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Scrolling images and text

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Submitted on: 1/13/2000
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 3 Users
Compatibility:Java (JDK 1.1)

Users have accessed this code 10239 times.
     Java Applet that displays scrolling images and text.
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// Name: Scrolling images and text
// Description:Java Applet that displays
//     scrolling images and text.
// By: 

import java.applet.*; 
import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.image.PixelGrabber; 
import java.awt.image.MemoryImageSource; 
public class CoolScroll extends Applet implements Runnable 
    private Thread m_CoolScroll = null; 
    boolean asodreadisegna = false; 
    private double rad = 20.0, 
    rad_inc = 0.5, 
    RAD = 3.1415926535 / 180, 
    ang_x = 0.0, 
    angolo_x = 0.0, 
    inc_factor = 1.5; 
    int asciioffset = 0; 
    int veloce; 
    char msg[]; 
    int msgbounceindex []; 
    int lametable[]; 
    int xadd = 0; 
    int scrollpos = 0; 
    int mirrorpic[], 
    int startx = 0, 
    starty = 0, 
    Color forecolor, 
    Image backdrop; 
    Image appletimage; 
    Image cropfont, 
    int redmaskadd = 90, 
    greenmaskadd = 120, 
    bluemaskadd = 140; 
    int redadd = 5, 
    greenadd = 5, 
    blueadd = 5; 
    Image letter; 
    int extent_x, 
    int letterwidth = 0, 
    letterheight = 0; 
    private MemoryImageSource screenMem; 
    Graphics gfx, 
    public void init() 
        String messaggio; 
        messaggio = getParameter("scrolltext"); 
        if(messaggio == null) 
            messaggio="SAY SOMETHING TO THE WORLD...WRITE IT!"; 

