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A replacement shell example

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Submitted on: 12/20/1999
By: Chris Rose  
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 16 Users

Users have accessed this code 12553 times.

(About the author)
     It is an example of how you can make applications that replace the windows GUI(like litestep), ie a replacement shell. I noticed as i wnt throught here that there is no example on hot to make your own shell. So i took it up and made my own. Very small, very simple, very easy
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Other User Comments
12/20/1999 9:49:11 PM:Cirus
this code iint that great 
WOW!!!!!! i had no idea you coudl 
do that!!!! thank you!!
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12/21/1999 10:58:54 AM:Stillhard
Dear Neo,...
I love this Chris job to 
tranform it (like LiteStep he said) 
into VB cause I couldn't use C/C++ in 
my machine right now so I can't try the 
source from LiteStep it self.
I'll wait for your source posting 
Chris GOOD work man,...
Stillhard ::
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1/2/2000 10:44:52 AM:DSG
Neo can you post that source code for 
Chris good idea about 
replacement shells
I posted mine back 
last year to this site but nobody took 
any interest. I'm glad somebody else at 
last has seen the potential in making 
your own shell. 
Keep up the good work 
everybody and may be everbody could put 
all there code togeather and make a 
good shell (like linux was made) may be 
this is the start to a big thing.
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1/3/2000 11:30:19 AM:Alex Ionescu
I'm making a really advanced shell, 
it's mostly finished, it comes with 
it's own games and apps, I think it's 
as good as LiteStep. But I badly need 
TWO things, finding the path of a 
proccess from the taskbar (just the 
ones you see) or their icon AND a 
system tray handler. I've asked 
everyone about the systray thing, it 
seems it can only be done with C++. If 
anyone has had luck decompiling the 
systray.dll from litestep to VB PLEASE 
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1/5/2000 10:32:31 PM:KillerSpaz
The only reason i haven't finished my 
shell is cuz i can't figure out how to 
get the start menu into an actual menu 
and how to recieve hthe clicks..
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1/9/2000 4:39:38 AM:Chris Rose
i just won planet source code's 
superior code of the month with this 
code, COOL!!
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1/10/2000 2:29:17 PM:Daniel
Great code man, I never knew this could 
be done, it's so simple!
It's inspired 
me to start writing my own shell, and 
I'm thinking about starting a VB shell 
development page were everyone could 
trade information.  Let me know what 
you all think.
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1/11/2000 9:41:07 AM:Inuit
check out my shell 
has everything a shell needs bt apart 
from a systray!
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1/23/2000 6:13:26 PM:Chase
Concerning shells, i cannot figure how 
to load explorer's GUI form my vb 
application. Can anyone help? Thanks. 
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3/9/2000 6:45:56 AM:Alex Ionescu
My VB shell is almost ready. The full 
binaries are more then 25MB! The whole 
install program is about 40MB...
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3/31/2001 5:59:09 PM:Acke
does anyone know were a can find the 
line shell=*.exe in Win2000?
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5/15/2001 10:48:37 PM:gh0ul
This is great..... but how do you get 
it to work in WIN NT 4.0?? respond @ 
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6/19/2001 6:36:13 AM:Simon Barker
Can anyone work out how to disable the 
minimise or maximise (or both) buttons 
on a DOS window?? 
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10/9/2001 11:36:53 AM:EyeOfNewt
This is an old post, but if anyones 
reading this (btw owner great job) To 
change the shell option in Win2000 its 
a Registry setting. You must change 
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2/25/2002 6:09:11 AM:mr_bishy
How did you win with that example? You 
have not included the source for the 
actual shell. You just showed how to 
replace explorer. Are you going to 
release the code for the shell?? if so 
i'll have a copy off ya!!  Well good 
job, but i was lookin forward to 
debuggin your app. >;-)
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5/5/2002 3:08:33 PM:WildE
Can someone tell me where in the 
registry to go to change the shell?
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6/4/2002 8:35:42 AM:Tom salisbury
Would help if it worked under win2000.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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