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About PSergei

Rent A Coder Top Coder Competition Ranking
# 5 of 68,426

Raw Score Total: 291,988.22
Name:  PSergei
(see 99 ratings)
  in Kharkov, Ukraine
Ukraine (see local date/time)
Seller / Coder Rating:  9.85 (Excellent)
Sign up date:  Apr 29, 2002 7:10:56 PM EDT
Last Logged In:  Mar 14, 2004 3:19:57 PM EDT
Jobs Started:  191
Jobs Completed:  181
Missed Status Report
Warnings Issued:
Arbitrations Lost:  (out of 5 arbitrations/mediations)

Please note that while LOSING an arbitration is negative, simply being involved in an arbitration/mediation is not. For example, a mediation is required to simply confirm consent when one party wishes to cancel prematurely. Click here for more information on arbitration and mediation.

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Areas Of Expertise: 
    Generic Software Development Expertise
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Windows platform solutions development
  • Database Development
  • Client-Server and Three-Tier Applications
  • Internet Applications (CGI, ISAPI, Servlets, Scripting, .NET)
  • Network and distributed applications development.
  • GUI Interfaces design and development
  • Design patterns
  • Project Management
    Hardware and Operating Systems
  • IBM PC and compatibles
  • Windows 9x/ME
  • Windows NT/2000/XP/2003
  • Linux
  • FreeBSD
    Languages, Tools and Technologies
  • C/C++, Java, Delphi, C#, VB, Assembler, PHP, Perl
  • Standard SQL (DDL, DML)
  • Databases: Oracle, MS SQL, Interbase, MySQL, Sybase
  • Crystal Reports
  • Database access using: BDE, ODBC, ADO, DAO, RDO, OLEDB, JDBC, ADO.NET
  • Graphics: DirectX, OpenGL, Raster graphics, 2D vector graphics, 3D graphics
  • CGI, Java, JavaScript, VBScript, Servlets, HTML, DHTML, ASP, JSP, WAP, ISAPI, Scriptlets
  • AWK, Python, PHP, Perl, sed
  • XML, XSL, XQL, DOM, SAX (Xerces, Xalan, MS XML, FOP/Cocoon)
  • COM, DCOM, COM+, ActiveX
  • Microsoft Information Server (IIS), Apache
  • TCP/IP Sockets, WinInet, MAPI32, CDO/Win2K
  • TCP/IP, Novell, LAN
  • Multi-threading, GDI, Shell (Windows), GUI(Windows, UNIX)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator, Opera
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook)
  • UML (Rational Rose, GDPro)
  • Corel DRAW, Adobe Photoshop
  • Visio
  • Visual SourceSafe, StarTeam
  • Help authoring tools - Forehelp, MS HTML Help
  • Microsoft DevStudio 5.0, 6.0 (Visual C++, Interdev, Visual Basic), CodeCrusader (Linux), CodeWarrior, Borland C++, DDD, BoundsChecker
  • Microsoft .NET and related technologies - VB.NET,ASP.NET, C#, etc
  • Delphi v1-7, advanced
  • Delphi components development

Professional Employment
1997 - Present
Software Developer, Project Leader
Developing databases, WEB Sites, desktop and client-server applications for Windows.
Kharkov National University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics.
June 1997. Applied Math Masters degree.
Foreign Languages
Native language is Russian. Good skills in spoken English and Ukrainian. Fluent in written English and Ukrainian

I'm available on mail, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo Messenger and MSN Messenger.

Rent A Coder Top Coder Competition Raw Score Calculation:
Top Coder Competition Raw Score Calculation:

Raw Score: 291,988.22
Ranking: # 5 of 68,426

(Minimum of 3 projects on the site)
Excellent customer satisfaction
(Average rating at least 9)
Every job completed
(No rating below 4)
Average Job Size
Average Coder Rating
Number of Completed Jobs
Penalty for Missed Status Reports Warnings *
(1 warnings x 1000 penalty) = 1000
  Raw Score Total: 291,988

* Penalty rule enacted on 10/8/2001 and applies only to warnings sent after that date.
Note: all top coder competition stats are only updated once a day between midnight and 1:00 EDT.
Rent A Coder Work History
All ratings (and comments) are the opinion of the poster and should be interpreted as such and only as such. They do not reflect the official view of Rent A Coder.

Future Buyers and Sellers have a right to know if a cancellation or reduction in payment occurs. On those occasions, the prevailing party often offers a "trade" to the at-fault party, and agrees NOT to place a bad rating in exchange for a concession of some sort. While Rent A Coder cannot stop this practice, it also cannot allow it to taint the integrity of the rating system. To prevent this from happening, Rent A Coder arbitrators can and do indicate when a cancellation or reduction in payment occurs by placing their own rating and comment on the party they believe to be at-fault (per both the Buyer and Seller agreements). Arbitrators are denoted with the words (RAC) after their name.

