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Programming The Windows MCI - Part 1, 2 & 3


Submitted on: 3/9/2002 11:16:31 AM
By: IceWeb Systems 
Level: Advanced
User Rating: By 27 Users

Users have accessed this article 4406 times.

(About the author)
     Begin to learn about the Windows MCI's basic functions such as open, play, pause, stop and close. Part 2 includes using progress bars to monitor MCI files and reading ID3 & ID3v2 tags! Part 3 includes resizing video to fit pictureboxes!

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A Guide To The Windows MCI


The Windows MCI was developed by Microsoft and Intel and was introduced properly into Windows 95. Ever since then it has been the tool that programmers have used to open, save, record and play multimedia. The Windows MCI is a unique tool in that when programming it you use statements and syntax that makes sense and is plain English. This guide is designed to help Visual Basic programmers master the Windows MCI and gain a firm understanding of how it works, how to programme it and use it to enhance their own programs.

1.    The Windows MCI - What is it?

The Windows MCI is a shorthand term used to describe the Windows Multimedia Control Interface. It acts as a translator interpreting the commands sent to it and translating these commands so that Windows can play a multimedia file. Currently the Windows MCI supports almost hundred individual commands and can be used to play today's most popular formats such as MP3, MPEG and WindowsMedia.

2.    The Windows MCI - How do I programme it?

To programme the Windows MCI you will need:

  • Visual Basic, I recommend version 6 however 5 and 4 should work ok. I am currently unaware because of the changes in Visual Basic.NET whether the syntax used later will work but it should.

  • A good understanding of the Visual Basic environment.

  • A lot of patience!

3.    The Windows MCI - The different parts

There are several different parts which make up the Windows MCI. These include the different devices used to play the different file types, the decoding engines used to break down the file so it can be played and additional parts which allow you to find out additional information about a file e.g. bitrate, length, title, author etc.

4.    The Windows MCI - Let's get coding!!!

Ok, now you understand the basics of the Windows MCI we can begin to code the Windows MCI to play some media. Firstly we need some media files to use as tests, ideally a wav, mp3, mpeg and wma file. Please note that all code shown here was designed to be inside a private module and relate to a form, you will need to alter this in order to make it private form or public module.

5.    The Windows MCI - Form Design

We will not begin to use the Windows MCI to modify files, the following must be done before we can proceed, design the following now:

Form Component Name Caption
Form Form1 Windows MCI Programming
PictureBox Picture1 N/A
CommandButton Command1 Open Media
CommandButton Command2 Play Media
CommandButton Command3 Pause Media
CommandButton Command4 Stop Media
CommandButton Command4 Close Media
CommonDialog CMDialog1 N/A

The picture box will be used as a video screen and the command buttons will contain the commands you need to send to the Windows MCI.

6.    The Windows MCI - Communication

Before we can begin to code the Windows MCI we need to allow Visual Basic to talk to it. To do this we need to call a function, this function is the mciSendString function and is listed below, add it to a module now.

Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long

The mciSendString allows the Visual Basic to send a string of commands to the Windows MCI which tells it to get the file's length, to stop playing etc. You use mciSendString to send a command in the format of command, returnstring, callback.

7.    The Windows MCI - Opening Files

Before we can begin to open files we need to add a few more functions to our module:

Private Declare Function GetShortPathName Lib "Kernel32" Alias "GetShortPathNameA" (ByVal lpszLongPath As String, ByVal lpszShortPath As String, ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long

Open Command1's code window and type the following, it will be explained later:

Dim MediaFilename As String
Dim MediaFilenameSize As String
Dim TempFile As String * 255
Dim GetShortFile As Long
Dim CompleteFilename As String

Form1.CMDialog1.FileName = ""
Form1.CMDialog1.Filter = "All Media Files|*.*"
Form1.CMDialog1.Action = 1
If Form1.CMDialog1.FileName = "" Then Exit Sub
MediaFilename = Form1.CMDialog1.FileName

If MediaFilename = "" Then Exit Sub
GetShortFile = GetShortPathName(MediaFilename, TempFile, 255)
CompleteFilename = left$(TempFile, GetShortFile)

So what does all that mean? Well when broken down its quite simple. The first paragraph contains the individual declarations. The second contains the information used to determine the filename to open. The third paragraph checks to see that a valid file can be opened and then converts it into the 8.3 filename format. This is return to dos as the original Windows MCI was programmed when the 8.3 format was very much alive and so when opening files we have to convert them into this format for the Windows MCI to understand the file. At this stage we have a file which has been converted into the 8.3 format but we want to open the file, enter this into the code beneath the above code:

If LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".wav" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 5)) = ".wave" Then
Call CompleteOpen(CompleteFilename, "waveaudio", True)

ElseIf LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".mid" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 5)) = ".midi" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".rmi" Then
Call CompleteOpen(CompleteFilename, "sequencer", True)