veloce = Integer.parseInt(getParameter("scrollspeed")); asciioffset = Integer.parseInt(getParameter("asciioffset")); //Single letter build letterwidth = Integer.parseInt(getParameter("fontx")); letterheight = Integer.parseInt(getParameter("fonty")); letter = createImage(letterwidth , letterheight ); lettergfx = letter.getGraphics(); //Single letter build appletimage = createImage(size().width , size().height); appletgfx = appletimage.getGraphics(); //Half scroll build extent_x = size().width / 2; extent_y = size().height / 4; upperimage = createImage( extent_x , extent_y ); gfx = upperimage.getGraphics(); scrollpos = extent_x; swappic = new int[extent_x * extent_y + extent_x]; mirrorpic = new int[extent_x * extent_y + extent_x]; //Half scroll build //ScrollText build msglenght = messaggio.length(); msg = new char[msglenght+1]; //Get ready to bounce... msgbounceindex = new int[msglenght+1]; lametable = new int[16]; loadlameBounce(); int nowind = 0; for (int loop=0; loop < msglenght; loop++) { msgbounceindex[loop] = nowind; if(++nowind>15) nowind = 0; }
msg = messaggio.toCharArray(); //ScrollText build MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this); cropfont = getImage(getDocumentBase(), getParameter("fontimage")); tracker.addImage(cropfont, 0); try { tracker.waitForID(0); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { }
MediaTracker tracker2 = new MediaTracker(this); backdrop = getImage(getDocumentBase(), getParameter("backimage")); tracker2.addImage(backdrop, 1); try { tracker2.waitForID(1); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { }
forecolor = new Color(255,0,0); backcolor = new Color(0,0,0); screenMem = new MemoryImageSource(extent_x, extent_y, mirrorpic, 0, extent_x); }
public void update(Graphics g) { gfx.drawImage(backdrop,0,0,this); BounceScroll(); loadPix(); renderPix(); appletgfx.drawImage(upperimage,0,0, extent_x * 2, extent_y * 2, this); appletgfx.drawImage(lowerimage,0,extent_y*2, extent_x * 2, (extent_y * 2)+xadd, this); paint(g); }
public void paint(Graphics g) { if (appletgfx != null) { g.drawImage(appletimage ,0,0, this); }
public void start() { if (m_CoolScroll == null) { m_CoolScroll = new Thread(this); m_CoolScroll.start(); }
public void stop() { if (m_CoolScroll != null) { m_CoolScroll.stop(); m_CoolScroll = null; }
public void run() { while (true) { try { repaint(); Thread.sleep(50); System.gc(); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { stop(); }
private void loadPix() { int punto = 0; int themask = 0; asodreadisegna = true; PixelGrabber grabber = new PixelGrabber( upperimage, 0, 0, extent_x, extent_y, swappic , 0, extent_x); boolean done = false; do { try { done = grabber.grabPixels( 500 ); }
catch ( InterruptedException e ) {} }
while( !done ); asodreadisegna = false; }
private void renderPix() { int punto = 0; int themask = 0; int red = 0; int green = 0; int blue = 0; int yindex = extent_y-1; redmaskadd += redadd; greenmaskadd += greenadd; bluemaskadd += blueadd; if(redmaskadd == 255 || redmaskadd == 90 ) redadd = redadd * -1; if(greenmaskadd == 255 || greenmaskadd == 90 ) greenadd = greenadd * -1; if(bluemaskadd == 255 || bluemaskadd == 90 ) blueadd = blueadd * -1; for(int loopy = 0; loopy < extent_y; loopy++) { for(int loopx = 0; loopx < extent_x; loopx++) { punto = swappic[extent_x * yindex + loopx]; themask = punto & 0x00ff0000; red = themask >> 16; themask = punto & 0x0000ff00; green = themask >> 8; themask = punto & 0x000000ff; blue = themask; //red = blue; //green = blue; red = red; green = green; red = (int)((red * redmaskadd)<<8); green = (int)((green * greenmaskadd)); blue = (int)((blue * bluemaskadd)>>8); mirrorpic[extent_x * loopy + loopx] = 0xff000000 |(red & 0x00ff0000) | (green & 0x0000ff00) | (blue & 0xff); }
yindex--; }
lowerimage = createImage(screenMem); }
// Lame Pre-Calc bounce table.... private void loadlameBounce() { lametable[0] = 0; lametable[1] = 0; lametable[2] = 0; lametable[3] = 1; lametable[4] = 1; lametable[5] = 2; lametable[6] = 4; lametable[7] = 6; lametable[8] = 10; lametable[9] = 15; lametable[10] = 10; lametable[11] = 6; lametable[12] = 4; lametable[13] = 2; lametable[14] = 1; lametable[15] = 1; }
private void BounceScroll() { int retval = 0; double CX; for (int loopx = 0; loopx < msglenght; loopx++) { if( scrollpos + (loopx * letterwidth ) < extent_x && scrollpos + (loopx * letterwidth ) > letterwidth * -1) { getletterIndex((int)msg[loopx]); //Simulating transparent color.... lettergfx.drawImage(backdrop, -(scrollpos + (loopx * letterwidth)), -(1+lametable [msgbounceindex[loopx]]),this); lettergfx.drawImage(cropfont, -(startx * letterwidth), -(starty * letterheight),this); gfx.drawImage(letter,scrollpos + (loopx * letterwidth),1+lametable [msgbounceindex[loopx]],this); lettergfx.fillRect(0,0,letterwidth, letterheight); }
if(++msgbounceindex[loopx] > 15) msgbounceindex[loopx] = 0; }
scrollpos -= veloce; if(scrollpos * -1 > msglenght * letterwidth) scrollpos = extent_x; //sinus stuff angolo_x += inc_factor; if (angolo_x > 90 || angolo_x < 0) { inc_factor = inc_factor * -1; }
CX = Math.cos((angolo_x ) * RAD); xadd = (int)(angolo_x * CX); //end of sinus stuff }
private void getletterIndex(int ASCIIcode) { int retval = 0; retval = ((int)ASCIIcode)-asciioffset; if(retval<=0) { startx = 0; starty = 0; }
else { starty = ((int)(retval / 10)); startx = (retval%10); }

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10/2/2002 12:07:15 PM:
I am trying to use this code and it is 
giving me a syntax error on line 
17...import java.applet.*;
Any reson 
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