Rated For Rated By Rating Bid Amount Rated On
  Private auction for PSergei (from hydra_exec) on 3/10/2004 3:53:02 AM hydra_exec 10
$125.00 March 14, 2004 7:16:26 PM EDT
  Sergei is the King of RAC.
  VB.Net Analyze text ) on 3/11/2004 4:30:56 PM misjs 10
$100.00 March 13, 2004 2:31:21 PM EDT
  Great job
  PDF byte serving ISAPI dll grommit None Given $150.00 March 12, 2004 10:35:28 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 3/10/2004 7:21:20 PM AASoftech None Given $120.00 March 10, 2004 7:24:54 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 3/9/2004 8:52:48 PM gmabry None Given $50.00 March 9, 2004 8:57:34 PM EDT
  VB System Check Script Changes gmabry 10
$75.00 March 9, 2004 8:51:53 PM EDT
  As always Sergei is great to work with - very patient and always put in extra effort to ensure a perfect project. Thanks again for your patience and the great script!
  ActiveX Object KaiserSose 10
$75.00 March 4, 2004 8:05:21 AM EDT
  He was everything that I was looking for when I came to this site. He started the project immediately and finished it faster than I had asked for.
  VB.NET ADSI Site Setup Class. BasicMicro 10
$250.00 March 2, 2004 5:51:29 PM EDT
  Very patient, excellent communication and code.
  Load email addresses from address book from Outlook & Outlook Express onto .NET application bizschool 10
$800.00 March 1, 2004 12:13:04 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 2/23/2004 6:56:47 PM hydra_exec None Given $25.00 February 23, 2004 7:00:40 PM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei (from hydra_exec) on 1/31/2004 7:47:04 AM hydra_exec 10
$250.00 February 23, 2004 6:56:08 PM EDT
  Nice job as always. A pleasure to work with.
  Bonus for PSergei on 2/23/2004 5:11:58 PM kotuadam None Given $500.00 February 23, 2004 5:15:18 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 2/20/2004 5:00:29 PM BenVancouver None Given $100.00 February 20, 2004 5:20:20 PM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei (Pronet Info) on 1/11/2004 10:28:00 PM pronetinfo 10
$100.00 February 18, 2004 4:56:20 PM EDT
  Super Coder! We were very pleased and will definitely use Sergei again! Thanks PSergei.
  Visual C++ Outlook Autozip Plug-in swa None Given $400.00 February 12, 2004 11:57:58 AM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei (from leejeb) on 1/29/2004 11:22:13 PM leejeb 10
$200.00 February 11, 2004 7:18:39 PM EDT
  An extremely fast and accurate programmer! PSergei achieved the specified software requirements in far less time than we anticipated.
  NTFS Permissions + VBSCRIPT gmabry 10
$75.00 February 11, 2004 5:50:57 PM EDT
  Sergei is a pleasure to work with. This project was an update of an existing project. Sergei was eager to make the changes and understood exactly what we wanted. After the program was complete Sergei was patient and worked with us to ensure everything worked exactly as we needed it to. I would highly recommend Sergei for any project.
  Bonus for PSergei on 2/11/2004 5:59:50 AM hydra_exec None Given $50.00 February 11, 2004 6:25:44 AM EDT
  MAPI - MS Outlook Sync Project hydra_exec 10
$350.00 February 11, 2004 5:59:23 AM EDT
  Always a pleasure to work with Sergei. This was a difficult project and Sergei delivered!
  Bonus for PSergei on 2/1/2004 5:48:25 PM AASoftech None Given $30.00 February 1, 2004 5:49:39 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 1/31/2004 8:04:47 AM hydra_exec None Given $50.00 January 31, 2004 8:05:59 AM EDT
  Skin Selector BenVancouver 10
$300.00 January 30, 2004 9:22:15 PM EDT
  Sergei works on the opposite side of the world from us, so we are often on opposite schedules. It is rare that a coder understands the true definition of "important" and "time critical". Sergei was confident and informed enough to make a judgement call to SMS me at 4:30 in the morning to wake me up, in order to validate some urgent work he was doing in an extreme rush situation. Bold, appropriate actions like this give me confidence and trust that Sergei understands the task at hand and is able to make the right calls when working with truly business-critical applications. (And to understand the nature of the client he is working with!) Thanks again Sergei!
  On the fly skins BenVancouver 10
$150.00 January 30, 2004 9:14:28 PM EDT
  Excellent work as usual. He put in extra (and unorthodox hours) to help complete the job.
  Bonus for PSergei on 1/29/2004 9:36:29 AM kotuadam None Given $100.00 January 29, 2004 9:39:49 AM EDT
  manipulate Outlook related data in an Exchange BorgSch 10
$100.00 January 29, 2004 4:42:16 AM EDT
  Tanks for the help, finding the problem, with Outlook
  Optimize Outlook Sync for PSergei (from hydra_exec) on 1/18/2004 3:17:40 PM hydra_exec 10
$250.00 January 28, 2004 2:17:00 PM EDT
  Sergei is the best. Need I say more?
  Bonus for PSergei on 1/22/2004 5:58:25 PM mwade None Given $150.00 January 22, 2004 5:59:43 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 1/21/2004 1:34:09 PM grommit None Given $100.00 January 21, 2004 1:38:44 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 1/20/2004 7:18:43 AM kotuadam None Given $75.00 January 20, 2004 7:20:35 AM EDT
  Message Board Crawler bfire 10
$1,000.00 January 16, 2004 2:35:00 PM EDT
  Sergei has a powerful combination of programming knowledge and analytical skill.
  Private auction for PSergei on 4/10/2003 3:56:16 PM RealWim 10
$325.00 January 14, 2004 3:47:37 PM EDT
  Thanks Sergei. Great work!
  Bonus for PSergei on 1/13/2004 8:18:57 AM kotuadam None Given $50.00 January 13, 2004 8:19:50 AM EDT
  MS Outlook Plug-in SMS Extension dbradley 10
$250.00 January 10, 2004 10:35:00 PM EDT
  Great work, I will use this coder again.
  Private auction for PSergei (from pokchi) on 12/29/2003 8:57:34 PM pokchi 10
$300.00 January 10, 2004 6:59:11 PM EDT
  Excellent work by Sergei.

