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For C#
(5 planets out of 5)
Programming C#
by Jesse Liberty
A smartly written C# guide. |

Jesse Liberty's Programming C# provides an adept and extremely well conceived guide to the C# language and is written for the developer with some previous C++, Java, and/or Visual Basic experience. It's no secret that many computer books are pretty much devoid of an authorial personality. This title is a winning exception. The author is able to weave in clever examples (using such topics as his own long experience in computing, his dog, Star Trek, etc.) without being coy or getting in theway of presenting real technical information. Liberty's wide experience in computers and general writing skill shows, as he is able to draw on a wealth of examples to move his text forward. These are a couple of goals at work in Programming C#. First, it's an excellent language tutorial, certainly one of the smartest and best available guides to C# as a language. Early chapters explore basic and obscure language options using inheritance, delegation, interface, and the conventions in C# used to implement these techniques. The middle part of the book turns toward the .NET Framework itself, with two useful (and somewhat introductory) chapters on both Windows Forms and Web Forms, for standalone and Web-based applications, respectively.
(3 planets out of 5)
Professional VB.NET
by Rocky Lhotka
Stellar book for old VB hands looking to upgrade their skills. |

Aimed at the reader with some previous programming experience who wants to know VB.NET in detail, Professional VB.NET digs in deeply to the latest version of the popular tool, with plenty of coverage of advanced topics. With in-depth advice for using VB.NET as a true object-oriented language, plus coverage of the inner workings of the .NET Framework itself, this book delivers a thorough and wide-ranging tutorial. The team authorship of this title shows up in a variety of writing styles. Some early sections contain more theoretical material with a tutorial for designing classes with VB.NET, including its full support for inheritance and "classic" object-oriented design concepts like polymorphism. As this text moves forward, it gets more momentum with somewhat less prose and more examples. Standout sections include some fine material on using Windows Forms, plus excellent coverage of properties and visual design options. Coverage of custom controls is very good here and might well justify the price of this book for experts who need to design their own controls. Much of the book zeroes in on standalone application mode, though three solid chapters on Web Forms, custom Web controls, and Web services will get you started with ASP.NET on the Internet. Short code excerpts, rather than whole programs, are the rule here.
(5 planets out of 5)
Programming VB .NET: A Guide for Experienced Programmers
by Gary Cornell
Stellar book for old VB hands looking to upgrade their skills. |

Programming VB .NET: A Guide for Experienced Programmers is a comprehensive, hands-on guide to the Visual Basic .NET programming language addressed to people with some programming background, although a background in Visual Basic, is not required. First off, Gary Cornell and Jonathan Morrison show readers the syntax of Visual Basic .NET, although Programming VB.NET is not designed to teach syntax. Instead it's designed to teach, what is for all practical purposes, a totally new language. Trying to force Visual Basic .NET into the framework of older versions of VB is ultimately self-defeating you can't take advantage of its power if you continue to think within an older paradigm. So, Cornell and Morrison include a complete treatment of object oriented programming in the context of the Visual Basic .NET language. Without a firm foundation here, it is impossible to take full advantage of the power of Visual Basic .NET. Programming VB .NET covers the fundamentals of every technique that a professional VB .NET developer will need to master, including multithreading, a topic too often overlooked. (Note: This doesnt mean that Cornell and Morrison cover all the possible or even the majority of the applications of Visual Basic .NET to the .NET platform. This would take a substantially larger book.) Programming VB .NET is about the techniques readers need to master, not the applications themselves. Realistic examples are given throughout no toy code. Finally, since most readers will have programmed with some version of Visual Basic before, Cornell and Morrison clearly differentiate between VB. NET and earlier versions of VB. Keep in mind, however, that this book does not assume any knowledge of earlier versions of VB, just some experience programming.
(4 planets out of 5)
Programming Data Driven Web Applications with ASP.NET
by Donny Mack
Real life development book you can use immediately! |

A revolution in developing software is coming and it's called the .NET Framework. This broad Microsoft strategy opens doors to exciting new concepts such as Web services, which deliver the software you create as services that dish out data via XML over the Net. ASP.NET and ADO.NET are key elements to this new approach, improving the efficiency of Web page coding and database access respectively. Programming Data-Driven Web Applications with ASP.NET provides an excellent introduction to this brave new world of database-driven Web development for seasoned and novice programmers alike. The book dives into ASP.NET with a breakdown of its new features such as server side controls and event handling, Web services and session state management. It then clearly points out the advantages of ADO.NET--interoperability, a strong-typed programming model, higher disconnected performance, and better scalability. Readers will learn about managed providers and get a tutorial on ANSI SQL and the nitty gritty of database access. Plenty of example code is presented in both Visual Basic.NET and C#. The book explains how XML and SOAP--the protocol for exchanging XML data--work together as the transmission mechanism behind the scenes of .NET applications. The centerpiece of this new architecture is the Web services feature, and this text covers this powerful Web-callable interface well. ASP.NET and ADO.NET require somewhat of a new programming mindset from previous coding platforms, but this easy-to-read tutorial provides an easy entry point.
For C++ .NET
(4 planets out of 5)
Visual C++(r).NET Developer's Guide
by John Mueller
Hard core C++.Net for Experienced Developers |

This is the serious resource for serious developers. Coverage includes ADO, ADO+, Acrive Directory, Security, trheads, attributed programming, ATL, web forms, and a complete overview of integration with the .NET platform. From the Back Cover
Engineer Your Way to Excellence Maximize the capabilities of Visual C++ .NET using the advanced development strategies presented in this professional resource. Inside, you'll find full details on using threads and graphics, working within the .NET Framework, handling database integration, ensuring security, creating administrative tools, and much more. Build and deploy robust Visual C++ .NET applications that take full advantage of the innovative features of this powerful development tool. *Build managed and unmanaged (native EXE) desktop applications *Maximize machine resources using threads *Utilize the Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) *Take full advantage of ADO.NET for database management *Work with Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) *Reduce development time using attributed programming *Write distributed applications using Simple Object Access Model (SOAP) *Understand how Web Services can help you develop applications faster *Use the Windows Security and Cryptography APIs *Develop customized Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-ins