions to deal with
Rate playing Multimedia file (one to increase speed
playing or decrease speed playing and the another to get
current Rate).
NOTE: Contolling with Rate for every
Multimedia file not for all Multimedia files.
Via this version you can watch a
movie file and also playing mp3 file at the same time and
decrease the volume for mp3 in one channel or the both.
See the screenshot.
Good luke.
Version 5.0
1-In this version there were
common errors in Windows 2000 was repaired (now the
code useful for win2000).
2-I added Function for
Channels Audio Control (see the screenshot).
the Advantages
for this Update?
you can here play on Left channel
audio file and on right channel another audio file at the
same time Or:
play the file two times at the same
time one on the left and the another on the right.
Click on buttons "Demo" to
see some effect by this way.
Note: you must Extract all files
from the zip.
Good luke.
(Update IIII)
were some common errors in Windows NT4 was repaired (Special
thanks to Alex for notice me)
I added function for request memebers to get the actual
size and current size.
the update just in source "MultiMedia Contoller"
(Update III)
added the source code which sent to MSDN library and it
Update for previous version from "Pure API".
the Advantages for this Update?
It can open more than one Multimedia
file at the same time and play it .
(you can play more than one mp3 or
movie at the same time).
Important note: You can play a lot
files at same time if it from type "MPEGVideo"
this mean just the following types you can play it
altogther :
dat,snd, mpg, mpa, mpv, enc, m1v, mp2,mp3, mpe, mpeg, mpm au,snd, aif, aiff,
and the
following types can not play altogether :
becsause the sound card will be busy.
most peoples using mpg,dat,mov,etc for the movie and mp3,mp2,mp1,wav,etc
for the audio and if you have movie (avi) you can convert
it to mpg ,dat ,mov or any other mpegs types and play it
if you
wanna the ways to convert avi to mpegs types please
contact to me at :
this will benefit you if you wanna
make some simple games,,etc.
see the picture in this page to show
the program.
added two Functions one to Get Frames per Second
the Another to let you know if the File Multimedia at the
End (this benefit you if you wanna play a list of
Multimedia Files).
You can by this update to
open any file even have spaces.(Special Thanks to Janet)
And I added two Functions to
repair any problem will met you if you used Xing Mpeg
You can here Play all MultiMeida Files by
Pure API
in first if you wanna playing these types:
qt , mov, dat,snd, mpg, mpa, mpv, enc, m1v, mp2,mp3, mpe,
mpeg, mpm
au , snd, aif, aiff, aifc,wav.
The Secret is:
You Must use when you write Command To MCI by Function
mciSendString write like this :
open c:\myfile type MpegVideo .......etc
note: we written "MpegVideo" as a type
and we will written
open c:\myfile type AviVideo .......etc
if we wanna opening avi files
I got this info "MPEGVideo"
for how you can plays MPEGs types from my experinace when
I openned file system.ini and I saw the section of MCI
like this: |
extensions |
Type |
extensions |
Type |
snd |
MPEGVideo |
Mid |
Sequencer |
qt |
MPEGVideo |
MPEGVideo |
dat |
MPEGVideo |
wav |
waveaudio |
mpg |
MPEGVideo |
AVIVideo |
mpeg |
MPEGVideo |
cda |
CDAudio |
mpe |
MPEGVideo |
MPEGVideo |
mpa |
MPEGVideo |
aiff |
MPEGVideo |
mp2 |
MPEGVideo |
aifc |
MPEGVideo |
mov |
MPEGVideo |
m1v |
MPEGVideo |
au |
MPEGVideo |
vob (DVD) |
MPEGVideo |
this mean if you wanna open mpg or
dat file you will choose
type "MpegVideo"
and if you wanna open avi Files you will choose type
And Remember Dealing with type "MpegVideo" like
dealing with type
You can also found this info I downloaded it in a
Complete program in planet source in the past
Under Name "MPEG
to playing video in any place you want for e.g. in your
anyway maybe you will say now I wanna a standard commands
in a module or dll to dealing with
"MpegVideo" and other types like :
1-Open most
multimmedia files
2-Playing it
3-Pause it
4- Stop it
5-Resume it
6-Close it
7-Get Current position(current
8-Get current time
9-Get Percent of playing
10-make it auto Repeat
11-Get Total frames
12- Get Total Time
13-Get the Status of file if
it "playing or stopped or paused"
14-Get actual size (new).