He managed to find a simpler way of coding the solution that increased the performance.

His knowledge of C# and COM interop is very good. The quality of the code he gave me was fantastic - clear, concise, well commented and easy to use.

Highly recommended!
  XML Help (need to create http session and post XML file) Joel Konecny 10
$250.00 January 9, 2004 7:15:21 PM EDT
  Very patient ~ worked hard, even through his illness. Worked late nights to be on same schedule as me. I am very appreciative for his help, very professional.
  Bonus for PSergei on 1/2/2004 10:37:43 AM mwade None Given $50.00 January 2, 2004 10:38:37 AM EDT
  COM: File Upload/DB funtions/File Parsing mwade 10
$250.00 December 31, 2003 2:08:59 AM EDT
  Awesome Work!
  File upload client grommit 10
$160.00 December 29, 2003 6:31:03 PM EDT
  As stated elsewhere Sergei has worked well on a somewhat difficult project. He was able to take feedback and fix bugs in quick time. Would thoughly recommend him.
  IE ActiveX Control jcube 10
$180.00 December 25, 2003 1:58:50 PM EDT
  On time, on spec, on budget. Great job.
  Bonus for PSergei on 12/24/2003 8:48:22 AM kotuadam None Given $50.00 December 24, 2003 8:48:44 AM EDT
  TC Project #11 - Private auction for PSergei (from LSS inc.) on 10/27/2003 9:14:43 AM LSS inc. 10
$450.00 December 21, 2003 3:33:20 PM EDT
  Great work as usual.
  Dialer kotuadam 10
$500.00 December 19, 2003 7:34:55 PM EDT
  well, no need to say anything. He is my new programmer.
  Bonus for PSergei on 12/18/2003 9:42:11 PM Chuck Hall None Given $50.00 December 18, 2003 9:43:53 PM EDT
  TS Fixes - Bonus for PSergei on 12/16/2003 7:26:57 PM LSS inc. None Given $50.00 December 16, 2003 7:35:18 PM EDT
  Large File Upload from Browser jreineri 10
$350.00 December 15, 2003 8:42:08 AM EDT
  Excellent job, diligent in resolving problems. Will use again.
  Bonus for PSergei on 12/15/2003 2:00:17 AM JLangley None Given $35.00 December 15, 2003 2:02:18 AM EDT
  Secure File Sharing Website gmabry 10
$200.00 December 14, 2003 4:41:33 PM EDT
  Working with Sergei is always a pleasure. Again, another sucessful project - exactly what we wanted and completed quickly with excellent communication and results.

Thanks for the great work.
  TS Fixes - Bonus for PSergei on 12/11/2003 6:31:39 PM LSS inc. None Given $50.00 December 11, 2003 6:44:37 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 12/5/2003 12:41:55 PM JLangley None Given $25.00 December 5, 2003 12:42:50 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 12/3/2003 11:58:20 AM QCC None Given $125.00 December 3, 2003 11:59:52 AM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei (from gmabry) on 11/7/2003 12:03:50 PM gmabry 10
$50.00 December 3, 2003 4:10:30 AM EDT
  Again, another excellent project by Sergei!

