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Team Roster Creator - Final Touches to Existing Code
Bid Request Id: 5454
Posted by: ski2sun (2 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 9)
Posted: 11/25/2001 8:51:18 PM EST
Bidding Closes: 12/2/2001 8:53:49 PM EST
Viewed: 131 times
100% of work was accepted by buyer. Coder account has been credited.
Max Accepted Bid: Bidding is closed
Project Type: Personal Project / Homework Help
Bidding Type: Open Auction
Categories: Windows, Database, Testing / Quality Assurance
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This project has an initial code which is intended to create soccer teams based:
1. on days players are available for practice, 2. gender/league participant is in,
3. skill rating (1,2,3),
4. and school (SEE DBO_PLAYERS TABLE). I believe a programmer could rectify my problem in a minute once the module and table is reviewed. I simply want an Access form & print report feature that would allow me to select all the players in a particular league type (ex: FIU09, would mean females, in intramural, U-9 group. All parents inform us of the nights their children cannot play (negative database), then looks at rating, and school, to make sure there is a BALANCED team consisting of not too many players of one rating, and not too many players from one school. The school criteria segment is not in the code attached and below. I need help with this quickly, and asap. Your help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. See Code needing help and revision below in deliverable:

Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. Complete copyrights to all work purchased. Yes to above, understanding that code is already original from buyer of services. Requesting final revisions which become sole property of buyer once acceptable final form and league type print roster report capability utilizing ALL beforementioned player-team criterias. Option Compare Database Option Explicit Sub LeagueTeamSelector() Dim intDone As Integer Dim intTotPlayers As Integer Dim strLeague As String Dim intPlayerId As Integer Dim strSQL As String Dim blnWeekDone As Boolean Dim strRatingM As String Dim strRatingT As String Dim strRatingW As String Dim strRatingTH As String Dim strRatingF As String= Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset Dim cmd As ADODB.Command strLeague = InputBox("Enter League to Process") strSQL = "SELECT Count(dbo_Players.PlayerID) AS TotPlayers " & _ "FROM dbo_Players " & _ "WHERE dbo_Players.League = '" & strLeague & "';" rs.Open strSQL, cnn, , , adCmdText intTotPlayers = rs("TotPlayers") rs.Close intDone = 0 blnWeekDone = False strRatingM = "1" strRatingT = "1" strRatingW = "1" strRatingTH = "1" strRatingF = "1" Do Until blnWeekDone 'Get a Monday player If strRatingM < 4 Then strSQL = "SELECT min(PlayerID) as Player " & _ "FROM dbo_Players " & _ "Where ((League = '" & strLeague & "') " & _ "AND (NOT Selected) " & _ "AND (M)) " & _ "AND Rating = '" & strRatingM & "'; " rs.Open strSQL, cnn, , , adCmdText If rs("Player") <> "Null" Then intPlayerId = rs("Player") strSQL = "UPDATE dbo_Players " & _ "SET dbo_Players.Selected = Yes, " & _ "dbo_Players.TeamDay = 'M' " & _ "WHERE (((dbo_Players.PlayerID)=" & rs("Player") & ")) ;" Set cmd = New ADODB.Command cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn cmd.CommandText = strSQL cmd.Execute Else strRatingM = strRatingM + 1 End If rs.Close End If 'All Monday Records done 'Get a Tuesday player If strRatingT < 4 Then strSQL = "SELECT min(PlayerID) as Player " & _ "FROM dbo_Players " & _ "Where ((League = '" & strLeague & "') " & _ "AND (NOT Selected) " & _ "AND (T)) " & _ "AND Rating = '" & strRatingT & "'; " rs.Open strSQL, cnn, , , adCmdText If rs("Player") <> "Null" Then intPlayerId = rs("Player") strSQL = "UPDATE dbo_Players " & _ "SET dbo_Players.Selected = Yes, " & _ "dbo_Players.TeamDay = 'T' " & _ "WHERE (((dbo_Players.PlayerID)=" & rs("Player") & ")) ;" Set cmd = New ADODB.Command cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn cmd.CommandText = strSQL cmd.Execute Else strRatingT = strRatingT + 1 End If rs.Close End If 'All Tuesday Records done 'Get a Wednesday player If strRatingW < 4 Then strSQL = "SELECT min(PlayerID) as Player " & _ "FROM dbo_Players " & _ "Where ((League = '" & strLeague & "') " & _ "AND (NOT Selected) " & _ "AND (W)) " & _ "AND Rating = '" & strRatingW & "'; " rs.Open strSQL, cnn, , , adCmdText If rs("Player") <> "Null" Then intPlayerId = rs("Player") strSQL = "UPDATE dbo_Players " & _ "SET dbo_Players.Selected = Yes, " & _ "dbo_Players.TeamDay = 'W' " & _ "WHERE (((dbo_Players.PlayerID)=" & rs("Player") & ")) ;" Set cmd = New ADODB.Command cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn cmd.CommandText = strSQL cmd.Execute Else strRatingW = strRatingW + 1 End If rs.Close End If 'All Wednesday Records done 'Get a Thursday player If strRatingTH < 4 Then strSQL = "SELECT min(PlayerID) as Player " & _ "FROM dbo_Players " & _ "Where ((League = '" & strLeague & "') " & _ "AND (NOT Selected) " & _ "AND (TH)) " & _ "AND Rating = '" & strRatingTH & "'; " rs.Open strSQL, cnn, , , adCmdText If rs("Player") <> "Null" Then intPlayerId = rs("Player") strSQL = "UPDATE dbo_Players " & _ "SET dbo_Players.Selected = Yes, " & _ "dbo_Players.TeamDay = 'TH' " & _ "WHERE (((dbo_Players.PlayerID)=" & rs("Player") & ")) ;" Set cmd = New ADODB.Command cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn cmd.CommandText = strSQL cmd.Execute Else strRatingTH = strRatingTH + 1 End If rs.Close End If 'All Thursday Records done 'Get a Friday player If strRatingF < 4 Then strSQL = "SELECT min(PlayerID) as Player " & _ "FROM dbo_Players " & _ "Where ((League = '" & strLeague & "') " & _ "AND (NOT Selected) " & _ "AND (F)) " & _ "AND Rating = '" & strRatingF & "'; " rs.Open strSQL, cnn, , , adCmdText If rs("Player") <> "Null" Then intPlayerId = rs("Player") strSQL = "UPDATE dbo_Players " & _ "SET dbo_Players.Selected = Yes, " & _ "dbo_Players.TeamDay = 'F' " & _ "WHERE (((dbo_Players.PlayerID)=" & rs("Player") & ")) ;" Set cmd = New ADODB.Command cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn cmd.CommandText = strSQL cmd.Execute Else strRatingF = strRatingF + 1 End If rs.Close End If 'All Friday Records done 'Check to see if we have processed all the records from all the days. 'Each rating will be = 4 if we have. If strRatingM + strRatingT + strRatingW + strRatingTH + strRatingF = "44444" Then blnWeekDone = True End If Loop End Sub