15-Get current size (new).
16-Resize the movie.
17-Get number frames per
18-let you know if
multimedia at the end now.
19-Get current Rate.(new)
20-increase or decrease rate
21-Get current volume for
every channel (left or right) or the both.(new)
22-Set volume for every
channel (left or right) or the both.(new)
23- turn off or turn on
every channel or the both.(new)
You have three ways to doing this:
1-if you are using VB and wanna uses
module in your code and calling the functions from it (this
option is the best for you).the exe are "Multimedia
Controller.exe" and "Pure API.exe"
2-if you are using VB and wanna uses
library dll made by C++ to calling functions the exe is
3-if you are using VC++ and wanna
calling functions from dll or copy and paste the functons
in your projects.(well option for who using VC++)
Note there are Update III which sent
to MSDN library under name "Multimedia Controller"
Please Download the code and read it
I downloaded the source of the dll.
you are wanna using the module you can calling the
functions from the Module without using the dll.
if you are advanced you can read the dll and the module
or if you are Beginner just copy and
paste the module in your project and just
know how you can calling the functions(very easy for all
levels Advanced -Intermediate-Beginner).
Note : I written the DLL in C++ and
the Module in Visual basic for Planet-Source Specially
and for standard use and you can Develop it,but please
send to me a copy:).
Note all Multimedia extensions you can play
You have in Module and dll a standard
Functions for all users to Do what you want in Multimedia(commands
very easy, any one can use it)
I Think You will never use any controls for
Multimedia If you Downloaded This Code.
I think you
while reading the source you will forget vote me , don't forget=:)Okay?.
Sample Movie
Run the
program and Select the Movie which you downloaded it
1-Click on
button "open" and
2-write in
textbox "from" Value "20"
3-write in
textbox "to" Value "70"
4-Click on
button "play"
5-Set check
auto repeat true
This Example
will let the movie played from frame number 20 to frame
number 70
Listen the
Songer will say "Think in love" (just). :).
if you want
to play the file from beginning to end remove any value
from testbox "from"
and textbox
"to" .Enjoy :)
| |
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Other 8 submission(s) by this author
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Other User Comments |
7/15/2000 7:15:27 PM:Chris Gerber Great code man!!! I was actually workin
on this kind of program for a week
now...and I guess I was thinking the
same thing cuz mine is almost the same
as yours, well the main parts. Again,
Great code! Keep up the good work!
Hey, u know how to add in your own
audio effects? Kinda like in WinAmp.
I've been toying with that idea for a
while now...but no success. Could u
help me?
7/15/2000 9:21:09 PM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal thank you Chris Gerber
okay,for Your
request I will do research for you,But
please tell your e-mail for contacting
in future.
My e-mail:
7/17/2000 2:34:03 AM:Mack 10 great code i love the way it works
great job, not many people can do such
work. good job
7/17/2000 6:32:42 AM:Kristof Excellent code, man. Say, would you by
any chance also know the code for an
mp3-encoder ? If not, still great
program. My e-mail:
7/17/2000 8:51:36 AM:bwsoft Looks good. Hey, do you know how to
set the callback to get notification
when a playing midi has reached the end
(not looped) so the program can start
another? Been looking for that for a
while now...
7/17/2000 10:22:48 AM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal Hello Kristof
the mp3-encoder was
downloaded in planet source by
Ultimatum at this
7/17/2000 10:26:04 AM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal Okay bwsoft ,
You have a lot ways to
know if the Playing at the of the file
you can get a current frame and
compare it with a last frame in a timer
and if the result of compare true you
will have a ready Function to do what
you want after line compare.
Anyway I
will Updated the code soon (and I will
let you know that) to Include Function
Callback more Easly.
