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Infinite tree w/XML

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Submitted on: 10/16/2002 12:11:46 PM
By: Eric Repec InetSolution  
Level: Advanced
User Rating: Unrated

Users have accessed this code 3314 times.

(About the author)
     This is a JavaScript implementation of a infinite tree structure which can model a simple or complex tree on the client or server. A project I was working on required the ability to add more then two children to a node for an implementation of a select tree. I wanted to create a linked list tree structure as you would in C or C++ and was unable to find an implementation of this sort on any of the existing code sites out there. This code has a number of use cases from complex breadcrumb implementations to custom written tree menus. You can also use this tree to show complex dependences and or inheritance within your data. Within this code, there are some good examples of recursion with JavaScript as well as object creation and assignment. I have also created the ability to import and export with XML. This means that you can utilize the XML islands you have lying around to populate this tree and then use the tree to reference the data. I am not sure it this gains anything over the XML DOM or not but it is interesting to say the least. Have fun Eric Repec
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// Name: Infinite tree w/XML
// Description:This is a JavaScript impl
//     ementation of a infinite tree structure 
//     which can model a simple or complex tree
//     on the client or server. A project I was
//     working on required the ability to add m
//     ore then two children to a node for an i
//     mplementation of a select tree. I wanted
//     to create a linked list tree structure a
//     s you would in C or C++ and was unable t
//     o find an implementation of this sort on
//     any of the existing code sites out there
//     . 
this code has a number of use cases from complex breadcrumb implementations to custom written tree menus. You can also use this tree to show complex dependences and or inheritance within your data. 
Within this code, there are some good examples of recursion with JavaScript as well as object creation and assignment.
I have also created the ability to import and export with XML. this means that you can utilize the XML islands you have lying around to populate this tree and then use the tree to reference the data. I am not sure it this gains anything over the XML DOM or not but it is interesting to say the least. 
Have fun
Eric Repec
// By: Eric Repec InetSolution
//This code is copyrighted and has// limited warranties.Please see http://
//     www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sh
//     owCode.asp?txtCodeId=3239&lngWId;=2//for details.//**************************************

<TITLE>infinite tree example</TITLE>
alert("This works best in IE 6.0. I have not tested it on anything else.");
// create a new infinitetree() object an
//     d populate the first(root) node with "n1
//     "
var it = new infinitetree("n1");
// it always points to the root. Adding 
//     a child to the root with a value of "n2"
// you could have implemented the curren
//     t property as a variable but I have impl
//     emented as part of the object
// for the fun of it. Here I am setting 
//     it to the first child of the root. "n2"
// calling a function made possiable by 
//     the object property named current. This 
//     is a fast way to add a node to the 
// tree
// setting current = to the last node wh
//     ich was added to the tree. Another short
//     cut.
// moving the current property up a leve
//     l on the tree. Basically current = curre
//     nt.parent.
// making a copy of the tree using the e
//     xport to XML and the import to XML metho
//     ds
var it2 = new infinitetree();
// printing the two trees to prove that 
//     they are equal
// searching the tree for the value "n12
//     " and printing the value of it's parent.
// a quick and dirty way to dump all the
//     contents of the tree.
function infinitetree(value)
    	this.parent;				// pointer to the node's parent
    	this.child = new Array();	// array of children
    	this.value = value;			// value of the node
    	this.current = this;		// used only on the root node to point to a object pointer which represents the current node.
    	this.root = this;			// points to the root.
    	this.lastAdded;				// used only on the root node to point to the last added node.
    	this.index;					// holds the child index of the nodes parent 
    	// pass in a well formed XML stream and it will be inserted into the tree placing
    	// the root in the place of the node passed.
    	this.importxml = function(strXML)
        		var oxmlDocument = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument");
        		this.value = oxmlDocument.firstChild.nodeName;
        		for(var i = 0; i < oxmlDocument.firstChild.childNodes.length; i ++)
            	// Export a xml stream which represents the entire tree
            	this.exportxml = function()
                		var oxmlDocumentOut = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument");
                		var oxmlDocumentTemp = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument");
                		for(var i = 0;i < this.child.length;i++)
                    		return oxmlDocumentOut.xml;
                    	// this will return an object which represents the item being searched for. 
                    	//It will return null if not found in the tree
                    	this.search = function(sKey)
                        		if(this.value == sKey) return this;
                        		for(var i = 0;i < this.child.length; i++)
                            			oCurrent = this.child[i].search(sKey);
                            			if(oCurrent != null) return oCurrent;
                            		return null;
                            	// Helper function used to insert spaces in the output.
                            	function space(len)
                                		var spaces = "";
                                		for(var i = 0;i < len;i++)
                                			spaces += " ";
                                		return spaces;
                                	// Will return a text block which represents the tree
                                	// if the first param is passed in a true it will expand all sub nodes of the node passed.
                                	// if false it will only print the children of the node passed.
                                	this.expandnode = function(bAllSibs,iDepth)
                                    		var strOut = "";
                                    		if(isNaN(iDepth)) iDepth = 0;
                                    		strOut = this.value;
                                    		for(var i = 0;i < this.child.length; i++)
                                        			if(i == 0) iDepth += this.value.length;
                                        			if(i > 0) strOut += "\n" + space(iDepth);
                                        				strOut += this.child[i].expandnode(bAllSibs,iDepth);
                                        				strOut += this.child[i].value + "\n";
                                        		return strOut;
                                        	// add a child to the node passed.
                                        	this.addChild = function(value)
                                            		var index = this.child.length;
                                            		this.child[index] = new infinitetree(value);
                                            		this.child[index].root = this.root;
                                            		this.root.lastAdded = this.child[index];
                                            		this.child[index].parent = this;
                                            		this.child[index].index = index;
                                            		return true;
                                            	// add a child to the node pointed to by Current
                                            	this.addChildtoCurrent = function(value)
                                                	// will get a child of the node passed which is pointed to by the index passed.
                                                	this.getChild = function(index)
                                                    		if(index == null) index = 0;
                                                    		if(index < this.child.length)
                                                    			return this.child[index];
                                                    		return null;
                                                    	// will set the root variable current to the node passed
                                                    	this.setCurrent = function(node)
                                                        		if(node == null) 
                                                        			return false;
                                                        		this.current = node;
                                                        		return true;
                                                        	// Will move the current pointer to the parent of the passed node
                                                        	this.assend = function()
                                                            		if(this.root.current.parent == null)
                                                            			return false;
                                                            		this.root.current = this.root.current.parent;
                                                            		return true;
                                                            	// will print all node values below the node passed.
                                                            	this.unload = function()
                                                                		var sString = "";
                                                                		for(var i = 0;i < this.child.length;i++)
                                                                    			sString += " <- " + this.child[i].unload();
                                                                    		return this.value + sString;

</SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT></SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <xml id="xmlisland"> <n1> <n2> <n3> <n4/> </n3> <n5> <n6/> </n5> <n7> <n8/> </n7> <n8.1> <n9> <n10> <n10.5/> <n12/> </n10> <n11/> </n9> </n8.1> </n2> </n1> </xml> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT> // example of pulling the tree from xml // in an xml data island. // show the contents of the island alert(window.document.all["xmlisland"].innerHTML); // create a new infinite tree object to // use. var t2 = new infinitetree("n1"); t2.importxml(window.document.all["xmlisland"].innerHTML); // set the contents of the body to the t // ree contents. window.document.body.innerText+=t2.root.expandnode(true); </SCRIPT> <span onclick="window.document.body.innerText+=t2.root.expandnode(true);">test</span> </BODY> </HTML>

Other 1 submission(s) by this author


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Other User Comments
10/20/2002 3:29:06 PM:
Can I find an example somewhere?
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

10/20/2002 3:41:41 PM:Eric Repec InetSolution
Sorry I don't understand your question. 
 This is an example of how to implement 
a mathematical model which is named 
infinite tree.  There are many uses for 
this type of model it all depends on 
what you are trying to do.
example used here was to map some XML 
to the infinite tree, and then back 
again.  This could be a good way to 
save the data in the tree.  
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

10/20/2002 3:42:25 PM:Eric Repec InetSolution
The way I used this in real 
life was to implement an expandable 
menu system which helped the user 
navigate through the site.  In my 
implementation I didn't use XML because 
it ran on browsers which didn't support 
it.  You can also do some searches in 
Google on "infinite tree" and see some 
examples of where it is used.  This 
type of construct is often used in 
complex systems such as a RDBMS or 
maybe an advanced information tracking 
system where dependencies are needed on 
the data.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

12/30/2002 9:13:13 PM:
There appears to be a small discrepency 
between the code on this (the main) 
page, and that in the 
Cut-and-Paste-Friendly page.  In the 
Cut-and-Paste page, the last statement 
in the <HEAD> is a <SCRIPT> element 
that points to a file named working.js 
while in the main page, the script 
element is empty.
Is this additional 
script file needed by your 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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