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Shape command help1
Bid Request Id: 6531
I need help with a shape command that I'll use in dataenvironment for vb6 connected to Access 2000 db. I'm trying to build a recordset from a few seperate tables. The primary table is Demographics with the patientID as the key. I want to select * from Demographics where patientID = 123. Then, I want to select all medications that patient 123 is taking from Medication table (select * from Medications where patientID = 123). Then I want to select all diagnoses that patient 123 has (select * from Diagnoses where patientID = 123). Finally, I want to print a data report using the combined shaped and appended recordset where I can print out patient 123 demographics, and then a column of diagnoses and another column with medications. I have found using joins don't work because unless the number of meds and diagnoses are the same, you'll get repeated diagnoses or meds - I suspect I need a shape statement. Thanks for your help!!
Deliverables: Complete and fully-functional shape command.
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$50 (USD)
Dec 15, 2001 6:40:56 PM EDT
I just made a demo for your request.
You can open this zipped file and unzip it.
Run the program test and click Begin, you will see a demo report.
The Database is Access 2000.
I can finish the final project in very short time.
Attached File