Great work, quick and easy to work with.

  TransServ 210 - Private auction for PSergei (from LSS inc.) on 10/10/2003 10:38:26 AM LSS inc. 10
$490.00 December 2, 2003 5:03:26 PM EDT
  Great Job. Thanks for the extra testing.
  InterCom VB.Net Context Menu Object needed Inzo LLC 10
$250.00 November 30, 2003 6:18:57 PM EDT
  His coding skills are superior! His work ethic is extraordinary... and he is both timely and responsive to your needs. Hands down - he is the man for your job!

Great Work!
  Bonus for PSergei on 11/23/2003 12:08:11 PM JLangley None Given $125.00 November 23, 2003 12:08:50 PM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei (from JLangley) on 9/21/2003 9:23:13 PM JLangley 10
$25.00 November 23, 2003 12:05:19 PM EDT
  Superb as usual!
  .NET Application Development BenVancouver 10
$1,600.00 November 15, 2003 6:08:21 PM EDT
  This was our first project via RAC, so we were a little hesitant about having such a complex job being undertaken at a distance. After polling through a great number of excellent bids, we awarded the contract to Sergei. Immediately following this, the project changed in scope and complexity, and a number of issues we had not considered were pointed out to us by Sergei. He not only guided us through these challenges, but delivered innovative solutions tailored to our needs. His availability via IMs and emails meant we were always able to bounce ideas off of him and ensure the both parties understood what needed to be done and that all dependencies were taken care of. Sergei also took on the additional responsibility of working with a third party to develop advanced features, and was able to correlate requests from both sides.

Having managed teams of over 50 developers I know it can be exceedingly difficult to find solid, reliable, and insightful talent: qualities that Sergei has in spades. He will most definitely find himself working on our future projects.

Well done, Sergei.
  Exchange 2000 Server Component Shane Krueger 9
$800.00 November 14, 2003 4:46:42 PM EDT
  Very friendly, excellent coder! Code needed to be fixed a few times (it was very tricky code), but everything worked out fine in the end. Very responsive on questions, and also walked me through the setup via ICQ!
  Bonus for PSergei on 11/9/2003 11:41:38 PM JLangley None Given $25.00 November 9, 2003 11:42:24 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 11/7/2003 3:08:48 PM LSS inc. None Given $100.00 November 7, 2003 3:09:56 PM EDT
  NTFS Permission Utility gmabry 10
$150.00 November 7, 2003 12:22:33 PM EDT
  Excellent programmer. Strong understanding of the project requirements, patient and excellent follow up. The final product is exactly what we needed and works flawlessly.
  Bonus for PSergei on 11/7/2003 11:52:23 AM gmabry None Given $50.00 November 7, 2003 11:56:49 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 10/30/2003 1:13:30 PM JLangley None Given $25.00 October 30, 2003 1:14:17 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 10/29/2003 10:14:25 PM Chuck Hall None Given $250.00 October 29, 2003 10:19:16 PM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei (from Chuck Hall) on 10/13/2003 8:23:11 PM Chuck Hall 10
$50.00 October 29, 2003 10:13:24 PM EDT
  Good, fast work again, even responsed to emails while he was on vacation :)

  ASP .NET Reporting Page with 3 ascx controls (#byrisk1) wbunker 10
$75.00 October 29, 2003 5:27:27 PM EDT
  Great job once again, Sergei!
  Bonus for PSergei on 10/16/2003 12:43:16 AM JLangley None Given $25.00 October 16, 2003 12:44:00 AM EDT
  HRMS Phase 2 Private auction for PSergei Amanda Miller (RAC) None Given $1,500.00 October 7, 2003 2:37:45 PM EDT
  Both the buyer and the coder have agreed to call it off.
  Bonus for PSergei on 10/4/2003 10:17:37 AM AASoftech None Given $20.00 October 4, 2003 10:19:17 AM EDT
  ASP .NET Reporting Page with 3 ascx controls (#srvc1) wbunker 10
$75.00 October 3, 2003 3:17:44 PM EDT
  Great job again, Sergei! I look forward to working with you again.
  Bonus for PSergei on 10/2/2003 4:11:50 PM Casha None Given $50.00 October 2, 2003 4:15:48 PM EDT
  open-edit-save HelgeHannisdal 10
$750.00 September 30, 2003 2:45:37 PM EDT
  It has been a pleasure to work with PSergei during this project. His communication skills are excellent and the code well readable and easy to understand. We have had a couple of discussions about the functionality, and he asks intelligent questions and proposes intelligent answers.