7/18/2000 12:02:19 AM:VBGuru This is Great! Can't wait to plug it
in and run it through the gauntlet of
my code to see what happens...
7/19/2000 11:42:13 PM:vblukey Wow wow
I'm not saw like this code
have clean copy from windows98 and
windows2000, your code work very
you put in this code full
control because of this I must vote for
Good Job man
7/20/2000 12:42:56 AM:DataWipe Hey Great Code!!! It really works even
in Windows 2000!!! I was looking for a
code like this for months! I was
wondering... would you by any chance
know the code for broadcasting
streaming video over the net? Both
server and client side? If you know or
can help me in any way contact me at
Thanx :)
7/20/2000 1:15:31 AM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal yeah DataWipe,
This code work in
Windows 2000 and Windows 98 without
installing any other programs and it
faster than WinAmp and Xing MPEG in
playing and Viewing Movie.
I will
contact to you for your request by
7/20/2000 5:43:44 AM:SoftTech Corp Do you know how to add a visual
effacts, a graphic equlizer or something
7/20/2000 9:57:53 AM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal I'm now in away to doing some effacts
by DirectX.
any way send to me your
7/20/2000 10:01:41 AM:hnguyen It's great! It can be use like a
tutorial/trainning in this field. Keep
up your good work and thank you so much.
7/20/2000 2:18:08 PM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal Oh, I forget telling members. the MSDN
library not Contain Example for how you
can Playing MPEG by Pure API(this
code). Just there are (in MSDN) how you
can playing AVI,sequencer,CDAudio,,etc.
Remember I'm wrriten this new info for
you (for Planet Source) Note: I'm Sent
this info to MSDN Library. Enjoy
7/24/2000 3:00:56 AM:FireBot This code made the music glitch, like
on the radio. Winamp does a much better
job and I'll be sticking with Winamp.
Also... this needs an EQ badly.
7/24/2000 3:32:50 PM:Justin This is nice code. Firebot, you need to
respect the effort and time he put into
this example instead of putting it
down. Very well done
7/24/2000 11:28:12 PM:vblukey FireBot Why you want to put this code
down and vote by pure. your vote must
be excellent.
this is a great code and
it did which a lot persons can not
Thank you Abdullah for Update
III its realy cool.
I think you will
be programmer at microsoft.
7/25/2000 12:27:53 AM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal thank you vblukey.
sorry vblukey you
have an error in your comment
mean poor not pure this will change the
meaning :).
Oh, how you know my aim
(working at microsoft).
7/25/2000 4:44:44 AM:El Pimalubadachi Great code! May I use this code in a
program that I will distribute for free?
7/25/2000 4:51:37 AM:Justin bravo, bravo
7/25/2000 6:13:16 AM:FireBot I didn't mean, as you say 'putting it
down' I was mearly stating the bad
side-effects. If it had an EQ and
glitch-free this would be awesome. Also
better playlist, shuffle, repeat and
the like would add greatly to this.
7/25/2000 11:26:23 AM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal Okay El Pimalubadachi ,
you can use it
in your own free programs
I written
it for standard use for all programmers
(written once to use it every time).
copy the module in your project and
start in your project.
Enjoy :).
7/28/2000 5:08:09 PM:M. Amine It's a great work. keep up the good work
7/29/2000 7:21:32 AM:El Pimalubadachi Can you please mail me the declaration
code that I need for MP3. I only want
to play MP3's, no other fileformats and
no forms etc. I just can't find out
which API call of your source I
My mail adress:
7/29/2000 10:09:40 AM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal Hello El Pimalubadachi ,
Please note
the code was commently well (without
noisy)for standard use for all, just
take a minute in reading the code and
after this you will be apply to do a
lot controls for all Multimedia files
include mp3.
and note the commands
which play mp3 files also plays the
movies files.
Just insert the Module
to your project (the module not large)
and make your own project.
7/31/2000 3:58:52 AM:Osama Mohamed El sayed Hi man, that's great work from you and
i hope to contact with me
8/3/2000 5:30:11 AM:JistaBout This is AWESOME code my friend. Just
don't forget us little guys when you
get that new job at Microsoft. Oh yeah
and when you get there could you update
VB so it makes Stand-alone .EXEs?
