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Welcome To DirectX 4 VB! Multimedia Visual Basic at its best...


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Items are arranged as they are to be seen in the menu bar at the top of the page (cant see it? you need a version 4 or above browser).

HOME - The sites homepage, latest news and updates.

- - - Top 10 VB Gaming - The ten best visual basic gaming websites on this planet
- - - Top 10 General Gaming - The ten best games programming websites
- - - Top 10 General VB - The ten best general VB programming websites 
- - - Forum List - Where to find other programmers interested in multimedia VB development

- - - General Downloads - General downloads that don't fit into a category of their own
- - - DirectX 7 Specific - The source code to all the DirectX7 tutorials
- - - DirectX 8 Specific - The source code to all the DirectX8 tutorials
- - - Games - Several games (including source code) free to download

- - - Book Reviews - Reviews of the best books to help you along the way to programming success.
- - - The Code Bin - The dumping ground for examples and half complete projects (sometimes complete)
- - - General Gaming Articles - Theory pieces regarding general gaming
- - - Articles From Other Sources - The more useful articles from the worlds biggest gaming sites

- - - General Gaming - Non DirectX related games programming tutorials
- - - VB Tips and Tricks - Pure VB, not necessarily related to gaming.

- - - General DirectX - Tutorials about general aspects of DirectX7 programming
- - - DirectDraw - Tutorials about the ultra fast 2D graphics interface
- - - Retained Mode 3D - Tutorials about the easier side of 3D programming
- - - Immediate Mode 3D - Tutorials about the ultra fast proper 3D programming
- - - DirectSound - Tutorials about the Sound interfaces
- - - DirectMusic - Tutorials about playing music in your games
- - - DirectInput - Tutorials about getting input from the users hardware (keyboards, joysticks...)
- - - DirectPlay - The internet component of DirectX, and tutorials about it.

- - - DirectXGraphics - Tutorials about the new Graphics interfaces
- - - DirectXAudio - Sound and Music playback at it's best
- - - DirectXInput - Getting Input from your users
- - - DirectXPlay - Online gameplay
- - - DirectXShow - General Multimedia functionality

CONTACT - Get in contact with me. Should you feel the need to

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