Show Bid Request
Taxi Form Notiication
Bid Request Id: 28526
Posted by: |
Arf2000 (8 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
Non-action Ratio: |
Above Average - 45.00%
Posted: |
Sep 24, 2002 10:24:31 AM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Oct 1, 2002 10:45:28 AM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
210 times
Deadline: |
User logs into NT desktop, User has been working late, clicks on a Taxi Web Form and fills in details.
Taxi Web form requires Name, NT log in ID(auto generated displayed), Department(scroller), Destination (list of destination, scroller). User clicks on Time of Taxi needed (Scroller, 6pm, 6.30pm, 7pm, 7.30pm, 8pm, 8.30pm, 9pm only)
User clicks on submit, prompts Pop up alert to confirm. User clicks YES.
Data is submitted to DB (MS SQL 7.0)
Over in security room, attendent clicks on Taxi Web call page. On it he sees current date displays of a list of people wanting a Taxi, some going to destination A,at 8pm, some at 9pm to Destination B...etc. On the screen it displayes Name, NT ID, Department, Time needed, Destination, ...etc. (Page Refresh every 30 seconds to keep screen updated.
At 7.45pm, Attendent calls a Taxi for the people needing a taxi for 8pm to Destination A, B. Some will share cabs if they go same area. When Taxi Comes for A, attendent prints out a form from the web page for all the folks going into Taxi Heading for Destination A. Example of what attendent sees.
Mr Moo, IT, Destination A, 8pm
Mr Toad, HR, Desintation A, 8pm
Mr HolyTolido, HR, Destination A, 8pm
Ms Virgin-ia, IT, Destination B, 8.30pm
When Taxi A comes for 8pm (After Attendent Calls up at 7.45. He Prints out a form from his web page.
Example of print out.
Serial XXX-20Sep02-8PM
Mr Moo, IT, Destination A, 8pm
Mr Toad, HR, Desintation A, 8pm
Mr HolyTolido, HR, Destination A, 8pm
Cost: $_________
Total Cost $_________
Taxi Number #_________
Claim number #_________
Signature #___________
Date _________________
Attendent proceeds to give the form to one person in the shared Taxi. A few days later, HR receives the filled out form for claims.
A few days later after paying off the claim, Head of HR goes into his form - Taxi Archive. In the archive, the web page gives him power to search for Statistics.
One Search will give him access to Number of Taxi Call Submition.
One search will tell him how many rides did NT ID did in month of July '02.
One Search will tell him how many rides did each department staff ask for in year 2002.
Example of Stats Print out.
Year 2002,
IT - 20
HR - 23
XX - 01
Top 10 Staff Taxi Calls.
Mr MooMoo, HR - 30
Mr ShitHead, IT - 03
Flow chart.
<< TAXI FORM >> --> DB <-- <<Attendent DIsplay and Print capability >>
DB <---<< Taxi Archive>
Deliverables: 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
2) Installation package that will install the software (in ready-to-run condition) on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.
3) Complete ownership and distribution copyrights to all work purchased.
IIS 4.0 - web server. Desktop is NT , Using IE 5.0(flash4)
Database MS SQL 7.0
I will provide UI screen shot and Functional/Design Specs later. When i'm done with the damn thing. :o)
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Oct 11, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
Additional Files:
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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
$100 (USD)
Sep 24, 2002 1:13:41 PM EDT
I have 14+ years in software development, certified by Microsoft.
I have completed 6 large projects on ASP/SQL Server, including three projects on Rent-A-Coder. I have got nice references from all buyers I ever worked for (see my portfolio).
Full comments and thorough testing are guaranteed. Month of free maintenance is included into the price. If you are looking for guaranteed bug-free quality and full satisfaction - then choose my bid.
You can trust me; 25 of 26 buyers rated me 10, one rated me 9.
Don&'t go for amateurs; seek professional assistance!
Sincerely Oleg, Top Coder #64 |