:)(Just kidding) . Anyway,again - GREAT
8/7/2000 4:35:32 PM:Harry Newman Very good code well commented and very
useful. Just one request, do you know
how to change the speed of playing the
video. At present we use Windows Media
Player and VB and the .Rate property
allows us to speed up playback. Can you
do the same with API calls in your code.
8/7/2000 10:31:35 PM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal Hi all,
Any one had a request,new info
want to add it to this code please
e-mail me to:
remember if you added new info to this
code it will written by your
8/9/2000 6:51:28 PM:opello Wow! Great code! (That's all I have to
8/11/2000 10:56:00 PM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal Hi All,
I downloaded Version 5.0
before one minute from now.
Good luke
with Version 5.0
8/13/2000 1:34:37 AM:Andranoa Wow! Thank you for Version 5.0.It realy
work in Windows 2000.
It had some of
Effects SB live 128.
Keep up the good
8/14/2000 10:23:13 PM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal Hello all,
Sooner cool update (Version
6.0).this will occur after one or two
Write your e-mail here or send
it to to notice you.
8/16/2000 5:57:03 PM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal Version 6.0 was uploaded before one
minute from now.Enjoy.
8/16/2000 5:58:49 PM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal Hello Harry Newman,
Your request was
Good luke.
8/17/2000 10:36:28 PM:Andranoa Wow!!This code done very well in
playing DVD Video!!
Thanks for new
Update (Channels for Audio & Rate).
8/20/2000 6:11:20 PM:[_Gato_] Mi sincero comentario
trabajo..! (Great job..!)
8/24/2000 4:13:24 AM:Bernhard Excellent Code. I put all those OCX
away and use only this!
8/28/2000 11:57:56 PM:Johan Liljora Cool Code,
Keep up the good work.
8/29/2000 12:54:09 AM:Alejandro Congratulations! your code has solved
one of my big troubles: mix two audio
files... i´m working now on overlap one
audio file over another audio file
(Great for Dj´s and radio
Congratulations (and sorry
for my bad english) i´m from Argentina.
8/30/2000 2:44:36 PM:JB Great program but the sample movie link
is broken!
9/2/2000 6:11:35 AM:Gideon Can you play RealVideo and RealAudio
with it. There are no bugs so far.
9/6/2000 6:34:29 AM:Chris Excelent man
9/7/2000 5:09:45 PM:Tom Walker Very good, can I use the DVD code to
make a freeware DVD Player?
9/8/2000 3:55:48 AM:Randy Porosky GREAT Code!! Hey Can You Post a
Complete List of Supported File
Formats!? Thanks!!
10/10/2000 5:31:52 AM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal Hi everybody,
Sorry for response too
late because I really too busy.
sorry for the request which I'm not
answer it,are you know the total
requests (the questions) which I
received it!
it over than 120 question
and 95% answered successd.and sorry for
the other Questions.
anyway good luke
and soon someThings specail in
programming world for VB will
you will see it.
and for all
you had the full
permission to use the code.
if you
used this Code in your own program and
you want to put something about me then
you can write the company name :
again : Good Luke.
10/16/2000 2:26:29 AM:Eli Sorry does not work for
me...MMSYSTEM263 ERROR! :(
10/16/2000 4:59:17 AM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal Eli ,
As you seen, everybody on this
site ,said the code work useful with
the most computers!,
if you want me
follow to slove a problem in your
computer you can e-mail me at :
and I will slove
it,but the code work in every computer
and it Standard.
10/27/2000 6:16:13 AM:nribeiro Brilliant code: well written, well
documented and, most importantly, the
author allows for its reuse. Thank you
Abdullah for sharing your knowledge and
your work.
10/28/2000 4:45:35 PM:VeeJay Tell me something... Why does the
voting only go to Excellent. Couldn't
they think of anything higher than
Dim Code As Variant
Code =
Excellent ^ (Int(99 *
Just a
11/11/2000 12:41:14 PM:Matthew Excelent code man!!! really cool, its
helped me a lot...
