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May 15, 2003 7:44:07 PM EDT
You are lucky if that script supports sending emails thru SMTP server. As SMTP server you can use the one that comes with IIS5. Or you can use some alternatives to the sendmail. I can rewrite your script to use... for example blat. This is command line email sender with a rich set of command line parameters.
Zaur Amikishiyev Web Developer
May 15, 2003 7:52:49 PM EDT
Are you willing to pay $15 me so that I rewrote your script to use program called blat? It's a free program and you can use it for your project. I will send you changed script within one hour after bid acceptance
May 15, 2003 7:59:59 PM EDT
Ok man, The blat perfectly works in this environment. If my price is okey then please increasy the max accepted bid so that I can send bid with a price.
This bid was accepted by the buyer!
$15 (USD)
May 15, 2003 8:07:27 PM EDT
If you can find the right file where I should make changes then send only this file, if not then there is no choice and you have to send all files in one zip file.