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a vb program setup error using WinMe
By kmtai on Aug 21
Max Bid: $5

Need web page for editing User Groups in SQL Serve ...
By wbunker on Aug 21
Max Bid: $100

Web Site Graphic
By steamboat on Aug 20
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By Ponyboy32 on Aug 20
Max Bid: $40

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About Shmarya

Top Coder Competition Ranking
# 994 of 50,504

Raw Score Total: 579.60
Name:  Shmarya
(see 3 ratings)
  in Nevea Daniel, Gush Etzion

Seller / Coder Rating:  9.66 (Excellent)
Sign up date:  Jun 25, 2001 12:56:26 PM EDT
Last Logged In:  HAS NOT logged in since we started keeping track (on 12/12/2002). EDT
Jobs Started:  3
Jobs Completed:  3
Missed Status Report
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Arbitrations Lost:  (out of 0 Arbitrations)
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Areas Of Expertise: 
Visual Basic, ADO, HTML, ASP, VBScript, PHP, Flash, Automation, SQL, Access 97/2000/20002, Web Development, Custom Controls, VBA, Microsoft Transaction Server (COM+), Microsoft Message Queing


Education and Training

Secondary School:

Yeshiva College

Matriculated in *English, Afrikaans, *Hebrew, *Mathematics, *Science, *Computer Science, Jewish Studies and *Additional Mathematics. Was listed in the IEB Top 50 for achieving 6 Distinctions. (Independent Education Board of South Africa)


Torque-IT, Computer Training Centre



MCSD (Visual Basic Desktop and Enterprise Development, SQL, Business Application Development)


Programming Languages:


Visual Basic - Advanced experience in Software development using VB. Knowledge of Data-Basing and Enterprise technologies. Experience and expertise in n-tier enterprise applications. Advanced knowledge of COM Component development.

ASP - Advanced mastering of the Active Server Pages standard. Experience in building advanced web-based applications including data-basing and custom components.

VBScript - Advanced knowledge of the Visual Basic Scripting language for use in ASP server-side web applications and client-side html applications.

VBA - Advanced knowledge of the Visual Basic for Applications language which forms an integrated part of the Microsoft Office suite.

HTML - Advanced HTML and DHTML programming using VBScript, JavaScript and CGI technologies (Perl, ASP).

Flash - Advanced experience in the use of Macromedia&'s tool for interactive vector graphic based web-site design.

SQL - Knowledge of the SQL Enterprise utilities and language. Able to write scripts and create Data-Bases.

ADO - Mastery over the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects interfaces for accessing and processing data. Intimate knowledge of the ADO Component Model.

Perl - Experience in server side applications and development using CGI for web applications.

PHP - Experience in server side applications and basic web applications.

Turbo Pascal - Matriculation language. Extremely proficient.

QBASIC, basica, gwbasic - Advanced knowledge of the languages.

Other Skills:

Database Design

Knowledge and experience in database design working in Microsoft Access and SQL Server. Advanced knowledge of the T-SQL command language.

Component Development

Advanced knowledge of COM+ and MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server), for management of custom built components. Ability to design and implement COM and ActiveX components in Visual Basic.

Graphic Design

Advanced knowledge of most graphics tools. Experienced in the design of print invitations and Birkonim, web sites and Graphical User Interfaces.


Knowledge of Windows 2000 Professional and Server editions, including ability to setup and maintain a LAN.

Word Processing, Data Processing

and Spreadsheets

Advanced knowledge of the Microsoft and Corel office application suites. Including VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).

General Skills

Advanced Super-User. Able to “learn” any software and/or languages in a relatively short time-period.

Advanced Internet skills.

Language Skills

Speak both Hebrew and English fluently.

Work Experience

Yeshiva College

Miscellaneous computer and technical related work. Including: Setup of new computer network and servers, much graphics work and web research.


Part time training of adults and children in general computer literacy as well as more advanced courses in Programming (HTML). Training done with Future-Kids syllabi for most courses. Developed my own curriculum/course for programming course in HTML.

A-Symmetric Computer Systems

VBA and data-base programming for an A-Symmetric client on a consultancy basis.

Private Work

Graphics work for functions including invitations, thank-you cards, Birkonim, centre-peices etc.

Programming work in VB, HTML, Flash and other languages on own projects.

Top Coder Competition Raw Score
Average Job Size
Average Coder Rating
Number of Completed Jobs
Penalty for Missed Status Reports Warnings *
(0 warnings x 1000 penalty) = 0
  Raw Score Total: 580

* Penalty rule enacted on 10/8/2001 and applies only to warnings sent after that date.
Note: all top coder competition stats are only updated once a day between midnight and 1:00 EDT.
Rent A Coder Work History
All ratings and comments are the opinion of the poster and do not reflect the official view of Rent A Coder.

Rated For Rated By Rating Bid Amount Rated On
  Small College Program Assignment in Excel and Visual basic 6 MikeH 9
$25.00 January 15, 2002 4:00:53 PM EDT
  Good work. Excellent communication during the project. I would both recommend and use in the future.
  Bonus Peter Sienkiewicz 10
$10.00 January 9, 2002 9:29:02 AM EDT
  Inventory Tracking Database System Peter Sienkiewicz 10
$25.00 January 9, 2002 9:23:04 AM EDT
  Great Guy! Im very satisfied! Completed project with some extras too
Average:   9.66
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