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Fortrain and C program
Bid Request Id: 8214
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seatiger74 (25 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
Posted: |
Jan 31, 2002 12:05:36 AM EDT
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Feb 14, 2002 12:06:31 AM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
165 times
Programming Languages Assignment 1 (Write 2 programs, one in Fortran and one in C, both do the same thing as described below)
In this first assignment, since we have been discussing efficiency and FORTRAN, let's run a race between FORTRAN and C on the RS-6000 system. I have made a function to allow you to do CPU timings from FORTRAN (by calling on C), and so what we will do is a long winded series of floating point computations and CPU time the thing. You will simply write a FORTRAN module to do numerical integration and CPU time how long it takes, using 1 million subintervals. I will discuss FORTRAN in class; here I will simply outline the trapezoidal rule, and how to do the CPU timing.
For CPU timing, first get the file getclock.o as with
getfile getclock.o
Then in your FORTRAN code, use
implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) external getclock start = getclock(0) ... elap = (getclock(0) - start) / 1000000.d0
Then, elap is the CPU elapsed time in seconds that ... took to do.
Trapezoidal rule: To integrate a function f(x) over an interval [a,b] with n subintervals, break up [a,b] into n equal subintervals a = x0 < x1 < x2 < ... < xn = b and let h = (b - a) / n = width of each subinterval. Then the integral of f over [a,b] is approximately
h * (f(a)/2 + f(x1) + f(x2) + ... + f(xn-1) + f(b)/2)
Use the following function to integrate :
f(x) = (tan(atan(exp(log(sqrt(x * x)))))) ** 2
To compile your code, use
f77 -O myfile.f getclock.o
which will make executable a.out if it compiles OK.
In the C version, just call clock() to get the start and elapsed time, and then divide the difference by CLOCKS_PER_SEC as a double to get the elapsed time in seconds.
Be sure in both cases to print the approximated integral value! Mathematically you are integrating x^2 over [0,1] so the exact answer is just 1/3 (0.333333...). However due to floating point roundoff, the result will likely be a bit off.
Deliverables: Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. Complete copyrights to all work purchased.
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$10 (USD)
Feb 1, 2002 12:15:12 AM EDT
Hello Colleague!
Here in Arkansas, I've just finished testing of both F77 and C code for you project!
Precision is good - at least 12 digits are correct.
Note that in both cases integration results are equal,
that makes me feel that F77 library uses C math libary on my system.
Also note that you are not supposed to compute logarithm of zero, so I've ignored
zero point and used F(0)=0.
On my PC (Pentuim2/500Mhz) the C program runs a few percent faster
than Fortran code. Actually I've excepted F77 code to perform better. I think, it
can be caused by math functions you've selected.
Last year I've done project
involving 2D and 3D computational grids for hyperbolic partial differential
equations. Then C code was REALLY slower.
Well, I'm ready to transfer code at any moment.
I believe it's unfair to ask for bigger money for this.
Expecially if you going to use for educational purpose.
You can pay me after you recieve full package or
wait and ask me to make any updates to computational part.
Note that results can be different when you'll run these tests on your computer.
Best, Paul