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Submitted on: 12/8/1998
By: Andy Carrasco 
Level: Not Given
User Rating: By 103 Users

Users have accessed this code 10378 times.
     This class contains two functions which can be helpful in creating an online shareware registration system for your software projects. GenerateKeyCode takes a username, or any other string, and generates a unique human-readable registration code (such as 9397-JQM0LD0YJV from the string: Andy Carrasco). GenerateKeyCode will generate a totally unique registration code over and over again, even for the exact same name! VerifyKeyCode is the partner function, and will verify if a keycode matches a given name.
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    // Name: RegCodes
    // Description:This class contains two f
    //     unctions which can be helpful in creatin
    //     g an online shareware registration syste
    //     m for your software projects. GenerateKe
    //     yCode takes a username, or any other str
    //     ing, and generates a unique human-readab
    //     le registration code (such as 9397-JQM0L
    //     D0YJV from the string: Andy Carrasco). G
    //     enerateKeyCode will generate a totally u
    //     nique registration code over and over ag
    //     ain, even for the exact same name! Verif
    //     yKeyCode is the partner function, and wi
    //     ll verify if a keycode matches a given n
    //     ame.
    // By: Andy Carrasco
    // Side Effects:IMPORTANT NOTE!
    Although the codes generated from this algorithm will throughly confuse, and secure your code from, the average user, I make absolutely no gaurantee of security. The average hacker is NOT the average user, and anyone with a fairly general understanding of cyphering could quickly crack these algorithms. On the other hand, there are NO registration code utilities which gaurantee security, it would be foolish to believe that any form of encryption is totally secure. You may freely, and are encouraged to, use this algorithm in your own registration utilities, provided that you fully understand that I do not gaurantee the security of these functions, and that I will take no liability for any losses occuring from your use of these functions. They are primarily intended as a learning facility. 
    Andy Carrasco
    //This code is copyrighted and has    // limited warranties.Please see http://
    //     eId.1199/lngWId.-10/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCo
    //     de.htm    //for details.    //**************************************
    Option Explicit
    ' Name: GenerateKeyCode
    ' Description:
    'This little routine generates a keycode for shareware registration in the
    'format XXXX-YYYYYYYYYY, based on the Name given as an argument. The first
    'four digits are a randomly generated seed value, which makes 8999 possible keycodes
    'for people with the same name (like John Smith). The last four digits are
    'the actual code.
    ' Written by:
    'Andy Carrasco (Copyright 1998)
    Public Function GenerateKeyCode(sName As String) As String
    Dim sRandomSeed As String
    Dim sKeyCode As String
    Dim X As Long
    Dim KeyCounter As Long
    Dim PrimaryLetter As Long
    Dim CodedLetter As Long
    Dim sBuffer As String
    sRandomSeed = CStr(Int((9999 - 1000 + 1) * Rnd + 1000))
    sName = UCase$(sName)
    KeyCounter = 1
    'Clean up sName so there are no illegal characters.
    For X = 1 To Len(sName)
    If Asc(Mid$(sName, X, 1)) >= 65 And Asc(Mid$(sName, X, 1)) <= 90 Then sBuffer = sBuffer & Mid$(sName, X, 1)
    Next X
    sName = sBuffer
    'if the name is less than 10 characters long, pad it out with ASCII 65
    Do While Len(sName) < 10
    sName = sName + Chr$(65)
    For X = 1 To Len(sName)
    PrimaryLetter = Asc(Mid$(sName, X, 1))
    CodedLetter = PrimaryLetter + CInt(Mid$(sRandomSeed, KeyCounter, 1))
    If CodedLetter < 90 Then
    sKeyCode = sKeyCode + Chr$(CodedLetter)
    sKeyCode = sKeyCode + "0"
    End If
    'Increment the keycounter
    KeyCounter = KeyCounter + 1
    If KeyCounter > 4 Then KeyCounter = 1
    Next X
    GenerateKeyCode = sRandomSeed + "-" + Left$(sKeyCode, 10)
    End Function
    ' Name: VerifyKeyCode
    ' Description:
    'Verifies if a given keycode is valid for a given name.
    ' Parameters:
    'sName- A string containing the user name to validate the key against
    'sKeyCode- A string containins the keycode in the form XXXX-YYYYYYYYYY.