Thank you, PSergei.
  TransClient Project 10 - Private auction for PSergei (from LSS inc.) on 9/10/2003 9:18:00 PM LSS inc. 10
$400.00 September 28, 2003 3:38:55 PM EDT
  Great job again, Sergei.
  Bonus for PSergei on 9/26/2003 4:01:44 PM wbunker None Given $10.00 September 26, 2003 4:37:45 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 9/25/2003 6:21:10 PM QCC None Given $200.00 September 25, 2003 6:21:37 PM EDT
  ASP.NET Reporting page wbunker 10
$100.00 September 25, 2003 3:47:45 PM EDT
  Great job. Solid coder with good communication skills.
  CD Autorun Search Menu Chuck Hall 10
$100.00 September 24, 2003 2:19:58 PM EDT
  Sergei was excellent to work with on my project. He was always very quick to respond to emails and patient through the debugging process! Also helpful in suggesting a couple features that I hadn't thought of for the application. Thanks!

Chuck Hall
  VB Systems Reporting Tool gmabry 10
$140.00 September 24, 2003 1:50:46 AM EDT
  Sergei is an excellent person to work with. Very quick to respond to all communications and an excellent programmer.

Thank you Sergei for making my project such a wonderful experience.

  Bonus for PSergei on 9/22/2003 9:06:09 AM AASoftech None Given $35.00 September 22, 2003 9:08:40 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 9/17/2003 11:48:16 AM LSS inc. None Given $50.00 September 17, 2003 11:50:31 AM EDT
  Exchange MAPI BorgSch 10
$100.00 September 16, 2003 10:59:20 AM EDT
  Fine job, in a god quality.
I can only recommend to use him!
  Private auction for PSergei on 7/7/2003 3:55:05 PM JLangley 10
$25.00 September 11, 2003 11:28:55 AM EDT
  As usual A++ work...
  Bonus for PSergei on 9/9/2003 1:13:03 PM JLangley None Given $25.00 September 9, 2003 1:14:05 PM EDT
  Exchange Server scripting agent to move mail to Microsoft SQL server table wbunker 10
$100.00 September 9, 2003 11:03:21 AM EDT
  Great job. Held our hand on very complex configuration issues.
  Bonus for PSergei on 8/31/2003 8:54:25 PM JLangley None Given $50.00 August 31, 2003 8:55:41 PM EDT
  Create OrgChart reading from Active directory AASoftech None Given $35.00 August 29, 2003 6:21:14 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 8/24/2003 11:02:49 AM JLangley None Given $100.00 August 24, 2003 11:03:27 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 8/22/2003 10:45:58 AM JLangley None Given $200.00 August 22, 2003 10:49:24 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 8/21/2003 8:13:53 AM JLangley None Given $150.00 August 21, 2003 8:14:55 AM EDT
  MS Word Automation using C++ - Private auction for PSergei soft2 10
$200.00 August 14, 2003 11:40:46 PM EDT
  Finished early.
  Direct3D .NET SlideShow CSharp.Net 9
$1,200.00 August 13, 2003 12:33:55 AM EDT
  Sergei is good to work with. The project had many details to make perfect, he did not get discouraged and worked hard until the job was done right.
  TS File Indexing-Private auction for PSergei on 7/9/2003 12:49:37 PM LSS inc. 10
$90.00 August 12, 2003 12:52:03 PM EDT
  Thanks for the nice work!
  Bonus for PSergei on 7/23/2003 6:12:19 PM QCC None Given $300.00 July 23, 2003 6:14:09 PM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei on 6/26/2003 7:00:22 AM JLangley 10
$125.00 July 15, 2003 8:32:45 PM EDT
  Typical 10+ work from Sergei!
  Human Resource and Payroll HRMS None Given $600.00 July 11, 2003 2:09:30 PM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei on 5/7/2003 3:16:29 PM RealWim 9
$100.00 July 9, 2003 6:38:14 PM EDT
  A pleasure - as always.
  Bonus for PSergei on 7/9/2003 12:44:38 PM LSS inc. None Given $25.00 July 9, 2003 12:49:16 PM EDT
  TC Project #8 - Private auction for PSergei on 6/2/2003 1:20:57 PM LSS inc. 10
$300.00 July 5, 2003 7:28:26 PM EDT
  Another great bit of work. Thanks, Sergei.
  Bonus for PSergei on 7/2/2003 6:28:03 AM JLangley None Given $15.00 July 2, 2003 6:28:58 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 6/26/2003 10:59:58 PM JLangley None Given $50.00 June 26, 2003 11:01:16 PM EDT
