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Java Work
Bid Request Id: 51484
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VIN007 (5 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 9.6 )
Non-action Ratio: |
Very Good - 12.50%
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Approved on: |
Mar 6, 2003 10:48:46 AM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Mar 20, 2003 10:39:42 AM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
450 times
Deadline: |
(Approx. 5312 days)
Need this work asap. payment will be made asap as soon as code comes through
Deliverables: Design and implement an object-oriented program describing two kinds of bank accounts, FixedFee and ChargeableFee, that differ in the way that fees are charged:
· FixedFee: There is a fixed £5.00 fee at the end of the each month
· ChargeableFee: Each withdrawal costs £0.50. The total fee is calculated and charged at the end of the month.
The goal for the problem is to use inheritance so as to avoid duplicating code between the two kinds of account class. This can be done by arranging them in a hierarchy below a common abstract account class.
Besides designing and implementing the account classes, you should create two further classes containing main() methods. One of these should be an interactive application program acting like a Bank, that allows the user to open an account, deposit and withdraw cash and see the monthly statement. User interaction can take place on the console, via pop up windows, or using a full GUI. The other class should be a non-interactive test class that checks the functionality of the account classes.
Both kinds of account class should store the current balance and contain the following methods.
· constructor(initial Balance) creates a new account.
· deposit(amount) adds amount to the balance.
· withdraw(amount) subtracts the amount from the balance.
· endMonth() this method will be called once a month. It should levy any monthly fee at that time and print out the monthly bank account statement.
The ChargeableFee account will also need to store a running total of the number of transactions and the methods will have to update this appropriately.
Your solution should comprise the following.
1. Analysis and Design: (i) a class diagram outlining the class structure for your proposed solution. (ii) a set of summary tables describing the fields, constructors and methods for each class you intend to create.
2. Implementation: A print out of the Java source code of your complete program. That is - each of the account classes, the application class and the test class.
3. Test Results: A print out of the output from your test program with evidence of data validation. Also a set of proposed test cases presented in tabular format.
unix or win xp
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Mar 3, 2018 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
$20 (USD)
Mar 6, 2003 11:10:21 AM EDT
will be done in 2 hours.
full comments most simple code
check my ratings, Victor