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book data base
Bid Request Id: 2297
We need to have a program that control a book store or a library * Strategy: items in columns are (book name, book code, type, class, author, publisher, version, and year of publishing, no. Of copies available, no of borrowed books, price book photo (cost price,sale price, last discount), note). * Functions: - Add - remove - edit - search - barrow (when choose this function borrow screen appears and it contains all the above book information plus borrower name ,date of borrowing ,date of return ,period of borrowing , note and if a book was borrowed it should be minus from the available copies - Return (when user choose this function a return screen appears containing the above information plus date of return and name of returnee i. e the same as borrower…). - Sale: when choose this function he can sale a book or number of books to a customer and can give him an invoice. Note when a book was sold it should be cut from the stock available…… the invoice should include invoice number and date, customer name ,address/Tel/fax/email, customer code, item description, unit price,quantity,item total price, invoice total. * Reports: all reports can be printed, the user can enter his logo in the program and when he makes a print we need to include a small line says that this print was done by this program. - General book details. : can give the general information of the books in the data base i.e. all columns and can include all columns or certain columns and what is available now and what is not - Borrow reports: can give all related to this operation. - Return reports : can give what related to this option i.e. returned books in a specific period , not returned books , - Sale reports: can give all related to sold books according to a period of time, certain customers sales, general sale report…), - Profit report: can give all profit of certain books or in a certain time.
Deliverables: Complete source code of all programming work done need a demo of work
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$100 (USD)
Sep 4, 2001 12:32:16 PM EDT
I am very interested in developing this project for you. I would like an opportunity to demonstrate to you my level of commitment and expertise for projects such as this one.
I have 15 years experience developing creative and diverse solutions to difficult problems in both single and multi-user environments.
An excellent communicator, I will work closely with you to achieve your goals. I will remain focused on your project, provide frequent progress reports, and deliver a product that meets your exacting specifications.
All code is delivered tested, thoroughly documented and guaranteed.
Ongoing technical support is provided at no additional charge.
If I can provide any additional information, please don't hesitate to ask. I look forward to working closely with you in fulfilling your project's needs.
- Michael E. Sharp Freelance Programmer & Developer