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Hyperlink Sample (one API function used:-)

winzip icon
Submitted on: 2/7/2002 6:10:05 AM
By: Vlad Vissoultchev 
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 79 Users

Users have accessed this code 4921 times.
(About the author)
     This is in response to a yesterday's submission. No timer. No Set/Release capture (almost). The trick is that windowless controls ARE capturing mouse events upon mousedown BY DESIGN. So every label, image, or custom windowless control has the capture ability build-in. Thank you VB, I just figured out how to use this. Purely as an excercise you can encapsulate this code in a windowless usercontrol. Anyway, this implementation has at least two flaws. Can you find them? :-)) UPDATED: By popular demand now supports right click context menu, OLE drag&drop; (good enough), "hand" mouse cursor (with shadow on win2k!), WM_CANCELMODE (pretty decently). More API's used but still under 160 lines of code. 10x for the votes


Windows API/Global Declarations:

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    //Windows API/Global Declarations for :H
    //     yperlink Sample (one API function used:-
    //     )
    Private Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32"( _
    ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, _
    ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, _
    ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
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Other 3 submission(s) by this author


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Other User Comments
2/7/2002 9:02:25 AM:Niknak!!
There's me sitting there wondering how 
you got 4 excellent votes for this, the 
link only does one thing doesnt it 
hmm??  maybe you want to change it from 
"http://www.planet-source-code.com" to 
vote for my code!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

2/7/2002 5:35:27 PM:Vlad Vissoultchev
:-))) yeah, you are right. "users can't 
read! -- joel spolsky"... sure, you 
don't think this will get to be the 
code of the month!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

2/8/2002 10:07:34 AM:LCensoni
Alright, i'm giving up... what are the 
flaws? :)
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2/11/2002 1:27:02 PM:Gary Choma
Actually, I found 3 flaws:
1. Mouse 
cursor should change to a hand when 
cursor is over the link.
Right-clicking on the link should not 
activate it.
3. On mouse-down, hold 
it and drag off the link, underline 
goes away, but link stays red until you 
let the mouse button up.
I have a 
cursor (.cur) file that I can send to 
anyone interested in fixing problem #1. 
 You just set the MouseIcon property of 
the label control to that file.
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2/11/2002 1:45:26 PM:Gary Choma
Replace similar call in project with 
this one to fix problem 
Label1.ForeColor = 
IIf(m_bPressed And m_bOver, vbRed, 
IIf(m_bOver, vbBlue, vbButtonText))
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2/11/2002 1:46:52 PM:Gary Choma
Here's 2 modified procedures to fix 
problem #2:
Private Sub 
Label1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, 
Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As 
    If Button = 1 Then
 If m_bEatMouseEvent Then
m_bEatMouseEvent = False
Exit Sub
        End If
press the link
m_bOver, True
    End If
Private Sub 
Label1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift 
As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
   '--- eat mouse event if signalled
  If m_bEatMouseEvent Then
m_bEatMouseEvent = False
    End If
    '--- fire click if 
mouse released over the link
Button = 1 Then
        If m_bOver 
End If
        '--- change link 
        ChangeLinkState False, 
    End If
End Sub
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2/11/2002 1:47:02 PM:Vlad Vissoultchev
1. Well i have this .cur file too. 
(Though it does not have shadow on 
win2k, what about yours?:-))
Yeah, probably. Should change a line to 
fix this :-)) Line 81 should be "If 
Button = vbLeftButton Then 
3. I thought that this 
would be more interesting. So this is 
BY DESIGN (i.e. i meant it to be like 
this). If you want the behaviour your 
describe change Line 31 to 
"Label1.ForeColor = IIf(m_bOver, 
IIf(m_bPressed, vbRed, vbBlue), 
What i meant as flaws was:
WM_CANCELMODE is not handled. Demo: 
press and hold the link. Press 
Ctrl+Esc. Move out ot the link. It 
stays "pressed" (red)
2. It depends 
ot mouse clicks to function. Demo: Open 
Form1. Start Notepad (restored state). 
Focus Notepad. Move mouse pointer over 
the hyperlink (so a part of it should 
be visible below the Notepad). Voilla: 
Form1 has the focus. This is because 
it's sending an extra mouse click to 
windows mouse queue :-)) this is a 
"design flaw" :-))
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

2/11/2002 1:51:08 PM:Gary Choma
After my enhancements, I'd give this 
code 5 globes ;)
And if you really 
want to get picky, there's no support 
for drag-and-drop of the link (like if 
you wanted to drag the link to your 
desktop as a shortcut).
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

2/12/2002 11:13:34 AM:Vlad Vissoultchev
check out the new updated version
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/22/2002 1:50:57 PM:vbmaster
sorry, I think this doesn't deserve to 
be code of the month :[
If code 
verification thanks to PSC for add vote 
verification :)
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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