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Top Coder Competition Ranking
# 96 of 50,771

Raw Score Total: 30,579.99
(see 11 ratings)
  in Hannover, Niedersachsen

Seller / Coder Rating:  10 (Excellent)
Sign up date:  Sep 17, 2002 1:12:03 PM EDT
Last Logged In:  Aug 21, 2003 7:54:47 AM EDT
Jobs Started:  22
Jobs Completed:  22
Missed Status Report
Warnings Issued:
Arbitrations Lost:  (out of 2 Arbitrations)
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Areas Of Expertise: 

Java, PHP, PERL, HTML, XML, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript, ActionScript, SOAP

ez publish framework(PHP), postnuke framework(PHP), XML-RPC, openCMS(Java)

OS and Networking:
Linux, Unix , Win and MacOS installation und configuration of networks and communication technolgies

JAVA, PHP, PERL in complex and object oriented structurces

Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, Access, ODBC, JDBC
SQL, triggers and procedures, transaction management, client-server technologie

internet services, page design with HTML, JavaScript, Flash, actionscript and CSS, XML, XSLT, content management

Onlineshop Publishing:
concepts of electronic commerce, solutions with Intershop, osCommerce, perlbill, ez publish, PayPal, Clickbank, 2checkout, ECHO

law, multi media, e-marketing, e-payment, e-learning, globalisation of online-communication, work-flow, hard- and software solutions

Design and Publishing:
text, grafics, photos, sound, animation, video, 3D-design, grafic and DTP-tools

Current age is 22.

2002 graduation as informationtechnological assistant in e-commerce at b.i.b. Hannover, Germany

After Graduation Freelancer in programming webapplications and webdesign.

Current projects after 01/01/2003: (ez publish) (webbuilder mod_perl, affiliate software)

Current projects before 01/01/2003: (system administration) (e-commerce, digital products) (extending affiliate Software) (OOF framework ) (ez publish framework) (ez publish framework) (OOF framework )

Past projects before 01/01/2002: (E-Shop Perl)
worked at (professinal mailing , statistic and other webapplications in PERL for banks, template engine)
various smaller design and programming

Top Coder Competition Raw Score
Average Job Size
Average Coder Rating
Number of Completed Jobs
Penalty for Missed Status Reports Warnings *
(1 warnings x 1000 penalty) = 1000
  Raw Score Total: 30,580

* Penalty rule enacted on 10/8/2001 and applies only to warnings sent after that date.
Note: all top coder competition stats are only updated once a day between midnight and 1:00 EDT.
Rent A Coder Work History
All ratings and comments are the opinion of the poster and do not reflect the official view of Rent A Coder.

Rated For Rated By Rating Bid Amount Rated On
  Democracies Online Newswire - E-mail List/Weblog/CMS Combo netclift 10
$1,250.00 June 13, 2003 10:01:14 AM EDT
  Ez publish is the way to go, great job Bjorn.
  "Request" module for postnuke Spinner 10
$99.00 April 14, 2003 3:49:21 AM EDT
  XROW did a terrific job. It is great to know that when you have an idea about a piece of software that the coder actually thinks with you and makes it even better. Excellent job, I will definitly request XROW's services again.
  Make PHPROFESSION module Postnuke Compliant Spinner None Given $149.00 April 14, 2003 3:46:29 AM EDT
  Private auction for DEVOPEN on 2/22/2003 1:27:10 AM cpskins 10
$300.00 April 9, 2003 3:30:02 PM EDT
  First I would like to say DEVOPEN did an amazing job on my project, and did more then I had expected. DEVOPEN is one of the best developers we have ever had a chance to work with, and we hire a lot of people. The interaction between DEVOPEN was great, they responded fast to our emails and IM and stayed around while we tested everything. We will be using DEVOPEN for all of our future projects.
  Script translation to German rsoft None Given $100.00 April 3, 2003 11:31:20 AM EDT
  Bonus for DEVOPEN on 2/7/2003 1:34:53 PM NickSmith None Given $100.00 February 7, 2003 1:37:08 PM EDT
  Signup Script StationOne None Given $120.00 January 26, 2003 9:34:49 PM EDT
  Enhancements for cgi scripts DeoValente None Given $80.00 January 16, 2003 12:16:38 PM EDT
  Bonus for DEVOPEN on 12/23/2002 7:04:03 AM NickSmith None Given $35.00 December 23, 2002 7:04:44 AM EDT
  Bonus for DEVOPEN on 12/11/2002 7:24:20 AM NickSmith None Given $65.00 December 11, 2002 7:25:54 AM EDT
  perl webmail script support Ncntrl 10
$100.00 December 9, 2002 9:20:06 PM EDT
  DEVOPEN worked extra hard on this and did an amazing job. I originally thought I would need Perl assistance, and I ended up recieve Perl, SQL, SMTP, custom programming and Exim support. Not only did he fix my main problem, he helped fix an SQL error as well. He is online and available at all hours, and is EXTREMLEY willing to help you and truly cares. I will continue to use on future projects.
  Download Protector NickSmith 10
$50.00 December 4, 2002 4:48:23 PM EDT
  I'd give Bjorn 20 out of 10 if I could ...