Would it be
possible to add features like change
brightness and more image
11/18/2000 6:22:39 PM:Lewis C That is simply brilliant. Well done,
very well done! Just one think: if I
want to play MP3s, do I need the Mpeg
layer3 codec installed? if anyone
knows, mail me at
thank you very
much =))
11/19/2000 12:30:49 AM:Maxw0lf Should be Region free 100%
11/20/2000 10:25:32 AM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal Hello again all members,
I'm very
sorry for response too late because I
really not had a time and I'm working
now on the largest projects on my
anyway, for request "Lewis
then if you want to play mp3's
files you need mp3 codec and it
avilable with Windows98 installion,then
this mean this code uses Windows API
please make sure you installed
the mp3 codec when you installing
windows98 by choose on Control panal
"Add/Remove" and Add the Multimedia
and for
Windows9x,Windows2000 and NT every one
the code work very well.
to be sure
the code work very well then read the
previous comments on this
again I'm very sorry for
response too late because I'm really
and sorry for not answering some
of newest questions.
11/20/2000 10:46:39 AM:Abdullah Al-Ahdal oh Matthew,
I forgot to tell you!
your request:
add features like
change brightness and more image
IS PART from my newest
project which I working on it
anyway,I know this project not
for free but I'll not forget my brother
by a demo copy!
Good luke.
11/23/2000 7:50:32 PM:Řyvind Buljo Hey man! Great code! I wonder if you
know how to make visual effects, a
graphic equlizer or something like
that. I've been searching for such code
for months now... Anyway, thanks for
sharing your code with us!
12/7/2000 10:28:15 AM:Jag I am getting MMSYSTEM263 error stating
this is not registered MCI device. How
do I change that part. Also in the call
dll sample its looking for an
engine.dll file to witch I have. If you
can help me out a little. Thanks Later
12/25/2000 4:32:48 I love your code, but I'm having a
major problem with the focus in the
12/25/2000 4:33:47 PM:Chaz I love your code, but I'm having a
major problem with the focus in the
"Close" functions. In my program, I run
a loop on multipile media files
(sometimes over a hundred) and load
their data (ie: length, frames,
screensize, etc) into a listbox. So in
the loop, it opens the specified file,
reads the data, then closes it. The
problem is, the mci function to close
the media file causes the program to
lose focus for a split second. This is
not a major thing when your closing 1
file... but when you're opening and
closing hundred of files at a time, my
program blinks crazily and
uncontrollibly. I mean, the function
itself works perfectly, but it makes my
program look terribly unprofessional
and "sketchy" the way it keeps losing
and regaining focus. Is their any way I
can keep the focus on my program, even
while closing a media file?
1/18/2001 1:02:59 PM:Eli Jennefer Oh,
really I don't know what I must to
say or do for you,all which I have to
2/2/2001 1:23:11 PM:Fajardo finally a programming jewel..
2/13/2001 5:38:33 PM:Kennet Can I use this exelent code with two
soundcards? How do I select wich device
I want to play on?
Keep up the very
good work!
3/6/2001 3:40:08 PM:Bob Excellent code Abdullah, thank you.
I have one question, I can really use
this in a .lib format for static
linking in C/C++, have you done one? If
so can you post it?
Thanks again.
3/6/2001 3:43:12 PM:Bob Excellent code Abdullah!
I have one
question for you, have you made a .lib
for this that can be used as a static
link to a C/C++ project?
If so can
you share it?
Thanks again.
3/17/2001 12:07:29 PM:nahoj This code is really super good,
Excellent job Abdullah, finally
somebody spend some time to set use all
I have one question
Can you
implement the use of two soundcards,
then this code would be great to make
my own MP3 mixer.
Many Thanks for
sharing this code
3/26/2001 2:34:29 PM:Rich NICE CODE! Except that when I try and
load any movie file (avi, mpg
The micsendstring always
returns the error:
3/29/2001 12:01:31 AM:David Nice piece of work! Can I use this
module in a program that we are going
to sell? It's made for children and has
lots of video. They just need to be
able to play, pause, and stop the video.