    Public Function VerifyKeyCode(sName As String, sKeyCode As String) As Boolean
    Dim sRandomSeed As String
    Dim X As Long
    Dim KeyCounter As Long
    Dim PrimaryLetter As Long
    Dim DecodedKey As String
    Dim AntiCodedLetter As Long
    Dim sBuffer As String
    sRandomSeed = Left$(sKeyCode, InStr(sKeyCode, "-") - 1)
    sName = UCase$(sName)
    sKeyCode = Right$(sKeyCode, 10)
    KeyCounter = 1
    'Clean up sName so there are no illegal characters.
    For X = 1 To Len(sName)
    If Asc(Mid$(sName, X, 1)) >= 65 And Asc(Mid$(sName, X, 1)) <= 90 Then sBuffer = sBuffer & Mid$(sName, X, 1)
    Next X
    sName = sBuffer
    'if the name is less than 10 characters long, pad it out with ASCII 65
    Do While Len(sName) < 10
    sName = sName + Chr$(65)
    'now, decode the keycode
    For X = 1 To Len(sKeyCode)
    PrimaryLetter = Asc(Mid$(sKeyCode, X, 1))
    AntiCodedLetter = PrimaryLetter - CInt(Mid$(sRandomSeed, KeyCounter, 1))
    If PrimaryLetter = 48 Then 'zero
    DecodedKey = DecodedKey + Mid$(sName, X, 1) 'Take the corresponding letter from the name
    DecodedKey = DecodedKey + Chr$(AntiCodedLetter)
    End If
    'Increment the keycounter
    KeyCounter = KeyCounter + 1
    If KeyCounter > 4 Then KeyCounter = 1
    Next X
    If DecodedKey = Left$(sName, 10) Then
    VerifyKeyCode = True
    VerifyKeyCode = False
    End If
    End Function

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Other User Comments
4/28/1999 5:45:00 PM:Jim Sines
How do i call this function? 
Ps I am 
a beginner
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5/10/1999 3:45:00 AM:Lewis Cornick
To call these functions you would use 
the following:
dim sKey as 
sKey = GenerateKeyCode("Lewis 
'sKey would then hold the 
registration key
'To decode you 
would use this call
Dim bCorrectCode 
as Boolean
bCorrectCode = 
VerifyKeyCode("Lewis Cornick", "A 
'Where A KEYCODE is a valid 
key generated using the GenerateKeyCode 
'This call would return 
TRUE if success or FALSE if an invalid 
keycode was entered.
VB Add-Ins here 
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5/10/1999 5:40:00 AM:Andy Carrasco
Hrm... Perhaps I should have written 
better instructions for the new VBers 
out there. Thanks Mr. Cornick for 
posting that information for me! 
Andy Carrasco
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/31/1999 1:33:00 AM:Jonathan Feucht
Sounds interesting. I send all my 
programs here, anyway.
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9/10/1999 7:55:00 AM:Groone
This is great code but there is one 
problem.  On the verifyKeyCode 
function, if you give a name...any 
and 0000-0000000000 as a keycode, 
the return will always be 
bCorrectCode = 
VerifyKeyCode("Lewis Cornick", 
bCorrectCode = 
Let me know when and if you get 
this corrected.  Thanks!
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9/12/1999 9:51:00 AM:Jason Monroe
There is a rather simple fix for this.. 
 In the VerifyKeyCode routine, the 
first thing you do is check and see if 
your key is = to all zero's.  If it is, 
then return false and call it a day.  
Presto changeo, back door is plugged.
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10/11/1999 9:30:00 AM:Andy Carrasco
Excellent fix Jason, I didn't realize 
that would happen, but we can't see 
every possibility can we? Thanks a 
Andy Carrasco
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12/6/1999 6:33:00 PM:Phrostbyte Software
I found a bug
The code needs to be 
numerical or the program crashes, like 
if someone types "hi" for the serial 
number the program crashes
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1/3/2000 2:59:26 PM:Rick
Thanks a lot Lewis.  This helps a lot.
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2/3/2000 9:31:13 PM:hiro
how many conbinations of the 
serial number
can it produce ?
there possible way to generate
tons of 
serial numbers ?
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3/29/2000 4:01:20 PM:Bobbis
Hey buddy try this keycode for every 
namexxxx-0000000000the xxxx can be 
anythingtry also 0000000000 only...this 
is good work but... not totally secure
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3/29/2000 4:01:24 PM:Bobbis
Hey buddy try this keycode for every 
the xxxx can be 
try also 0000000000 
this is good work but... not 
totally secure
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6/21/2002 3:13:29 AM:James Kelly Jr.
AWSOME! Just what im looking for. Thnx 
a bunch!
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