The One-Stop Software Outsourcing Solution
About The Site
At Rent A Coder, we believe that we are building the future of professional computer programming.
The site was created in early 2001 by Ian Ippolito, the webmaster
of a programming site called Planet Source
Code. Ian had been receiving too many requests for custom programming...more than he could ever possibly handle and complete on his own. He found himself in the position of turning
down paying customers and realized that there was a need that was not being met. Thus Rent A Coder was born. Computer programmers could
supplement or even replace their existing jobs with work procurred quickly and easily over the Internet. And software users could get custom
software work done without farming it out to huge consultant teams that charged 'highway-robbery' rates.
Our Partners
Rent A Coder is proud to be a partner of Giant Window, one of the premiere IT, marketing and financial services sourced services firms. Giant Window has matched clients in the Fortune 500 with the highest quality professionals since 1999, including IBM, SUN, Alcatel and Hewlett Packard.
Rent A Coder is proud to be a partner of ExpertRating, a leader in online skills assessment and certification. ExpertRating professionals are working with leading companies around the world
and have clearly exhibited a 20% better performance and efficiency than their counterparts who are not certified.
Rent A Coder upholds the rigorous business practices required to be both a BBB member and Square Trade vendor.
- All customer issues addressed within 2 days
- Openly disclosed pricing and return policies
- Participation in mediation at buyer request
- Superior selling track record
This site is verified through it's parent company, Exhedra Solutions, Inc.
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In memory of the victims and the courageous rescuers of 9/11/2001