4/3/2001 8:09:09 AM:Anil Raghav Fantastic....just great.
Is there a
way to avoid the distorsion, when the
rate is changed, I mean, when the
decrease the rate, the quality of sound
is poor...
Thanks for this great of the best till date :)
4/17/2001 12:46:13 PM:Prakash Kapadia I am studying Advanced VB, and I have
class project. I did it but
4/17/2001 12:47:21 PM:Prakash Kapadia I am studying Advanced VB, and I have
class project. I did it but
it has
some problem.
I appreciate for your
Please let me know your email,
so I can email my file to look at
and help me to correct it.
you very much.
My email address is
5/14/2001 5:38:59 PM:Masterand Yeah, not bad!
5/15/2001 6:31:24 PM:Richard Hi,
I must say this is excellent code.
So far I have learned a great deal
about programming in multimedia only by
using this codeset. Very Good!!
I do
have a few questions left.. How do I
switch a playing video to fullscreen
and back without pausing, stopping.. I
can initiate play with fullscreen fine,
but I would like to click a button
while it is playing and have it switch
to fullscreen. Like WMP7 does...
am interested to hear from you. Keep up
the great
6/12/2001 3:37:09 PM:codesucks The code solved one of my queries
easily. An excellent well documented
piece of code. Well done.
8/20/2001 8:59:01 AM:David Very nice code. Works well on Windows
95,98, and Me. Am experiencing problems
on Windows 2000 however. Have you had
any other such reports?
8/21/2001 4:08:55 AM:Kristi Oops,This is the best code I've ever
seen for full player with full
Thank you for sharing
your works with us!
And I have to Tell
David,My OS right now is Win2k and this
code works fine with me!
8/26/2001 4:22:29 PM:Ross First, I wanna say that this has got to
be the best module for playing
multimedia files that I have ever seen.
But I do have one request if it's not
too much trouble. I have 2 sound
cards. Is there a way to choose which
one I want it to play through? Please
email me at Thanks
in advance!
9/14/2001 2:31:18 PM:Gael Seems there are some problems playing
.mov quicktime 5 file (don't know for
other format 4 or less ?).MCI driver
fail with error MMSYSTEM263.
(OS used
WinME ?) Any help ?
9/25/2001 2:53:15 PM:IceWeb Systems Truly a revolution in MCI coding.
However a few problems have arised.
Within you program the code works fine
but if i try to input it into mine i
get an MMSYSTEM 263 error: This device
is not registered. Any
p.s. Any ideas on how to
make RealMedia work because it does not
use MCI devices.
10/4/2001 5:38:59 AM:Erik I'm using W2K and the code doesn't seem
to work for me :-(
The old code
however (WithOutDLLJustAPI) does work
fine but when I end the sample code VB6
The newest code gives the
same error as written in many other
feedbacks (device not
Any ideas how to solve
these problems?
p.s. Your
code seems to be great and I would love
to use it !!
10/14/2001 3:16:13 PM:Ales Zigon Yeah, man!
All of the above!! Good
How about graphic EQ? Would be
10/14/2001 9:38:39 PM:JohnBC Very well documented...
I'm pretty new
to this language, as well as API calls,
this is going to make my learning curve
a lot easier THANKS! (5 Stars)
ps as
good as this is this guy must not get
out much haha :-)
10/31/2001 6:20:47 PM:Norbert Doerre This is really a well done
What I'm looking for,
is a code snippet on how to get access
to the audio out channels of the mixer
device just to save to file what I
currently hear. Who could tell us about
that feature?
10/31/2001 6:23:22 PM:norbert This is really a well done demo code
which should better have done some
times ago by Microsoft. ;)
Well, above
all, I'm interested in getting acces to
the audio out channel of the mixer
device just to save a currently heard
audio stream to a record
12/14/2001 7:13:43 AM:Roniawan Yahya Excellent code man.. I am vote 5 for
you. I have one question, when i click
the left channel audio why the right
channel speaker no sound. How copying
the left channel audio to the right
channel audio( like the karaoke player
system ). could u help me and teach me
how to coding and implement the code in
Visual Basic Language? Email me at or
thank's 4 u
2/5/2002 5:33:21 PM:EJ I am having dowload problems, i get a
page not foud error, but i'v only tryed
it today i will try agegn tomarow
2/11/2002 7:22:47 PM:OcinO GREAT CODE!!! but i got 1 question...
