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wave player - adpcm decoding
Bid Request Id: 3464
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levelone (3 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
Posted: |
10/9/2001 5:40:59 AM EST
Bidding Closes: |
10/16/2001 EST
Viewed: |
166 times
You get a sourcecode from my sound module written with MSVC++ using directx. You need no directx experience because all needed functions are included (init directsound, refillsound buffer, create etc..)
I need you to add addtional support to the function llsound_LoadSnd(). It should then load wave files which are 16Bit-Stereo/Mono adpcm compressed Windows-Wav Files. Your additional functions should load and decompress the wavedata using the adpcm decoder algorythm and fill the soundbuffer without using of external decompressors and without using the MCI System.
I need you to modify llsound_Play() to add streaming support. (refill, handle wraparound if in loop mode). You must write a new Function llsound_Update(). In that function, which will be periodically called by a frameloop, all soundbuffers with the streaming flag should be maintained.
This soundmodule is a part of a OpenSource project and will be published under the LPGL. Please consider this and bid not tooo high ;-) thnx Because of short time i need professional help and i am willing to pay for that.
To your information see the zipfile. It contains a the headerfile and sourcefile of the module. If you do the job you will receive a complete MSVC6.0 project.
Deliverables: Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. You will get Test wave-files which sould be successfully played with your new and modifed functions.
Additional Attached Files
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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
10/9/2001 11:01:32 AM EST
I should be capable of doing this in a small time frame. I have incorporated Mp3 decoding code into my audio player, I think ADPCM is slightly easier to decode! If efficiency is important, I can code some parts using inline assembler if required.
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