This message is a little
late in being posted up, because I was (like many other business travelers)
temporarily stuck out of town by the airport closings following the events of
September 11th, and have just gotten back home. While driving home down
the East coast, I witnessed first-hand the aftermath of the devastation caused by the hijackers
at the World Trade Center in New York and at the Pentagon in D.C..
With Andirudha, Exhedra Solutions, Inc. (the parent company of RentACoder.com and PlanetSourcecode.com) is making a donation, and anyone else who wants to contribute directly to the aid the victims' families...is strongly encouraged to do so. Contact info is here, courtesy of MSN. Third...to all American
users...the stock market opens on Monday, and I will be sending a message that I
will not be intimidated, by hanging onto every stock and mutual fund that I own
and I encourage you to do the same. Finally...one more thought for all of us Americans. Our anger is justified, but we must remember to focus it on the perpetrators...not the Muslim who lives next door or across the street. The Muslim religion is based on love, not murder....and judging all Muslims by the beliefs of these extremists would be like judging all Christians by the beliefs of the extreme anti-abortionists who try to stalk and kill doctors. Please remember to continue to exercise the tolerance that has made this nation the great country that it is. Ian Ippolito |