ElseIf LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".mp3" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".mp2" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".mp1" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".snd" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".aif" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 5)) = ".aiff" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 5)) = ".aifc" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 3)) = ".au" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".enc" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".mv1" Then
Call CompleteOpen(CompleteFilename, "MPEGVideo", True)

ElseIf LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".avi" Then
Call CompleteOpen(CompleteFilename, "avivideo", False)

ElseIf LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".vcd" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".dat" Then
Call CompleteOpen(CompleteFilename, "videodisc", False)

ElseIf LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".mpg" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".mpe" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".mpa" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 5)) = ".mpeg" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".mov" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 3)) = ".qt" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".asf" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".asx" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 5)) = ".mpv2" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 5)) = ".mp2v" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".wax" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".wvx" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".wmx" Then
Call CompleteOpen(CompleteFilename, "MPEGVideo", False)

ElseIf LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".wmv" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".wma" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 3)) = ".wm" Or LCase(Right(CompleteFilename, 4)) = ".wmp" Then
Call CompleteOpen(CompleteFilename, "MPEGVideo", False)

MsgBox "Media File type or Compression not supported! If you are attempting to open RealMedia this is currently impossible because RealVideo and RealAudio are not decoded through the Windows MCI but through separate dynamic link libraries.", vbInformation, "Error"
End If

As you can see their is a lot of code above but all it does is determine the file type and send the final open commands to the Windows MCI in a separate sub called CompleteOpen. If the file is a wave file then it sends to the Windows MCI the command open the file as "waveaudio" (this is the device the Windows MCI uses to play wave files) and then the command True. This command is something I added to tell me later whether the file was just audio or whether it was video. The code above will allow you determine every file type the Windows MCI supports (I think? Please note RealMedia cannot be opened because it does not use the Windows MCI but uses separate dll files which include the decoding algorithms this also applies to the new and upcoming ogg vorbis format(s) .

Now after all this code we can actually tell the Windows MCI to open the file!

Public Sub CompleteOpen(FileName, Device, AudioOnly)
Dim MCIString As String
Dim MCICommand As String
Dim ReturnString As String
Dim CallBack As Long
ReturnString = Space$(128)

If AudioOnly Then
MCIString = "open " & Device & "!" & FileName & " alias mpeg"
MCICommand = mciSendString(MCIString, ReturnString, 128, CallBack)
MCIString = "open " & Device & "!" & FileName & " alias mpeg parent " & Form1.Picture1.hwnd & " style child"
MCICommand = mciSendString(MCIString, ReturnString, 128, CallBack)
End If
End Sub

The code above opens the file and loads it into the Windows MCI memory notice that we refer to the file as mpeg. This allows us to use commands in the future so that the Windows MCI can open more than one file. From here we can learn about the file's length and other features however we need to tell the Windows MCI to play the file in order to see or hear it. The following code will allow use to do that.

Dim MCIString As String
Dim MCICommand As String
Dim ReturnString As String
Dim CallBack As Long
ReturnString = Space$(128)

MCIString = "play mpeg from 0"
MCICommand = mciSendString(MCIString, ReturnString, 128, CallBack)

So as you can see we have sent another command to the Windows MCI telling it to play the file "mpeg" from 0 (the beginning). Next comes the code to allow us to pause it.

Dim MCIString As String
Dim MCICommand As String
Dim ReturnString As String
Dim CallBack As Long
ReturnString = Space$(128)

MCIString = "pause mpeg"
MCICommand = mciSendString(MCIString, ReturnString, 128, CallBack)

and to stop it...

Dim MCIString As String
Dim MCICommand As String
Dim ReturnString As String
Dim CallBack As Long
ReturnString = Space$(128)

MCIString = "stop mpeg"
MCICommand = mciSendString(MCIString, ReturnString, 128, CallBack)

and finally to close the Windows MCI (clear the memory)...

Dim MCIString As String
Dim MCICommand As String
Dim ReturnString As String
Dim CallBack As Long
ReturnString = Space$(128)

MCIString = "stop mpeg"
MCICommand = mciSendString(MCIString, ReturnString, 128, CallBack)
MCIString = "close mpeg"
MCICommand = mciSendString(MCIString, ReturnString, 128, CallBack)

You can now open, play, pause, stop and close media. This concludes part 1 of the programming the Windows MCI Guide. In part 2 you will learn how to use progress bars and timers to monitor files and extract information such as the file's length, author, bitrate and title!

NEW ADDITION - Some people asked about how to get the correct size of the video and to resize the PictureBox, I will be addressing this issue in the part 3 however the following code provided by Jason Hensley will allow you to do this:

Dim MCIString As String
Dim MCICommand As String
Dim ReturnString As String
Dim CallBack As Long
ReturnString = Space$(128)

MCIString = "where mpeg destination"
MCICommand = mciSendString(MCIString, ReturnString, 128, CallBack)
' The ReturnString will return a value which looks something like this 0 0 175 200, each value represents left, top, width, height. From here you can extract the values and 'resize the textbox accordingly.

