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D++ Compiler

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Submitted on: 9/2/2000 3:00:33 PM
By: Daniel Smith (SqueakMac)  
Level: Advanced
User Rating: By 32 Users

Users have accessed this code 7058 times.

(About the author)
     D++ is a scripting language that can handle things like basic I/O, if statements, variables, expression evalutaion, and more! It can compile the applications into executable files. Although it does NOT compile a true Win32 application, it compiles your source with a DLL to create a valid Win32 application by coping the DLL (blank app with built-in linker) and your source code and making a new EXE.

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Other 3 submission(s) by this author


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9/2/2000 4:20:14 PM:The Scar
Great,D++ is back! SqueakMac,you da 
man! Keep it up!
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9/2/2000 7:21:20 PM:Simon Price
OK, so this doesn't do much yet but 
it's pretty unique and unless someone 
can show me something better then my 
"excellent" vote sticks! Ofcourse it's 
slow, C++ is slower than assembler 
because C++ is written in assembler (?) 
and VB is slower than C++ because it's 
written in C++ and D++ has to be slower 
than VB because it's made in VB... did 
that make any sense? Anyway keep it up 
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9/2/2000 8:03:14 PM:Fredrik Qvarfort
Yes, a interpreter will of course be 
slower than the language it is designed 
in, but there is so many levels of 
"slower than...". According to your 
logic, "Slower than VB" and "Much 
slower than VB" are the same? 
(Let's see how long this message 
will be here until deleted, because it 
contains criticism it will be 
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9/3/2000 4:32:04 AM:PhoenixX_2
Though Simon Price DOES have a 
Assembler -> C++ -> Visual 
Basic -> D++ -> File
SO just a 
suggestion SqueakMac, do it in C++ and 
not in VB.  Or even better, do it in 
And Fredrick, by doing it 
in C++ or Assembler will cut down a few 
levels of "slower than"s...
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9/3/2000 5:01:54 AM:Christian
Hey guys. I told ya all this the first 
time. But noone listened. This project 
has been dead from the beginning.
it in C++ or Assambler.
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9/3/2000 7:37:07 AM:Fredrik Qvarfort
I get fairly good performance out of my 
own Script Engine, so I do not believe 
it is neccessary to do it in C or ASM. 
I haven't benchmarked it but I think it 
would be a couple of 1000x faster than 
this one. I think it it important to 
say that you can make a program go 
*really* slow no matter what language 
you are using, but if you optimize it 
the choice of language does not matter 
that much. ;)
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9/3/2000 4:52:23 PM:Adsisck
Its to weak.  The first one was fair 
because we thought it would improve.  
Just do it in c++.
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9/4/2000 1:44:30 AM:MZ
It's getting better Squeak.
And guys 
... don't expect him to write this 
program in ASM or C++. That get's 
rather friggin' tricky. Especially 
writing windows programs in ASM. VC++ I 
can understand but I don't think he's 
that knowledgable.
After talking to 
him I think he only knows Basic. 
Although, he'll probably become the 
next Linus Torvald here in the near 
future. So don't diss on him. 
Peace Squeak ...
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9/4/2000 2:50:19 AM:Nova Ice
you people saying to make it in c/c++ 
or asm, its hard enough making it in 
vb, c/c++ and asm is a great deal 
harder,i'd know
hey squeack, ignore 
those that as just being lazy and 
copying source
-Nova Ice
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9/7/2000 4:25:48 PM:Kenneth Gilbert Jr.
LOL@Nova Ice*
Good one. : )
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9/7/2000 4:35:16 PM:Kenneth Gilbert Jr.
Hey, why does everyone say remake D++ 
in C or ASM? Last time I checked this 
Anyway, nice project Squeak.  I don't 
know where they got the "slow" D++ 
stuff from.  Ran fine on my 
Oh yeah... check out some 
encryption stuff on PSC.  I bet you 
could encrypt the syntax of your 
