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Another easy assembly program
Bid Request Id: 4680
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puck81 (2 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
Posted: |
11/7/2001 8:48:27 PM EST
Bidding Closes: |
11/8/2001 9:15:00 PM EST
Viewed: |
84 times
Ok this is a lab assignment for my assembly class. I don't need anything too crazy, just that it works. Please only bid if you can do this if you can deliver this by 11 pm EST 11/8/01. I know this is short notice but it shouldn't take that long. I am inluding a copy of the word document because the spacing probably won't be too good.
Deliverables: Establish a table of data structures to assist operating system to verify file access privileges. The table contains the following information:
File Number, Security Status, Read Password, Write Password
To run your program, three sample table entrees are required. 1. File number is a unique four digit number 2. There are 3 security status options: 1 = no security protection, 2 = read only, 3 = read and write 3. Both read and write passwords are unique six digit numbers. Read and write passwords to use a file are different from each other. A user who has both the read and write privilege should provide two passwords, one for read, and the other for write
Your task is to code a program to take the file number the user intends to access, to check file security status, and then, to ask for appropriate type(s) of passwords. When a file with no security protection is accessed, no password is required. When a file with a read and write protection is accessed two passwords are taken and verified. Following verification, 1 is stored in “al” when it is successful. Otherwise, 0 is stored, and a screen message is sent to the user indicating a non-matching password
Hint: Use interrupts or input and output procedures to print prompting messages and scan inputs
Special Conditions / Other:
As I stated before, I need this by 11 pm EST 11/8/01
Additional Attached Files
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11/7/2001 9:33:43 PM EST
So I create 3 sample structures with the specified fields with sample datas then use them to test with the user right?
So ask the user for the file number, if it is one of the 3 sample files, then continue else exit. Check the file access type of the file then check password from user appropriately depending on the access type. Then report if the file is opened or not?
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