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Applet for demonstration.
Bid Request Id: 5893
Posted by: CPhan (1 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10)
Posted: 12/2/2001 6:48:31 PM EST
Bidding Closes: 12/16/2001 6:53:03 PM EST
Viewed: 170 times
100% of work was accepted by buyer. Coder account has been credited.
Max Accepted Bid: Bidding is closed
Project Type: Very Small Business Project (under $100)
Bidding Type: Open Auction
Categories: Web, Graphics / Art / Music, Java
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(0 active users at 7/20/2002 12:17:16 PM EST)

Interested in a Java Applet to be used within my website for various demonstration. The various controls on the applets are shown in the attached diagram. The applet should take a list of gif images and depending on the user selection, the appropriate gif must be displayed. For example, <Parameter Name=ImageList value = "{image1.gif|text1}{image2.gif|text2}"> <Parameter Name=SubjectList value="{ListTitle1,image1.gif|image2.gif}{ListTitle2,image5.gif|image11.gif}"> and so forth. So ListTitle1 and ListTitle2 will show up in the list box on the left. Clicking on ListTitle2 will show image5.gif in applet, disable left button. Right click will display image6.gif and will display the accompanying text in the lower area..

Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. Complete copyrights to all work purchased.

Special Conditions / Other:
We must agree on time frame and must be completed within 7 days from date of acceptance.

Remember that contacting the other party outside of the site (by email, phone, etc.) on all business projects < $500 (before the buyer's money is escrowed) is a violation of both the software buyer and seller agreements. We monitor all site activity for such violations and can instantly expel transgressers on the spot, so we thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you notice a violation, you can report it to:
All monetary amounts on the site are in United States dollars.
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Markus Dresch
(4 ratings)
in Kufstein, Tirol
N/A 12/3/2001 2:59:46 AM EST  7.75
(Very Good)
what do the two images stand for? one to be shown, and the second one?

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to/from Markus Dresch.

Markus Dresch
(4 ratings)
in Kufstein, Tirol
N/A 12/3/2001 4:23:25 AM EST  7.75
(Very Good)
sorry, got it. i'll send you a demo.

Markus Dresch
(4 ratings)
in Kufstein, Tirol
$150 12/3/2001 8:11:52 AM EST  7.75
(Very Good)
here you have a buggy little demo, just to have an idea how it would work.

the htm page shows you how the applet is configured. you have to add a tag for each topic, and for each page inside the topic.

already working: image, text, fontsize, font, fontstyle.

to do: hide bach or next button, change standard buttons to graphical ones, use color settings.

tell me if this is about what you want.

THe price i bid is negociable

Markus Dresch
Attached File
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to/from Markus Dresch.

Markus Dresch
(4 ratings)
in Kufstein, Tirol
N/A 12/3/2001 8:35:14 AM EST  7.75
(Very Good)

this demo already works with colors. the back and next buttons also hide and show depending on the context.

Now only the design is missing in your project. And that's a piece of cake.

Markus Dresch
Attached File
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to/from Markus Dresch.

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