About SandGiant
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Top Coder Competition Raw Score
Average Job Size |
Average Coder Rating |
Number of Completed Jobs |
Penalty for Missed Status Reports Warnings * |
$37.33 |
x |
10 |
x |
3 |
- |
(0 warnings x 1000 penalty) = 0 |
Raw Score Total: 1,120
* Penalty rule enacted on 10/8/2001 and applies only to warnings sent after that date.
Note: all top coder competition stats are only updated once a day between midnight and 1:00 EDT.
Rent A Coder Work History
All ratings and comments are the opinion of the poster and do not reflect the official view of Rent A Coder.
Rated For |
Rated By |
Rating |
Bid Amount |
Rated On |
university project |
mmm12 |
$50.00 |
December 20, 2001 1:23:21 PM EDT |
Addressing Program |
NeedHelp!! |
$12.00 |
December 20, 2001 4:48:56 AM EDT |
Excellent work, and outstanding punctuality. Provided a prototype with initial bid, and produced same results if not better on delivery of project. I'll make sure to look for this coder again. |
Easy $$$ for Delphi Expertise |
sharp_pmp |
$50.00 |
December 12, 2001 11:44:48 AM EDT |
Had the work completed almost as fast as I could think of it. Less than 24 hours of turnaround is always great and it was exactly what I received when the project could go as long as 7 days. |
------ |
Average: |
10.00 |
Rent A Coder upholds the rigorous business practices required to be both a BBB member and Square Trade vendor.
- All customer issues addressed within 2 days
- Openly disclosed pricing and return policies
- Participation in mediation at buyer request
- Superior selling track record
This site is verified through its parent company, Exhedra Solutions, Inc.