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DirectX4VB.Com - All You Need For Multimedia Visual Basic Programming

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Welcome to DirectX4VB, your source for DirectX and multimedia programming in Visual Basic. Please look through the sites extensive selection of tutorials and feel free to make any comments and ask any questions you feel you need to.

MAILING LIST: Due to popular request I've added a mailing list to the site, signing up will allow me to contact you with any updates to the site, important news etc... Sign up here

Latest Update :
Tuesday 19th November

Hi all! another small update for now... got 3 new book reviews for you:

Java Graphics Programming Library: Concepts To Source Code
Game Design Perspectives
Learning Visual Basic.Net Through Applications

And a quick note regarding DirectX 9.0 - tutorials will be available when it properly ships (it's now in public beta rc0). For those of you who cant wait, you can download the public beta here:





Recent Additions:
06/09/02 - Cell Shading using D3D8 (download only) added.
31/07/02 - Vertex Skinning tutorial added
29/07/02 - Special Effects for sounds added
21/07/02 - Stencil Buffers tutorial added

Quick Stats:
You are visitor number: 326271 since August 5th 2000
This site currently has 109 tutorials and 43 articles
This site has 8 awards (view)
Past poll results can be seen here.

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