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Welcome To DirectX 4 VB! Multimedia Visual Basic at its best...


If you have any comments, questions or suggestions feel free to drop me a line using the form below; all fields are optional (not specifying an email address or a question is rather pointless though...) but if you have a problem with the source code the more information that you give me the easier it will be for me to try and help you.

A few brief pointers:
1. Please do not send me your entire project - I rarely get enough time to read through it all.
2. Please do not ask for me to write an example project/complete your project - I simply do not have the time.

Please enter your email address:

Please indicate which version of DirectX you are using:

If you believe it is relevant, please give a short description of your hardware:

Which version of Visual Basic are you using, and with what operating system:

Finally, your question, comment or suggestion:

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