About harsha
(see 1 ratings)
in Bangalore, Karnataka
Seller / Coder Rating:
Sign up date:
Feb 4, 2002 4:57:37 AM EDT
Last Logged In:
HAS NOT logged in since we started keeping track (on 12/12/2002). EDT
Jobs Started:
Jobs Completed:
Missed Status Report Warnings Issued:
Arbitrations Lost: |
0 (out of 0 Arbitrations)
What is arbitration? |
Areas Of Expertise:
Computer Skills:
Front End / GUI :Visual Basic 6.0,Visual Interdev
Internet Related: VB Script, Java Script, HTML, XML.
Middleware:COM, COM+ Operating Systems:WindowsNT /98, MS-DOS 6.22
RDBMS:Oracle 8, SQL Server 2000, MS-Access
Miscellaneous Tools: Erwin 3.5, Rational Rose, Visio 5.0
* 2+ Years Experience in IT
industry. Involved in
analysis testing and
implementation of
various projects.
Work Experience:
ARMS™ (Airline Resources Management System) :
Development Tool:
Visual Basic 6.0,Visual interdev
RDBMS: Oracle 8
Report Software:ActiveReports
CASE Tool:ER Win,RationalRose
New Technology:MTS,COM,XML
Tenure of Project:18 Months
TAGS™ (Testing Assessment Grading System) :
Development Tool
Visual Basic 6.0
RDBMS:SQL Server 2000
Report Software:ActiveReports Tenure of Project:8 Months
TAGS is an innovative InfoTech product that replaces the conventional system of conducting examinations and tests in schools, colleges, educational institutions and training establishments.
TAGS provides a high degree of process automation and a radical change in conventional methodology for conducting examinations and tests by using current generation information, multimedia and web technologies.
Completed in first class with distinction, B. E (Electrical Engineering) from M.S.R.I.T, Bangalore in Aug '98.
Completed Client / Server Certificate course from Boston Computer Institute.
Personal Information:
Date of Birth:15 - Feb - 1976 Marital Status:Single
Languages:English, Hindi and Kannada
Rent A Coder Work History
All ratings and comments are the opinion of the poster and do not reflect the official view of Rent A Coder.