Projects Details:
Process Design Tool for Workflow
Working on the development of a Java Swings based desktop product which will be used to define workflow process, main emphasis are on making product a generic one and provide a easy way to customize according to different customer needs. Technologies used are JFC Swing and XML.
CVS Integration with Selectica Modeling Tools (Model Builder)
Develop a CVS client and integrated it with existing Selectica Modeling tool to provide users a source control system to store/ retrieve there work. It involves a creation of customized request, responses and socket programming to communicate with CVS Server.
Repository Version Control System for Selectica Knowledge base
Worked on the development of a database based version control system to provide secure storing/ retrieval of Selectica knowledgebase, it involves development of a repository Server which will take care of data storing/ retrieval from database and a client to provide a easy user interface to perform different version control system operations. It also takes care of conversion of BOM (Bill of materials) to Selectica Knowledgebase and vive versa.
Scripting Support for Model Builder
Provided the Scripting support using IBM Bean Scripting framework (BSF) in existing Selectica Modeling Tool so that user can add features according to their need using any scripting languages supported by BSF (VBScript, JavaScript, Rhino, Python, Perl etc).
The Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) is an architecture for incorporating scripting into Java applications to enhance an application's function or to script together a set of application components to form an application.
Visualization of Knowledgebase
Developed a MS-Visio based tool which is used to develop selectica knowledgebase using UML like notations (Inheritance, Nesting, Containment etc) and provide the functionality to import/export knowledgebase from existing modeling tool. Visual Basic for Application (VBA) was used to customize the Visio documents, style sheets.
Dependency Architecture for Modeling Tool
In Selectica Technology there are various components like parameter, constraint, model, components etc, there was a need a have reliable architecture to take care of different components dependencies so that when there is a change in one components, dependent components will get updated accordingly. This was achieved using Visitor pattern without disturbing existing class hierarchy.
Framework for Java Desktop Applications
Worked on the development of a UI framework (VIM) for desktop applications, framework takes care of creation of various menus, toolbar, popup menus etc from a config file. A library of utility components was developed to provide the same L&F to all selectica products.
Wizard Framework
Develop a wizard framework, which makes development of wizards a lot simpler. Navigation, UI (color, fonts, sizes, L&F) and error messaging can be customized using a config file.
Testing Automation
Develop a tool based on NetBeen's Jemmy (a open source java based test automation tool by Sun) and JUnit to facilitate the automation of unit/system testing of different Java Based desktop applications, a set of library created to perform the common tasks.