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ordered binary tree

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Submitted on: 10/16/2002 2:58:23 PM
By: Eric Repec InetSolution  
Level: Advanced
User Rating: By 1 Users

Users have accessed this code 2070 times.

(About the author)
     JavaScript is slow and the more speed you can get out of it the better. Ever have an array, which you needed to sort or have a list of items you wanted to sort quickly. Bubble sorts do the job but do you find yourself waiting for the sort to happen. This script may help you speed up your sorts. Ordered Binary trees are said to be one of the fastest way to sort data. Here is a simple implementation of one for you. You can use it as is or improve on it. Have fun! Eric Repec
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// Name: ordered binary tree
// Description:JavaScript is slow and th
//     e more speed you can get out of it the b
//     etter. Ever have an array, which you nee
//     ded to sort or have a list of items you 
//     wanted to sort quickly. Bubble sorts do 
//     the job but do you find yourself waiting
//     for the sort to happen. This script may 
//     help you speed up your sorts. Ordered Bi
//     nary trees are said to be one of the fas
//     test way to sort data. Here is a simple 
//     implementation of one for you. You can u
//     se it as is or improve on it. Have fun!
Eric Repec
// By: Eric Repec InetSolution
// Inputs:Currently this implementation 
//     only supports the input of strings. Howe
//     ver, you can place any type of data into
//     this structure with a bit of coding. Ple
//     ase see my incode comments for help.
// Returns:binary tree.
//This code is copyrighted and has// limited warranties.Please see http://
//     www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sh
//     owCode.asp?txtCodeId=3240&lngWId;=2//for details.//**************************************

<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
var oCurr; // temp object to hold our current pointer.
var t = new tree("t"); // Lets get started by creating our tree with one value.
// manually add a few nodes.
// show the user what our sorted list lo
//     oks like
// another way to iterate through the da
//     ta..
oCurr = t.getFirst();
oCurr = oCurr.getNextSorted();
oCurr = oCurr.getNextSorted();
oCurr = oCurr.getNextSorted();
oCurr = oCurr.getNextSorted();
oCurr = oCurr.getNextSorted();
oCurr = oCurr.getNextSorted();
// OK now lets play with arrays.
var a = new Array("r","g","f","q","h","y","z","a","b","e","u","w","b","m","x","p","k");
// create our tree and make the first no
//     de equal to the first item in the array.
var t2 = new tree(a[0])
// loop through all the data in the arra
//     y and add them to the tree.
for(var i = 1;i < a.length;i++)
// OK now we can pull the array back out
//     and it is sorted. 
a = t2.sortedArray();
// lets build the array into a string so
//     we can see it.
var string = "";
for(var i=0;i < a.length;i++)
	string += a[i];
alert("array dump = " + string);
function tree(value)
    	this.value = value;
    	// this will traverse the tree and find a sutable spot for the next node. It will evaluate the value being passed. 
    	// if you wish to use something other then strings you will have to change the if statement below to properly evaluate 
    	// your type of data.
    	this.addSorted = function(value)
        		// this is where we are making the determination of where to add this node to the tree.
        		// you can change this evaluation to match your data type.
        		if(value < this.value)
            			if(this.left == null)
                				// add the value to the left of the current node
                				return this.addLeft(value);
                    				// recursively call addSort on the left node
                    				return this.left.addSorted(value);
                        			if(this.right == null)
                            				// add the value to the right of the current node
                            				return this.addRight(value);
                                				// recursively call addSort on the right node
                                				return this.right.addSorted(value);
                                	// helper function to add a left child node.
                                	this.addLeft = function(value)
                                    		this.left = new tree(value);
                                    		this.left.parent = this;
                                    		return this.left;
                                    	// helper function to add a right child node.
                                    	this.addRight = function(value)
                                        		this.right = new tree(value);
                                        		this.right.parent = this;
                                        		return this.right;
                                        	// output a string of sorted values. this function can be changed to support your type of object.
                                        	this.sortedList = function()
                                            		var string = "";
                                            		string = this.value;
                                            		if(this.left != null)
                                            			string = this.left.sortedList() + "," + string;
                                            		if(this.right != null)
                                            			string += "," + this.right.sortedList();
                                            		return string;
                                            	// this will return the first sorted node in the tree node.
                                            	this.getFirst = function getFirst()
                                                		var curr = this;
                                                		while(curr.left != null)
                                                			curr = curr.left;
                                                		return curr;
                                                	// this will return the next node in a sorted list by using just the tree object.
                                                	// this is a bit messy because I choose not to use recursion to implement this function.
                                                	this.getNextSorted = function()
                                                    		// check to see if we have a right node
                                                    		if(this.right != null)
                                                    			return this.right.getFirst();
                                                    		// check to see if we are the left node of a parent
                                                    		if(this.parent != null)
                                                    			if(this.parent.left == this)
                                                    				return this.parent;
                                                        				var curr = this;
                                                        				while(curr.parent.right == curr)
                                                            					curr = curr.parent;
                                                            					if(curr.parent == null)
                                                            						return null;
                                                            				return curr.parent;
                                                            	// this function will use the getNextSorted() function to build an array of sorted items
                                                            	this.sortedArray = function()
                                                                		var a = new Array();
                                                                		var curr = this.getFirst();
                                                                		var i = 0;
                                                                		while(curr != null)
                                                                    			a[i++] = curr.value;
                                                                    			curr = curr.getNextSorted();	
                                                                    		return a;


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