  Windows Service for Email Send/Receive via Database XDimension Inc 10
$180.00 June 25, 2003 5:37:04 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 6/14/2003 10:53:10 PM JLangley None Given $25.00 June 14, 2003 10:53:59 PM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei on 5/4/2003 11:05:18 PM JLangley 10
$150.00 June 14, 2003 10:52:57 PM EDT
  As usual excellent job!
  Hide the stylesheet in XML Organization Chart and Organization Chart .Net msi file AASoftech None Given $25.00 June 14, 2003 5:55:41 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 6/8/2003 6:05:54 PM RealWim None Given $50.00 June 8, 2003 6:07:53 PM EDT
  Enhancement to ICC Batch Converter & EmbedThis! Casha 10
$100.00 June 7, 2003 4:24:55 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 6/4/2003 11:07:31 AM JLangley None Given $35.00 June 4, 2003 11:08:51 AM EDT
  Quiz Master Ian Ippolito (RAC) None Given $300.00 May 21, 2003 1:27:04 PM EDT
  Cancelled by both the buyer and the coder.
  To Create the XML Organization Chart AASoftech None Given $100.00 May 14, 2003 9:30:55 PM EDT
  MP3 Voice Recorder LSS inc. 10
$400.00 May 14, 2003 6:14:07 PM EDT
  Voice Recorder SDK Integration - Private auction for PSergei on 3/25/2003 12:21:24 PM LSS inc. 10
$300.00 May 14, 2003 6:12:55 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 5/6/2003 9:41:05 PM JLangley None Given $25.00 May 6, 2003 9:42:05 PM EDT
  Create a new XML Chart stylesheet AASoftech 10
$50.00 May 6, 2003 7:24:53 AM EDT
  He did another excellent job same as before and was expected!
  Private auction for PSergei on 4/7/2003 1:47:40 PM JLangley 10
$200.00 May 4, 2003 10:09:22 AM EDT
  Excellent job Sergei...thanks again!
  Bonus for PSergei on 5/1/2003 8:48:46 PM JLangley None Given $30.00 May 1, 2003 8:49:31 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 5/1/2003 3:02:28 PM for Recorder LSS inc. None Given $250.00 May 1, 2003 3:04:53 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 4/16/2003 12:05:54 AM JLangley None Given $50.00 April 16, 2003 12:06:58 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 4/13/2003 4:22:39 PM JLangley None Given $25.00 April 13, 2003 4:23:41 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 4/3/2003 8:41:50 PM AASoftech None Given $50.00 April 3, 2003 8:43:49 PM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei on 3/18/2003 10:58:07 PM JLangley 10
$100.00 March 29, 2003 11:47:16 AM EDT
  Thanks for the quick job :-)
  Private auction for PSergei on 1/15/2003 7:33:31 PM JLangley 10
$200.00 March 20, 2003 8:48:42 PM EDT
  Excellent as usual!
  Bonus for PSergei on 3/20/2003 4:10:32 AM JLangley None Given $25.00 March 20, 2003 4:12:47 AM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei on 3/16/2003 2:52:10 AM JLangley 10
$75.00 March 19, 2003 5:18:07 PM EDT
  Excellent work as usual :-)
  Bonus for PSergei on 3/15/2003 4:48:20 PM LSS inc. None Given $75.00 March 15, 2003 4:49:51 PM EDT
  Modify existing code to display and update the XML file in tree format using XSL and asp (Server side script) AASoftech None Given $100.00 March 13, 2003 9:09:23 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 3/12/2003 5:33:29 PM RealWim None Given $15.00 March 12, 2003 5:34:21 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 3/12/2003 4:39:02 PM RealWim None Given $25.00 March 12, 2003 4:40:19 PM EDT
  Customer.mdb Trial Period for Comission Private auction for PSergei on 3/6/2003 10:45:30 AM LSS inc. 9
$75.00 March 11, 2003 9:36:06 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 3/9/2003 5:42:29 PM JLangley None Given $40.00 March 9, 2003 5:44:22 PM EDT
  .NET sample application Meridian 10
$400.00 March 5, 2003 6:24:51 PM EDT
  Sergei did an excellent job. He was prompt on finishing the changes required. I'll defintely work with him again.