Part 2 - Monitoring & Reading The Windows MCI

Welcome back all! So as I can see a lot of people enjoyed this guide thus the result is the next edition. In this part we will look at the Windows MCI and how we can use it monitor media status and read the tags of media files. First we had better begin with the media status monitoring to do this we require:

Form Component Name Caption
Progress Bar Status N/A
Timer Timer1 N/A
Label Label1 Title
Label Label2 Author
Label Label3 Album
Label Label4 Comment

Now we can begin to implement the controls so that they show the status of the Windows MCI. To do this we must first set the progress bar's Max value. We get this value by running the following code:

Dim MCIString As String
Dim MCICommand As String
Dim ReturnString As String
Dim CallBack As Long
Dim Sound As Single
ReturnString = Space$(128)

MCIString = "status mpeg length"
MCICommand = mciSendString(MCIString, ReturnString, 128, CallBack)
Form1.Status.Max = Val(ReturnString) / 2

This will allow us to set the progress bar's max value. Next we need to implement code to update the progress bar each time the media is played and to set the Value figure we do this by using the following code:

Dim MCIString As String
Dim MCICommand As String
Dim ReturnString As String
Dim CallBack As Long
Dim Sound As Single
ReturnString = Space$(128)

MCIString = "status mpeg position"
MCICommand = mciSendString(MCIString, ReturnString, 128, CallBack)
Form1.Status.Value = Val(ReturnString) / 2

Place the above code in a timer and set the timer interval to 1. Place the code above into a separate sub and run it when you open the file.

Reading Media Tags - MP3 Files

In our module enter a new sub called ReadMP3 and input the following code:

Dim fNum As Integer
Dim sTagIdent As String * 3
Dim sTitle As String * 30
Dim sArtist As String * 30
Dim sAlbum As String * 30
Dim sYear As String * 4
Dim sComment As String * 30
fNum = FreeFile

Open "c:\MySong.mp3" For Binary As fNum
Seek #fNum, LOF(fNum) - 127
Get #fNum, , sTagIdent
If sTagIdent = "TAG" Then
Get #fNum, , sTitle
Get #fNum, , sArtist
Get #fNum, , sAlbum
Get #fNum, , sYear
Get #fNum, , sComment
End If
Close #fNum
Form1.Label1.Caption = "Title: " & sTitle
Form1.Label2.Caption = "Artist: " & sArtist
Form1.Label3.Caption = "Album: " & sAlbum
Form1.Label4.Caption = "Comment: " & sComment

That's it for part 2 in part 3 we will explore the aspects of video in our media guide. Thank you for all the people who voted and provided feedback, I would appreciate both!

Part 3

Right lets play with that video, firstly we will need to resize the video to fit the picture. You can set this manually with code however I ran into problems, the code to do it a better way is as follows (you will need 4 text boxes and their text value must be empty):

Private Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long

Public Sub ResizeMedia(hwnd As Long, MCIAlias As String, Left As Long, Top As Long, Width As Long, Height As Long)
Dim MCIString As String
Dim MCICommand As String
Dim ReturnString As String
Dim CallBack As Long
Dim Sound As Single

ReturnString = Space$(128)

If Width = 0 Or Height = 0 Then
Dim rec As RECT
Call GetWindowRect(hwnd, rec)
Width = rec.Right - rec.Left
Height = rec.Bottom - rec.Top
End If

MCIString = "put mpeg window at " & Left & " " & Top & " " & Width & " " & Height
MCICommand = mciSendString(MCIString, ReturnString, 128, CallBack)
End Sub

Call ResizeMedia(Form1.Picture1.hwnd, "mpeg", Val(Form1.txtleft), Val(Form1.txttop), Val(Form1.txtwidth), Val(Form1.txtheight))
' or you could use
Call ResizeMedia(Form1.Picture1.hwnd, "mpeg", 0, 0, 1200, 2800)

Copyright (c) 2002 IceWeb Systems

Much thanks goes to PSC programmers Abdullah Al-Ahdul and Jason Hensley!

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3/10/2002 5:36:03 AM:IceWeb Systems
Thankyou to everybody who voted and gave feedback. It shows me that you liked the guide and ensures it will continue. There has been a new addition to the guide to resize the picturebox for a video's actual size however the issue will be looked at in a broader issue in the next part. Thankyou everybody and keep on voting!!
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5/4/2002 3:35:58 PM:Lloyd Sheen
I looked at this article to see information on ID3V2 tags but all that is found is ID3V1
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6/4/2002 11:40:31 AM:zeff
thanks to for sharing your knowledge! God Bless You...
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