scripts pretty easily to make it look 
like your own save format.  Would be 
cool in my opinion.
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9/9/2000 7:45:17 PM:MZ
If people are truly worried about speed 
then they must have been the old school 
programmers working on 8086 processors 
trying to conserve space and make it 
fast. I can understand efficiency back 
then but efficiency is totally 
different now.
With our fast 
computers its only microseconds less of 
time in VB. So who really cares? Bill 
Clinton called a 1 GHz computer a super 
computer back in '95. Now we can own 1 
GHz computers for a couple paychecks. 
Except for maybe those people with 
P133 and 8 megs of RAM everyone 
shouldn't be picky about microseconds 
of speed.
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9/10/2000 11:27:05 AM:vcv
As far as you writing an interpreter at 
a young age, I am a little bit 
As far as how well it runs 
(not considering your age), and the 
style in which the code is done, I'm 
not impressed.
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9/10/2000 7:23:46 PM:Fredrik Qvarfort
Using VB instead of ASM also gives you 
a lot of functionality "for free". Try 
making an interpreter that supports 
forms, controls, objects etc in ASM. 
Yikes! (no wonder M$ needs a lot of 
time to complete VB7 ).
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9/14/2000 7:35:58 AM:>Link
I'd just like to say one thing and one 
thing only:
SqueakMaac is extremely 
Ok i lied, i'll some other 
All you Chaps and 
Chappettes are doing the ASM and C++ 
stuff, good. Keep it to 
Kenneth has one heck of a 
point. GO VB AND D++.
look, don't 
diss Squeak, If you wanna submit 
critisism, then submit constructive 
Hang in there, 
"I'm not a complete 
Some parts are missing!!!"
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9/24/2000 12:07:08 AM:Digital Vampire
to all the people who seem to think 
maximum optimisation is not needed 
(in any code) - well that's just down 
right selfish and rather crazy ! who is 
the code for ? you or your users ? if 
it's for your users then OPTIMISE 
OPTIMISE and do MORE optimsising ! they 
WILL appreciate it and NOT everyone is 
able or willing to spend a "couple of 
paychecks" on some do-everything GHz 
computer ! just so they can test some 
vb source code example !  meaning - if 
code is OPTIMISED audience is also 
MAXIMISED meaning YOU get more 
CUSTOMERS and if commercial (or vote 
based) YOU get more MONEY or votes ! 
c'mon now think about it sensibly 
people ! sheeesh ...... 
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9/24/2000 12:17:09 AM:Digital Vampire
as far as can be done in vb - Great 
Code keep up the good work :)
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10/9/2000 12:00:06 AM:Ry4
Hey SqueakMac remember me? Well I am 
sure you do. Wait till you see my 
version of d++ (v2.5). Its like D++ and 
D++ IDE on crack...its MMAADD. I am 
sure you all will love it. Expect it as 
soon as psc will let me upload it. 
Which, by the way, I have tried 4 times.
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10/28/2000 6:48:08 PM:Ultimatum
Better yet, forget all the people 
saying to optimize! Abandon VB! Screw 
C++! Don't worry about ASM! If you 
REALLY wanna be 1337, write it like a 
TRUE programmer: in straight machine 
language! (end sarcasm here) Nice 
program, but just try not to get too 
boastful about it like you did on JEL.
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11/9/2000 1:17:12 PM:David
Man.. u lot r f**ked.
He has done it 
as an example of what vb can do.. not 
as a program to be marketed. And 
another thing.. its not slow.. its just 
all your computers are crap!!!.. it 
works great on my pc, and runs as fast 
as anything written in C. If u so 
desperatly want it in C, write it 
urself.. and actually help the open 
source world to continue.
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11/23/2000 11:09:18 PM:Ackbar
Well I gotta agree do it in c or c++. 
Maybe even assembler. I have written a 
basic scripting engine in c though it 
wasn't to work as a stand alone script 
language. As for optimizing it is true 
you can optimize any code to work 
faster but realisticly the slowest c 
code will beat the fastest vb code any 
day. Personaly I only picked up vb 