  Bonus for PSergei on 3/4/2003 12:57:23 PM LSS inc. None Given $50.00 March 4, 2003 12:58:55 PM EDT
  Customer DB - Private auction for PSergei on 2/13/2003 7:37:44 AM LSS inc. 10
$300.00 March 4, 2003 12:56:52 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 2/27/2003 6:30:24 AM JLangley None Given $40.00 February 27, 2003 6:31:57 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 2/20/2003 3:49:02 AM JLangley None Given $100.00 February 20, 2003 3:50:22 AM EDT
  Display the multiple levels Orgchart from XML input data AASoftech 10
$700.00 February 19, 2003 9:18:03 PM EDT
  I am quiet happy with Sergei. He is excellent, professional and deliver the project much earlier than expected.
  Bonus for PSergei on 2/17/2003 12:10:35 AM JLangley None Given $35.00 February 17, 2003 12:11:58 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 2/12/2003 9:18:58 PM JLangley None Given $50.00 February 12, 2003 9:20:49 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 2/10/2003 7:23:21 PM JLangley None Given $30.00 February 10, 2003 7:25:02 PM EDT
  Web Page Interacter Class Argus 9
$300.00 February 7, 2003 10:35:52 PM EDT
  Sergei took a difficult task and did a fantastic job with it.
  Bonus for PSergei on 2/6/2003 5:16:23 PM JohnBev None Given $50.00 February 7, 2003 9:35:41 AM EDT
  Word Mail Merge Automation JohnBev 10
$250.00 February 6, 2003 5:06:53 PM EDT
  Sergei was the perfect match for this project. He is very familiar with all Microsoft technologies and is a very good communicator and very responsive to my inputs and requests. He was able to diagnose and solve very complex issues regarding different results on different generations of hardware and different versions of Word using only an eMailed log of issues and answers. The problem was related to various versions of certain VB OCX's installed on several different machines. His skillsets using VBA for Word Automation, in using and understanding complex details regarding Word for Windows and in using the .NET MSI Installation platform are very, very strong. I would not hesitate to use Sergei again and to recommend him very highly for almost any Microsoft development platform including VB, ASP, C++ and even XML.
  VBScript to WAP awillis 10
$150.00 February 6, 2003 4:44:43 PM EDT
  excellent work, well under deadline, and more work was done than required. Even with a 7 hour time difference, was very responsive. Will use again for sure.
  Private auction for PSergei on 2/3/2003 3:24:43 PM TC Listview Refresh LSS inc. 10
$30.00 February 5, 2003 3:15:29 PM EDT
  Sergei is always happy to make immediate modifications to code that he has authored. This particular change was done in less than 2 days.
  Enhancement Meridian None Given $50.00 February 3, 2003 3:33:42 PM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei on 12/10/2002 9:08:56 PM JLangley 10
$100.00 January 4, 2003 1:19:41 PM EDT
  As usual, Sergei did a fantastic job!
  TC 4 - Private auction for PSergei on 12/17/2002 9:20:45 AM LSS inc. 10
$350.00 December 31, 2002 12:43:28 PM EDT
  ASP.NET C# charting component RealWim 10
$300.00 December 28, 2002 9:28:17 AM EDT
  Sergei is a fantastic coder. He is very creative, understands the problems to be solved, and above all is very flexible. Top marks!
  Bonus for PSergei on 12/22/2002 8:04:36 PM JLangley None Given $50.00 December 22, 2002 8:05:58 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 12/20/2002 12:01:17 PM JLangley None Given $25.00 December 20, 2002 12:06:45 PM EDT
  Embed This! Casha 10
$100.00 December 13, 2002 1:47:49 AM EDT
  Another excellent job from Sergei. My project was completed quickly and very efficiently.
  Bonus for PSergei on 12/12/2002 3:39:57 PM JLangley None Given $50.00 December 12, 2002 3:43:44 PM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei on 12/5/2002 9:25:08 AM JLangley 10
$100.00 December 10, 2002 4:51:52 PM EDT
  As usual..superb job with design as well as programming!

  Bonus for PSergei on 12/5/2002 9:19:58 AM JLangley None Given $25.00 December 5, 2002 9:21:32 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 11/30/2002 8:30:57 PM JLangley None Given $50.00 November 30, 2002 8:33:12 PM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei on 11/27/2002 3:00:28 PM JLangley 10
$150.00 November 30, 2002 8:30:44 PM EDT
  I asked Sergei to put together a demo for me in ASP.NET using SQL Server, as well as WAP and PALM..asking him if he could do it in 3 days...not onlt was it done faster than that, it was done perfectly.

At the same time, I needed a nice good design using Flash, and Sergei used a buddy of his to work on it, and he was just as good! Now I know that Sergei has a great designer to work along with...

I would rate Sergei higher than 10, but I guess 10 is good enough!

  PERL (or similar) version of KeyGen Casha 10
$100.00 November 30, 2002 5:21:57 PM EDT
  Many thanks to Sergei for a very rapid and pragmatic solution to my problem - excellent.
  TC Features 3 - Private auction for PSergei on 10/23/2002 3:36:43 PM LSS inc. 10
$300.00 November 29, 2002 10:24:52 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 11/25/2002 9:05:02 PM JLangley None Given $50.00 November 25, 2002 9:06:18 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 11/15/2002 3:42:29 PM JLangley None Given $50.00 November 15, 2002 3:44:04 PM EDT
  Batch Converter Program for Images(for PSergei) Casha 10
$400.00 November 15, 2002 8:01:49 AM EDT
  I would give Sergei an 11/10 if it were possible. He was very profesional in his work and completed the project much more quickly that I anticipated.

