About David Rabkin
David Rabkin
(see 1 ratings)
in Netania, Hasharon
Seller / Coder Rating:
Sign up date:
Mar 6, 2002 4:49:39 PM EDT
Last Logged In:
HAS NOT logged in since we started keeping track (on 12/12/2002). EDT
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Areas Of Expertise:
Technology: OOD/OOP, COM, RMI, Sun PRC, Client-Server, Multimedia
Programming Languages: C, C++, Java
Design Tools: UML, Design Patterns
Communication: TCP/IP, IPC, Internet (CGI, Servlet, HTML)
GUI: Windows API, MFC, Java AWT, X-Window/Motif
Operating Systems: MS-DOS, MS-WINDOWS, UNIX
1993 - 1999
Measuring and Control Computer Systems, specialization in Computer Science, M.Sc., Moscow Aviation Institute
2000 - 2001
Course “Object Oriented Technology”, 1100 hours, Tel-Ran Computer Solutions Ltd., Park Hamada, Rehovot
2001 - present
Interactive Music Ltd.(http:\www.imvamp.com)
VAMP Media Center for video-clips editing
- Development of Media Organizer, control for media-data. (C++, STL, MFC)
- Using different formats of media files: mp3, mpeg, jpg and others (C++, LEAD Tools)
- Development of SQL-client to find needful data for clips building (SQL, DAO)
- Development GUI for application VAMP (MFC)
2000 - 2001
Tel-Ran Computer Solutions Ltd., Park Hamada, Rehovot
- Development of classes library for object collection (C++, OOD, Serialization/Deserialization, RTTI, Design Patterns: Registration, Iterator)
- Development of Graphic
Editor supported possibility to transmit graphic objects between Unix and Window (C++, Motif, Java, Model/View/Controller)
1998 - 1999
Sabra-Bi Company, Moscow
Development of Product Store Management System:
- TCP/IP Based Intercomputer Communication for Client and Server (C++, MFC, WinSocket, Multi-client, Concurrent Server, Multithreading)
- Client Simulator application for debbuging and testing of server (C++, MFC)
Rent A Coder Work History
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