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implemet a java program
Bid Request Id: 66041
Bookmark in my 'To Do' list
Posted by: rubz (4 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10)
Non-action Ratio: Very Good - 20.00%
Buyer Security Verifications: Good
Approved on: May 31, 2003
8:13:20 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: Jun 2, 2003 EDT
Viewed (by coders): 125 times
Deadline: 6/3/2003
100% of work completed and accepted. Coder has been paid.
Max Accepted Bid: Bidding is closed
Project Type: Personal Project / Homework Help
Bidding Type: Open Auction
Categories: Java
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(0 active users at Jul 21, 2003 4:21:56 PM EDT)

Its basicly gonna be the same..but we have a new menu bar here..n u know when we execute the project this lil window come as for worksite n temp site..i don&'t need it nemore..just cut the whole thing off..n I don&'t need ne publish or change list..i want it all simple n ez..
i have got the code ready without ne complitaion n run time does work perfectly under java creator..all im askin is to implement n update the program with a few more features on it.

i have time till end of i want it in my hand by end of monday.

I want a lil change on our menu..the mesu as describing below:

File Edit Site Page Tool Help
NewProject/Cut Publish Create View WMhelp
Open Project/CopyDeleteSiteImportEditor
Save Paste Delete
Save as Select All

New Project - create a new workspace/working directory, where all the components of the precise site belong. When u execute the project its gonna come up blank with nothing on it..then we can just simply open a new I say it is a directory..its gonna contain all the html files, links, images n also many sub directories.(Blank pages with no links at all)

Open Project- Open an existing project which might have any number of directories in the working directory and pages.

Create Page - create a new page

Edit Page - edit a page

Delete page - delete a page

Save/Save As - Save the changes made on the project. When the changes haven't been saved, the page remains the same as before the changes have been done.once u open up an existing project n edit itin HTMLEditor u would be able to view the chages in HTMLViewer..but if u don&'t save the text on editor n exit from the system next time when u open it it would be in the old version of the current page..n once u save it it would be updated..

Import pages - take a page file from one directory to the working directory(including subdirectories of working directory)

Import directory - take a directory and place it on the working should view the whole dir on the tree..then when we click on the dir it should expand on its contents..same as windows explorer..

Delete site: Delete the whole site.

During execution, by default the whole screen will be blank. When the user chose New Project, it will come out with a window requesting for the Worksite(working directory) and the Website (the specific name of the website that&'s usin the worksite directory)
We getting this window on our program now when we excutin the program as worksite n temp site..but its should be as work site n website.
As an example.if my website name is then the workspace/working directory for the site can be can be nethin though..but the point is every site has its own parent working directory.

When the user chose Open Project, the same window will appear in which the user will be able to choose from the list of existing project or type in the path of existing ones. On the Website name field, it will display the site that the project is associated with.

Publish: well u can c publish on the menu..but that&'s for my next part of the assignment..just leave it there withougt ne functionality..basicly we gonna use it for the scond part of the assignment..((when we have a link
In the web server of our program…we get ne page from there usin ftp edit it, modify it, save it n then publish it..then it would be updated in the webserves as well..but rite now we don&'t have to worry bout it at all. ))

Forget the graph node from the tool..we don&'t need it nemore..

1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.

2) Installation package that will install the software (in ready-to-run condition) on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.

3) Complete ownership and distribution copyrights to all work purchased.


i have got all the classes n java files workin with Jcreator..u can possibly work with nethin else but at the end i want it running on java creator (JCreator).

n OS is windows ME n 2000 or nethin above 98.

Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Jun 3, 2003 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.

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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
(12 ratings)
in Pune, Maharastra
Bid id: 708,693
$40 (USD) Jun 1, 2003
1:53:18 AM EDT
Dear Friend,

My name is Anil Kumar and I am a java programmer with 4 year of swings/awt programming experince.

I have reviewed your project description as well as code and would like to work on this project and will complete it on time.

Customer satisfaction is my first priority as you can see in my ratings.

Looking forword to work with you.

Best Regards,

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to/from anilsaxena.

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