Special Conditions / Other:
I would like the code below to be done asap for registration season Sooner better than later, so i can test, and verify its workings...

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Name Bid Amount Date Coder Rating
This bid was accepted by the buyer!
Bryan Hoover
(9 ratings)
in Richmond, Virginia
United States
$25 11/26/2001 1:17:54 AM EST  9

As I'm sure you are aware, the method of choosing players used in the code is pretty straight forward. That is, there may be more 'sophisticated' ways of doing this, and for choosing the school. Do you or the buyer have any preferences on this?

I don't see the table you mentioned in the bid request. I assume this is an oversite, and it will be provided?

I've taken the code you posted and formatted it into an Access database form.

I modularized the code into 4 separate procedures. The overall original algorithm is the same as you posted - I've simply broken it into smaller pieces so that it is easier to understand (hopefully), less code duplication, and easier to reuse parts of the code in different contexts - for instance, you could now schedule one player day, or one player level at a time (or some combination) or all at once as is the case with calling the main sub procedure as in the original code.

Adding the required addtional functionality, and more if needed, should be a snap.

Please see my profile for resume, and buyer comments. In my as yet short affiliation with this site, all of my customers are very satisfied. I have web and ftp sites, email, and instant messenger which I use to help make the development process very smooth, trouble free.


Bryan Hoover


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