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Tutorial On Application Severs: Develop Killer Web Applications In VB..


Submitted on: 10/22/2000 9:29:29 PM
By: Anoop Madhusudanan  
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 56 Users

Users have accessed this article 17687 times.

(About the author)
     This Tutorial will teach you the Ins and outs of creating custom Application Servers. Get the power to make true killer VB web applications, and give more scalability to your existing applications. <p>If you are new to the term <b>'Application Server'</b>, just consider that it is an application that runs between a thin front end (in this case the web browser) and back end servers: After reading this article, you can <p>(a) Understand what is an 'Application Server'<p>(b) Create an Application Server, with a general handler<p>(c) Extend the Application Server with additional logic.(In this case, a 'Banner Creator', which can create Banners with respect to user requests, and writes the picture back to them) <p> Also, kindly VOTE for me, if you find it interesting..b'coz I took 6-7 solid hours to write it <p> <b> Your's Anoop M Nedumkunnam </b>

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Dear Friends,

Kindly see the attached ZIP for the article and associated projects. Anyway, here is a short introduction. As you know, now a days, the term Application Server is becoming so hot. An Application Server is a software that runs on the middle layer. I mean; it runs between a thin front end (in this case the web browser) and back end servers.

Most Application Servers rely on Internet Servers, to pass information/data to clients on the web. Application Servers are expected to support COM (Component Object Model) and/or CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) frameworks.

In this case, we are creating an Application Server that supports COM interface. After reading this, you can

  • Get an idea about Application Servers.
  • Create and use your own COM based Application Servers.
  • Write directly to RESPONSE object from a COM component (Got it? Instead of passing a value back to a variable in ASP to write it to response object, write directly to response object from your component)
  • See how to integrate additional logic (say your existing business COM objects) using our Application Server

Also, if you are the CEO of an IT/Web company, don't forget to read about my ventures in the preface section :-).  OOPS, forgot to tell all of you one thing; VOTE for me please, because I took nearly 6-7 hours to write this completely :-) (ofcourse, the brain work is

Always ur's Anoop,


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Other User Comments
10/22/2000 10:07:54 PM:Author
Hello People, You can post your doubts or questions here. Or just send them to , when you need a quick reply. Also, please VOTE for me, if you find this innovative: Your's Anoop..
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10/22/2000 10:35:51 PM:Jon
So what it does is allows you to do is create objects compiled in VB and run the functions of the vb code? That iss cool! If I'm wrong correct me!
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10/22/2000 10:48:38 PM:Anoop
Jon, it allows you to use the ASP objects (Response, Request etc) directly from your VB application, to scale your existing business application to multiple levels, and even to create a better application server than Cold Fusion. :-) Regards, Anoop
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10/22/2000 11:59:20 PM:Anoop
Hey ppl, please VOTE for me, na..Atleast that is what you can give in return, for my 7 hr effort :-) lol.. - ur's Anoop
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10/23/2000 2:22:00 AM:Omar
Hi, First let me say thanks for posting this Excellent program. This truly deserves an award. I would also really - really,like to see some more codes like this. Thanks and please post some more.
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10/23/2000 4:09:27 AM:Arsalan Aslam
Nice piece of code
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10/23/2000 8:46:36 AM:Larry Stevens
Wow - What a great teacher you are. Thank you for the clear logic that un-muddled what had always been confusing to me in the past. I really apppreciate your hard work.
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10/23/2000 8:56:31 AM:CShellVB
First I will say thanks for the COM code sample there are very few good ones on the Planet. I had one question, Why did you choose to use late binding for the ASP objects in your project? Certainly with an Application Server you would not want to create any slow downs with binding issues..? Just some small feedback from CShellVB. (
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10/23/2000 11:46:21 AM:Anoop
Hey People, Thank you really for all the appreciation. And well, CShellVB - I also do not support late binding..but in this case, my preference is for understandability :-) .. ur's Anoop
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10/23/2000 3:08:17 PM:Anoop
I feel that a lot of people have doubt about 'Creating an Alias'. Here is it. An Alias is nothing other than a URL for a mapped directory. In PWS, goto Advanced section, click Add button, and in the Directory textbox, type the directory where the ASP file resides. In the Alias text box, type something (say <myalias>). Then take your browser, and type http://<yourserver>/<myalias>. If you have PWS in your system, you can type http://localhost/<myalias>.: Regards, Anoop
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10/25/2000 11:09:24 AM:Jack
I have been programming for over 3 years now in VB and I have read all the books and this is one of the simplest explinations of a web server app I have seen - you have my vote.
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10/26/2000 4:33:44 PM:vbmaster
With out doubt, this one is the greatest brainstormer I have seen so far in PSC. Really great idea. And thank you sincerely for the time you took for writing this..
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11/7/2000 4:38:06
Would have like to know how MTS compares to this.
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11/23/2000 5:31:25 AM:Erik Forbes -- Mobius-Corp
Commendable! ;) A+, 100%, 5 huge whoppin planets for this guy! In other words, Very nice work! Easy to understand, VERY well written, and recommended for anyone interested in writing application servers! :) Keep it up Anoop!
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11/23/2000 8:04:02 AM:Paul
Great work anoop...Great Indian Brain!
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11/24/2000 8:20:30 AM:Maximillian
Dear Anoop
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11/24/2000 8:21:36 AM:Maximillian
Well done Anoop!!!
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3/17/2001 11:48:35 AM:Benjo
I'm running a PWS and tried it. But it gave me this: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad' ActiveX component can't create object: 'AppServer.Handler' /banner/Default.asp, line 55 I didn't change anything on the ASP file and I tried running the project file before I typed the URL on my browser and press enter. When I compiled it, it was an EXE. Do i need to register it as something. Anyways, I liked it. I understand how it works.
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2/16/2002 2:49:46 AM:Tuk
You are D man my man, this is one of the best examples i have seen on the net. 5 2 U!
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6/13/2002 7:01:53 AM:Ockert
Great Code and Excellent Comments - Same problem as Benjo (3/17/2001) though: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad' ActiveX component can't create object... WHAT TO DO, WHAT TO DO ???
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7/29/2002 8:22:55 PM:Sunny
Nice Work...Anoop Hope that u teach us more in future...
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