because I had to for school and I found 
it instaly easy. If you really want to 
become good at a language don't start 
witht he basic. Try something harder 
like c. When you need a basic language 
then you'll find it to be extremly 
So basicly I'd say yeah take 
some time to learn c/c++ (prolly c for 
this because it is faster slightly than 
c++ and I prefer it in general) and try 
writing it in c. If you really want to 
go for it you might be able to 
eventually create your own true 
language. VB is a very limited language 
in a lot of aspects.
And for those who 
think vb can do anything c can do I 
recomend you learn some c.
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11/26/2000 3:36:26 PM:InFeStEd-ArCh0n
I think you can do better
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12/22/2000 8:39:25 PM:SerialZ
Good Work Squeak !!! Me too i've 13 
years old and i'll try to beat you :) 
Wait for my next script, you will see :)
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4/30/2001 11:39:59 AM:Christopher Redfearn
Hey Squeek, I think its good & I'm 
impressed. As for writing it in C++, it 
would be hard. As for writing it in ASM 
(Win32) can anyone do that? Cos if you 
can, I wanta talk to you!
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7/1/2001 6:45:10 PM:SORD
People still saying do it in C++ or 
ASM?!? I tried to remake this in ASM 
after I downloaded it, my ASM file got 
to be 9583 lines, and it didn't even 
have the compiler part yet! Don't tell 
someone to do something in ASM unless 
it is a very basic program, a keygen, 
or C++ with inline assembly in some 
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11/21/2001 6:03:18 AM:Cod3r
Here is a idea- Program it in VB, then 
decompile it and go through the code BY 
HAND, fixing and optimizing it as you 
go- VB adds ALOT of content to the file 
(Subs,things like that) that are NOT 
through it and take out all the cr@p.
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1/22/2002 2:27:21 PM:Zircon
Ahh Squeak has done very well.
about that slow. it is indeed slow if 
you compare it with C or ASM.
remember this is a interpreter coded by 
a 'kid'.
I'm waiting for 
'BlueLighting', it might be way faster 
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1/26/2002 9:38:48 AM:SANDOWN Software
D++'s maths parser (if it can be called 
that) is blown out of the sky by 
practically all other VB scripting 
languages I've seen. Apart from that, 
with a little work and conversion to 
C++, it'd be pretty good.
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4/3/2002 12:44:08 PM:Áö»óÇö
Great. I Do Coding D++ Beta3 Korean 
Edition. I'm Korean.
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6/28/2002 3:45:44 AM:Ozan Yasin Dogan
People here, who thinks that VC++ is 
written in ASM ?! VC++ is written in C, 
of course it is used ASM in. How do you 
think that the complete VC++ can be 
written in ASM. It would take ages. And 
even MASM is written in VC++..
did a well coding but if you want a 
real compiler, you should directly 
access  memory (vb cannot do that) and 
have a powerful control of strings 
(C/C++ is best for it) And i think if 
you programme it in C/c++ it will be 
easier for your code handling after a 
moment. Or you can simply programme the 
editor part in VB and the compiler in C 
(i advice.)
See you.. :)
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6/28/2002 7:29:00 AM:XoduS
Well well, quite a living conversation 
going on here. The only thing i want to 
add to this is that this code finally 
has practical use. It's not 'Unfinished 
chatprogram' nr 100 or useless function 
nr 1000 but a real working program. 
Keep it up, SqueakMac, good coding ! U 
know it, Visual B. rules !!
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6/29/2002 9:27:51 PM:EJ
For all of you who think that vb is 
just a "SLOW" language. HA. VB6 is a 
little slow. But VB.NET is as fast or 
faster then C#
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6/29/2002 9:53:05 PM:EJ
Not to be the "Odd man out" But it does 
not work on my CPU. Im running WinXP 
home and it compiles but then the D++ 
app that pops up is black. Zip Zero, 
Null, Nothing. But if any one has an 
comments about how to make it work just 
click on my name and E-Mail Me.
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