After my initial explaination, he knew exactly what I needed technically and he delivered it - well before deadline ...

I then came up with a possible problem which he fixed in under 48 hours and the result is even better than I could have hoped for ...

This guy is AMAZING ...

I'm using him again to refine the project even further and have at least another 6 projects I'll be using him for ...

If you've got any sense and you want your project done right first time ... hire this guy ...

And no, I'm not his Dad :o)

Just a very satisfied customer ...

  User Database integration (mySQL) Dam0 10
$90.00 December 3, 2002 12:25:11 PM EDT
  I couldn't have asked for a better coder for the job.

DEVOPEN knew exactly what I needed and worked throughout the night to deliver.

I already have plans for his next project, should he accept it.
  Bonus for DEVOPEN on 11/26/2002 10:48:22 AM skinthis None Given $50.00 November 27, 2002 9:33:59 AM EDT
  perlbill modification skinthis 10
$70.00 November 26, 2002 10:47:26 AM EDT
  Excellent programmer! Was friendly, cooperative, and even implimented extra features! Id recomend this programmer for anyone!
  Bonus for DEVOPEN on 11/21/2002 1:21:47 AM Bearman None Given $40.00 November 21, 2002 1:25:35 AM EDT
  JRoach Bearman 10
$40.00 November 21, 2002 12:59:14 AM EDT
  Very hard worker, sticks to it until it done..
I will definitely use him again.. I highly recommend him..


  Event Calendar Hellcampcommando 10
$50.00 November 11, 2002 12:21:42 PM EDT
  He did the project way before the dead line and did everything I requested. One Good Coder A++
  Zend Optimizer Install targetplanet 10
$20.00 November 8, 2002 12:08:38 PM EDT
  Bjorn was very helpful to me, and went way beyond the call of duty on this project. What I presented as a 20 minutes task, actually required several core updates on my server. I double checked with the company that provided my software, and they were completely baffled (and gave up)

Bjorn spent many hours fixing everything, and when it was all said and done, it worked like a charm. He even found errors in the code for the commercial software, and fixed them for me.

I couldn't be happier, and I would recommend him to anyone who needs of an experienced professional. You won't go wrong, I assure you.
  Bonus for Bjorn targetplanet None Given $120.00 November 8, 2002 11:58:48 AM EDT
  Bonus for DEVOPEN on 10/31/2002 5:21:34 PM EcoAid None Given $80.00 October 31, 2002 5:26:53 PM EDT
  CGI Programmer wanted for script modifications EcoAid 10
$200.00 October 24, 2002 2:17:54 AM EDT
  Beside the ordered work DEVOPEN has proven to be full of great ideas and has handled my case very proffessionally. Highly recommended!
Average:   10.00
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