Dear sir,
I am very interested bout this project.
I must say that we have serious experince with Visual C++ and image processing.
We will provide support for jpg, gifs and bmps.
What you wish, is relly simple like iddea, but it can be done in many ways.
If you want to aquarate see that a group og pixels have the sames apearance like other group of pixels are a lot of posibilities, from a simple average, error cheching in RGB, HVS, ... till neuronal networks.
We can do in any of this form this project for you.
About speed of program : we can optimeze it very good. I am myself an expert in optimisation.
If you choose us you will have unlimited free application support and free correct of any bugs that may apear ( what bugs :) ).
All the best,
Marius, 'Smart Pin' Manager.