Rendering Tricks and Techniques in DirectX
Author: Kelly
Publisher: Premier Press
ISBN: 1-931841-27-6
Purchasing: [Amazon.Com]
- RRP US$59.99
Reviewed: 28th May 2002
Cover Shot:

away you can tell that this book is one for
graphics programmers, and the more experienced
ones at that. "Tricks and Techniques"
indicates that there are a lot of different parts
to the book - and not one of the books that takes
you from zero to expert in 900 pages.
who's done much D3D8 programming already will be
aware that once you've learnt the basics -
initialization, rendering and the
mathematical/technical language to go with it -
you're pretty much on your own: you have the
paint, paint-brush and a canvas, what you draw is
entirely up to you. It is books like this and the Game
Programming Gems series (reviewed here
and here)
that allow you to get bite-size information on
cool new techniques that advance your graphics
engine one-step beyond that of a beginner.
Full Meal
book works well as a reference book of individual
tricks and techniques, as do the Game
Programming Gems books, but it is not limited
to being just a long list of chapters on different
tricks and techniques. The book has a start, and
it has a finish - the idea being that you read it
from cover to cover, and it will progressively get
harder and harder, whilst teaching you more and
more about real-time rendering. Once you've read
through the whole book and you understand most of
the key areas (such as pixel and vertex shaders)
you can then go back and use it as a reference
the 9 books in the Premier Press Game
Development series, this one has the most
"parts" to it - 7 in total, with a
whopping 40 chapters. Each chapter tends to cover
a new technique, or advance upon a previous one,
and each part tends to address a new area. Thus it
works that once you're familiar with the very
basics you can pick a "part" and then
read the 5 (or so) chapters it contains to become
a real expert in that field. The 7 parts are, in
order, these:
First Things First - History, math (vector and
matrix) refreshers and lighting theory
2. Building The Sandbox - creating
the framework source code used throughout the book
3. Let The Rendering Begin - Basic D3D
rendering without many clever parts
4. Shaders - An introduction into the
huge topic that is D3D8 shaders
5. Vertex Shader Techniques - an in
depth coverage of vertex shading
6. Pixel Shader Techniques - Lots of
clever tricks and techniques for pixel shading
7. Other Useful Techniques - literally
that! Several techniques that don't fit into the
previous sections
Specific Development
very nature of Direct3D programming is that it
continues to push the performance and feature-sets
of all the hardware on the market. To really
appreciate programming in any version of Direct3D
it has been necessary to have a graphics card
capable of all the latest features. This is
particularly true of Direct3D8 with the inclusion
of shader technology - which cant be used at all
on incompatible hardware.
order for anyone to even consider buying a book of
this type the author needed to cover everything up
to the raw bleeding-edge of graphics programming
in Direct3D8. This is exactly what happens, but
for the readers it means that you really need to
have the 3D hardware to test/develop these
programs on if you are to fully appreciate this
book. Vertex shaders are possible in software, so
that's not a huge problem; however, pixel shading
is not possible in software so you HAVE TO have
the hardware. If you don't have the hardware there
will be several 100 pages in this book that aren't
going to be very useful (short of background
reading) to you.
let this put you off - there is still a very good
coverage of "non-shader" specific tricks
and techniques, most of which will work just fine
if you've got a half-decent graphics card (my
GeForce 256 was good enough for all but the pixel
shader demo's). If you buy this book now and don't
already have a pixel-shader compatable 3D card, it
may well tip the balance and make you willing to
part with the cash :)
said this, most of the shader code is left at
version 1.1 (D3D8.1 supports 1.0 to 1.4) with only
a limited mention of 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. whilst this
doesn't seem to affect the content presented, it
may well not show the full potential of the
current top-of-the-line cards (Radeon 8500 for
see, Monkey do
new shader technology exposed in Direct3D8 is very
advanced - I'd go as far as saying it's one of the
most complicated areas of graphics-programming
around at the moment. Therefore learning it is a
fairly uphill struggle.
you aren't already aware, shader
"scripts" are very similiar to
assembly-level programming, and looks pretty
cryptic at the best of times, with hundreds of
registers and commands to learn and use. You could
probably learn them all just by staring at a long
list for several hours, but that's definitely not
my preferred way of learning. Luckily for us, nor
does the author - after the initial background
theory and explanation of the key instructions,
it's entirely a case of learning by example. This
I have to commend the author for. For example,
there are 13 chapters in part 5 ("Vertex
Shader Techniques"), starting with a
relatively simple chapter on how to use them with
meshes, working up to 3 different methods of
casting shadows (which are pretty complicated).
The same goes with the pixel shading chapters,
although there are considerably less chapters in
this section - only 3.
CD as a Resource
with most books in the premier-press series, a CD
is included with all the source code and media
files required throughout the book. This isn't
anything hugely special, very few books (for
programming) come without a CD of source-code
these days.
separates this from the competition is the bonus
programs on the CD. As far as programming is
concerned, we get 3 bonuses - the DirectX 8.1 SDK,
the NVidia effects browser and a selection of ATI
white-papers and presentations. If you don't
already have it, the 8.1 SDK is essential, the
NVidia effects browser makes for a useful tool
(particularly if you have an NVidia card). It's
also worth spending some time reading the ATI
papers and presentations - they don't always make
for light reading, but are crammed with useful
cutting-edge information.
also get a demo of Truespace 5, a fine 3D graphics
package, and VirtualDub Video Capture Program,
which may be of use to some people - but isn't
really mentioned in the book, and probably not
hugely useful for any of the source code/samples.
you are serious about your graphics programming,
then this is a good book for you to own.
Particularly if you are interested in the
cutting-edge shader technology, where this book
really comes into its own. Hopefully future
versions of pixel/vertex shaders in DirectX
9/10/11 won't make the tricks and techniques
presented here completly redundant, if
past-history is anything to go by, you'll still be
able to use these shader scripts in future
versions without much hassle.
Things |
Things |
Very good as a learning aid and a
reference source. |
Large areas made redundant if you don't
have the hardware |
Well written, with a clear breakdown of
source code / shader scripts. |
May well overlap with "Special
Effects Game Programming With
DirectX" (reviewed here) |
Good balance of background/theory and
practical/applied code. |
Shader scripts often limited to version
1.1, with little mention of the
absolute-latest version(s). |
Good General structure and design |
Good content for those not interested in
shader-technology |