I am very pleased and hope to use Sergei again in the very near future.

James Casha
  Bonus for PSergei on 11/7/2002 8:29:52 PM JLangley None Given $50.00 November 7, 2002 8:32:34 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 10/31/2002 4:22:57 PM JLangley None Given $50.00 October 31, 2002 4:26:27 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 10/23/2002 7:57:32 PM JLangley None Given $50.00 October 23, 2002 8:00:20 PM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei on 10/14/2002 5:22:33 PM LSS inc. 9
$60.00 October 17, 2002 9:58:41 AM EDT
  Great work and fast turnaround!
  bonus - extra features QCC None Given $50.00 October 1, 2002 11:43:18 AM EDT
  TC New Features 2 on 9/11/2002 7:52:45 PM LSS inc. 8
(Very Good)
$350.00 September 29, 2002 5:02:38 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 9/29/2002 4:25:10 PM JLangley None Given $250.00 September 29, 2002 4:27:18 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 9/18/2002 10:02:07 PM JLangley 10
$100.00 September 18, 2002 10:07:19 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 9/14/2002 11:21:47 AM LSS inc. 9
$50.00 September 14, 2002 11:26:52 AM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 9/10/2002 9:43:37 PM JLangley 10
$100.00 September 10, 2002 9:47:31 PM EDT
  Excellent work so far Sergei...keep it up!!
  Bonus for PSergei for TC features 1 on 9/5/2002 7:17:30 PM LSS inc. 9
$100.00 September 5, 2002 7:19:02 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 9/3/2002 1:40:27 PM LSS inc. 10
$75.00 September 3, 2002 1:51:44 PM EDT
  Private auction for PSergei (Office Automation) LSS inc. 8
(Very Good)
$200.00 September 3, 2002 1:40:06 PM EDT
  The resulting work was very good. The code wasn't completed as quick as I had liked, but I will definatly work with this coder again.
  Bonus for PSergei on 9/2/2002 11:45:00 PM JLangley 10
$100.00 September 2, 2002 11:48:51 PM EDT
  Bonus for PSergei on 8/26/2002 9:21:14 AM JLangley 10
$100.00 September 2, 2002 11:44:50 PM EDT
  WinOS/IIS configuration UPDATE ehsang 10
$300.00 August 27, 2002 12:38:18 PM EDT
  Sergei is amazing. His work is superb and his support even after the project has been delivered is admireable. He helped from the very beginning in the specifications and adjustments of the project before we got started. His responses are prompt and professional. He knows what he is talking about and can get the job done.
Thank you, Sergei, and I would love to work with you on a continuous basis.
  ASP.NET Upgrade Project JLangley 10
$100.00 July 29, 2002 9:09:40 PM EDT
  A wonderful coder...I can't say anything else about Sergei. He understood exactly what I wanted, wrote superb code, and was able to get it done for me, way before my deadline.

He is a great coder, and I plan on using him again!
  Bonus for PSergei on 7/29/2002 9:16:18 AM JLangley 10
$40.00 July 29, 2002 9:29:53 AM EDT
  Sergei is a great coder, and I was extremely happy with the time-frame, as well as the style of his coding!
  Utf-8 conversion function in VbScript5.5+ Dimitri H 10
$50.00 July 21, 2002 8:10:36 AM EDT
  Fast and serious. Has accomplished the work exactly the way I wanted. Thanks a lot, Sergej.
  Bonus for PSergei ShoreSide 10
$100.00 July 2, 2002 5:49:05 PM EDT
  Thanks Again!
  Mail To Text Outlook e-mail Backup Program gquick 8
(Very Good)
$100.00 July 2, 2002 3:33:44 PM EDT
  Path to DLL - Not AppPath ShoreSide 10
$50.00 July 1, 2002 5:26:12 PM EDT
  Not bad for a single line of code! Just enough to point me in the right direction!

It's not how much the info cost - does it do the job?

Thanks a bunch!
  Private auction for PSergei on 6/12/2002 1:08:49 PM QCC 10
$200.00 July 1, 2002 9:06:54 AM EDT
  accounting overview--personnel flash-edwards 10
$400.00 June 26, 2002 7:21:25 PM EDT
  Project was finished on time and all requests (clarifications) were honored and accomplished. We are very pleased with the result!
  Fix the Exception Handler for my ADO 2.5 project Hanuman 10
$100.00 June 13, 2002 12:06:10 PM EDT
  Good diligent hard worker.

He helped me with my questions and problems. Together, we finally figured out what was wrong with my code.
  ASP DLL to convert images - Based upon ImageMagick QCC 10
$50.00 May 29, 2002 6:05:46 PM EDT
  Great job!
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