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TCP-IP Datalook V1.4 UPDATED!! ** Support multiple protocol adaptors ** (07-24-01)

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Submitted on: 7/16/2001 10:37:33 AM
By: Peter V.  
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 38 Users

Users have accessed this code 10080 times.

(About the author)
     UPDATED!!(07-24-2001)<BR> Support now Multiple IP,protocol adaptors !<BR> Check,look the data on TCP-IP sockets. Now with 'Extra' , that shows a option menu per Connection you make.(clearscreen - Data change for Client appl - Connect/Disconnect button - Help box)<BR><BR> PROGRAM DESCRIPTION:::: <BR> ----------------------- <BR> View the data on a socket between Client application & Server application.<BR> (With this program you can use multiple connections-sockets)<BR> So with this program you can see (visual) the data between example outlook & ISP-pop3 server. You can also save the data for further study.<BR> If you have example a internet application, Direct Connect,mirc..ect, let this client appl connect to my program & let my program connect the needed server, so now you have the possibility to view the data between server & client.. so you can study it & make maybe a own clone application that uses the protocol , data you've captured.. <BR><BR> HOW IT WORKS: <BR> -------------- <BR> Let a client appl not connect to the server, but to the local ip & port of your pc..<BR> Now click on the new connection button,<BR> & lets listen on the port where the client appl will connect to..(fill down the port!)<BR> Put in the box connecting to the dns or ip & port where my appl will connect to (in that case the ip & port of the server).<BR> So you have now the possibility to view the data between server & client..<BR> You can also save the captured data to DISK !<BR> (And you can it open later...)<BR> Try the program & test the new options ! <BR> With this application , you also can see the local used ports & where they are connected to.. (that part of code i've borrowed here..)<BR><BR> Have fun ! and view now the protocols that you doesn't know yet....<BR><BR> PS: Please Vote for me !<BR><BR> .... See my other stuff on PSC..<BR> ************************************ <BR> To Nick Johnson for the NETSTAT part ! see on right part of the screenshot . ************************************ <BR><BR> Greetings,<BR> Peter.

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Other User Comments
7/16/2001 11:23:09 AM:Jerome
This code is great !
I was looking for 
that stuff..
Very nice work !!
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7/16/2001 11:42:56 AM:SuperToy
Nice work !!
Excellent to spy & study 
data !!
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7/16/2001 12:57:44 PM: Creator7
I was looking how to view data 
on a socket ,port because my 
application i've wrote gave me some 
errors (RFC protocol), because i didn't 
had doc's about the protocol.
thanks to you i can see now what is 
send & received to/from the server ! 
Question : why it doesn't work when 
you have multiple ip installed on your 
computer ? Winsock detects only the 
default IP ?
Great code 
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7/16/2001 1:37:38 PM:Nick Ridley
Hi, gr8 code so a 5 from me. Although 
any fool could do this youve placed it 
in a good GUI and made it very useable, 
nice work. :)
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7/17/2001 2:20:09 AM:Edwin Vermeer
Hi, I found one 'bug' and couple of 
nice to haves:
frmDocument should 
Dim speedUP As Long, speedDOWN As 
Colors are unreadable 
It should be nice to have 
a clear display button.
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7/17/2001 8:47:47 AM:Verburgh Peter
Program is now updated with a 
clear button , changed some small code, 
and the GUI (document background)
for the hints !
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7/17/2001 11:17:18 AM:Verburgh Peter
Click now at startup on the splash 
screen purple 'button' and the you can 
see the users that has runned this 
application !!!
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7/19/2001 1:41:56 PM:Harry Orwell
This is a great piece of code..Your 
doing a great job 5 globes 
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7/20/2001 4:43:52 AM:Mike Canejo
If your trying to figure out a programs 
protocol on windows 9x then use this: 
It's a packet edit. It can 
capture/edit/send packets comming or 
recieved by for from a program. I used 
this for figuring the Hotline protocol 
out a year back but i'm on win2k now so 
this program isn't much use anymore.
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7/20/2001 4:45:03 AM:Mike Canejo
*packet editor
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7/20/2001 6:41:32 PM:Head Hick Of The CREW
Code that sends user data to anothers 
site is often considered "spyware", 
other than that the code is pretty nice.
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7/21/2001 10:12:03 PM:Verburgh Peter
Try the NEW UPDATRE (21-07-2001).
new functions per connection you use !!
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7/22/2001 12:59:49 PM:Shuster
I like the idea plus the source of code.
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7/22/2001 8:30:43 PM:LaVilleVB
Bien source!
i was look for something 
like that & the code is very useful , 
specialy the 'new' part Client data 
change to server.. you can cheat the 
Nice stuff !!
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7/24/2001 6:33:23 PM:Peter Verburgh
Support now MULTIPLE protocoll 
Check it out !
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7/31/2001 6:42:46 PM:Jared Bruni
Hello Peter, I dont normaly come into 
the VB section, but I happend to wander 
over here today. Very nice application, 
 so I here by award you 5 globes :)
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8/22/2001 9:28:09 PM:HERNAN
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8/24/2001 2:06:51 AM:Chris Hatton
Excellent work Peter. 100% 
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8/29/2001 9:23:59 PM:WizKid
This code could be potentially used to 
test a network's security. For example, 
if I was to create a new protocol for a 
company IM program, but didn't want 
anybody else access to it, you could 
set up a password system. Using Peter's 
program, you could check to see how 
easy it would be to get a password 
and/or decrypt it.
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10/3/2001 8:19:02 AM:Savedadogs
Nice Program ..can someone teach me how 
to use it ...I seem to get no data 
transfer on the ports I am listening 
to....what am I doing wrong?? Someone 
explain to me how to use this program??
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10/15/2001 8:04:46 PM:Databit
I am having the same problem as above. 
Could you make some kind of doc for 
this? thanx
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10/15/2001 8:07:10 PM:Databit
nevermind I figured it out. mistake on 
my part
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11/19/2001 2:31:48 AM:Fearless
This code is very good.
Happy nice 
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12/12/2001 7:22:34 PM:Mike Down
This program looks very 
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2/4/2002 9:55:57 AM:Gerardo
This is great,
very very nice.
good job.
I just need some like this. 
Keep it high Boy.
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2/13/2002 9:33:00 PM:hal
how do you get the other app to connect 
to the server(local computer)
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2/17/2002 5:07:07 PM:Wåzerface
Oh my god... wow.... this is sweet.. i 
always wanted to know how to do this...
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3/20/2002 11:29:17 PM:yang koo
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4/24/2002 4:40:15 PM:Mike_Down
Its really interesting how similar this 
program is to my IP Break Out Box eve 
how the dialog works. It would seem 
that you have designed your program 
after mine without giving me credit. I 
created and uploaded IP Break Out Box 
on 10/14/99 and you uploaded yours on 
7/16/2001 See
Mike Down
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4/24/2002 5:38:33 PM:Mike_Down
I am sorry for my previous post, I felt 
that Peter had in some way copied my 
design, this is not true. After getting 
an email from Peter everything has been 
cleared up.
Mike Down
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4/25/2002 4:46:19 PM:Andres Reyes Galgani
Hello, please, some learn me to how 
play with this program
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