Have you tested it with
once again... GREAT CODE!
2/14/2002 8:30:57 PM:Jamie Lindgren THIS IS AWESOME!!
OcinO, it works
with WinXP, I have XP.
5 globes dude
this OWNZ
2/25/2002 10:51:07 PM:Lee Bailey GREAT CODE but I have found a problem.
If you increase the rate of playback
i.e speed up an mp3 track, the
percentage of file is not in sync, you
can reach 100% before even 50% of the
track has played. Any ideas?
2/26/2002 12:53:49 PM:Svein Sorensen Hello Great Code it works like a
on Windows 98-Me. But when I try
to use
It on XP it produces an error
that gets XP
Wanting to send a bug
report. I am Using VB 5 Sp3
else have problems in XP?
3/2/2002 2:02:16 AM:KrazyGamer is there any way to save the image
shown on the mci handle? it's not
actually painted on the controls, so i
have no way of getting the picture. any
3/3/2002 8:18:30 AM:IceWeb Systems excellent code, do you know how to add
functions to read the tags of media
files e.g. windows media video & audio
3/3/2002 4:08:14 PM:Sukru Alatas if you want to know about ID3 (v1,v2)
Tags, visit,
there're lots of informations over there
3/12/2002 1:40:25 AM:JuiCe Hmm.. the code is very in depth and I'm
sure very well done, but it won't play
MP3's for me. It's probably my fault
but then again, you tell me:
Sub Command1_Click()
OpenMultimedia Me.hWnd, "audio1",
"C:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared
Folder\BT - Shame.mp3", "MPEGVideo"
PlayMultimedia "audio1", vbNullString,
End Sub
Thanks - JuiCe
3/20/2002 2:28:00 PM:keyur nice
3/20/2002 2:29:14 PM:keyur very nice
4/1/2002 10:03:50 AM:Salman Ashraf Anybody please help, I love this code
but I want know why it takes a lot of
time to move mpeg files via slider or
move to command. Windows media player
can do it fast, is there a possibility
to make it work faster... This is very
important quesion, I'm very anxious to
know the answer, my email address is Please reply me,
4/27/2002 2:34:50 PM:Josh This code is excellent! Well
documented, very functional, and easy
to use. My only question is if there
is some way to capture a frame to a
5/1/2002 10:09:01 PM:Bulut great code!!! i have made some cool
things with it and i would like to talk
to u about it. my email is thank you
5/11/2002 10:04:12 AM:the seeker WOW,NICE WORK,VERY NICE,
deserve 5
points at least.
6/18/2002 8:41:32 PM:Edwin Wow! Its so complicated looking. And it
works! Got to find someway to use
6/18/2002 8:42:43 PM:Edwin Even works on Windows XP!!
7/2/2002 11:07:58 PM:palalan Same with KrazyGamer.
I am trying to
copy an avi frame or segment to the
clipboard. No matter what I do I can
not get the copy command to work. Do
you know how it is done.
Great code
and well done
7/10/2002 9:56:56 PM:mike just a quick ?;
is the api to play
sounds different in 2k? if so can
someone pls email me with the different
calls @ thnx
7/12/2002 6:40:21 AM:Geoff Bird Hello, Thanks for posting this it was a
great help. I have a question though,
some types of avi's will not play on my
computer using your method, although
they will play fine in windows media
player. Do you have any idea why? Thank
you, Geoff
7/21/2002 10:28:27 PM:Joseph This code is the BEST that I've seen,
ever. Its just the code I've been
looking for. I do have one suggestion.
How about adding code to make a video
fullscreen. Similar to what Microsoft
Media player can do. Aside from this, I
give this code all the globes and then
some. Keep up the good work!
8/2/2002 3:21:06 AM:jerry A very well written code indeed.
Thanks for sharing it with the public.
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