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FireSTARTer (Animate The START Button)

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Submitted on: 10/31/1999
Level: Not Given
User Rating: By 106 Users

Users have accessed this code 7884 times.

     FireStarter is a app to set your START button on fire. If you simply hate the start button then try animating it with this short and very simple code. Please send comments ans sugesstion. CODE BY - NILESH P KURHADE EMAIL -
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Other User Comments
10/31/1999 12:38:00 PM:Doggie Style
The only problem with it that i see, is 
if you close the program, they start 
button is blank untill you reboot
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10/31/1999 1:24:00 PM:as
then u just have to refresh the start 
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10/31/1999 1:28:00 PM:as
no it still runs when i exit out of the works
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10/31/1999 10:09:00 PM:Steve
Looks cool, great effect, and nice 
code.  Thanks for the upload
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11/1/1999 7:43:00 AM:Keith Flint
ooooh twisted
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11/1/1999 1:03:00 PM:OP
Doesn't work on NT. Any ideas? Thanks
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11/1/1999 5:01:00 PM:Brian G.
NT has a start button?
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11/1/1999 5:35:00 PM:LP-S
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11/1/1999 10:48:00 PM:Tanner
Nice code, but it does screw up your 
start button until you restart the 
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11/2/1999 8:07:00 AM:Author
NT users please try sendmessage 
although I am not sure about it. To 
replace the start button just change 
the system colors .
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11/3/1999 12:45:00 AM:Zac Gery
How do you update the Start Button so 
it goes back to the standard?
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11/3/1999 9:22:00 AM:Author
Zac Gery use the bm_getimage option to 
get the original button image.
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11/3/1999 2:59:00 PM:Tim Talma
What an awsome piece of code: a couple 
of questions.
1. what is the value of 
2. How do you know what handler 
is for what, like the Shell_TrayWnd? 
(I'd like to recreate this effect on 
the running apps buttons on the start 
bar and the bar it's self if 
3. Where can you find the 
bitmap of the MS start button?
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11/3/1999 10:06:00 PM:Zac Gery
And how would you do that?
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11/4/1999 12:12:00 PM:Author
Zac Gery please do the following
general decl dim anylong as long
just before we enable the 
anylong means the handle to the 
original start button in the 
you can set message 
anylong so that the original bitmap is 
restored. The value of bm_getimage is 
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11/4/1999 12:17:00 PM:Author
Tim Talma the ans to 1 is given 
Ans 2) Shell_TrayWnd is the 
class name you can find using Spy++, 
which is included with the tools in 
Visual Studio.
3) Which MS Start 
button are u talking abt. I think the 
ans is above
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11/4/1999 3:11:00 PM:Zac Gery
Author, Sorry for all the questions but 
how do make it go back when it 
unloades?   I'm not sure what you are 
saying.  Also you might when your done 
want to add this into your zip file.
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11/5/1999 8:58:00 AM:Author
Zac Gery in your form_unload 
find the any long 
as given above. I am send you the ffrm 
file in u,r mailbox
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11/7/1999 9:07:00 AM:Ace315
SWEEET!! thanx!
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11/7/1999 3:32:00 PM:_MiKe_
i have to questions.
1)how can 
u put your name instead of 
2)how can i put like it use to 
be?(the widows type)
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11/7/1999 3:34:00 PM:_MiKe_
i mean i have two questions 
not to questions
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11/8/1999 4:56:00 AM:Zac Gery
Author I still need you to email me the 
frm and I'm reading some of the other 
comments and it seems like alot of 
people are wondering.
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11/8/1999 10:09:00 PM:Java19
    All I got to say is 
that this is pretty f*cking sweet, but 
there is a few things you should at, 
instead of making people press 
Ctrl+Alt+Del to close the program while 
don't you just make a fuction to add a 
menu to the right clicker on the 
screen, and then to solve the Start 
button thing just use a screen capture 
to get the pic of the start button and 
then make the image load on unload...
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11/9/1999 7:26:00 AM:Flaperman
Does anyone know how to make thin work 
on Windows NT/2000... Plz. mail me!!!
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11/10/1999 3:14:00 AM:Bazfink
I've made an update to this prog, you 
can send the picture path and number of 
pictures in animation as Command$ then 
it works the rest out for you, I'll 
post it when I can...
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11/16/1999 2:33:00 PM:Luke
This is an ok program... could be fixed 
up... what is that NILESH thing?? I 
thought this would be the original 
start menu picure except with fire on 
it. Also, after you close the program, 
how in the world do you get the regular 
picture back without rebooting?? Other 
than that, it is cool :)
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11/17/1999 12:22:00 AM:coco
tight program but the start don't come 
back. that kinda suxs cuz i didn't 
under stand wut u were saying and my 
dad saw it and got mad
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12/18/1999 8:53:58 PM:Daniel Sitnik
Well NILESH, please send me a form the 
restores the original start button when 
it is unloaded.
I've tried 
everything you mentioned here but I 
couldn't get it to work... I get an 
error that 'hwnds is not definide', so 
please send me a form in my mail box 
that works.
ThankS, great piece of 
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1/7/2000 4:20:03 AM:Alex
This is so cool, but I've a problem. 
When I exit the program the startbutton 
is blank.
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2/20/2000 1:12:03 AM:BJ
Any ideas on how to add Animated Icons 
to the Desktop and/or Menus if 
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5/28/2000 9:54:23 AM:ProgramDude
i want the form too.
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11/3/2001 11:13:43 AM:Posthuman441
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