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About Dbearmaps
Name: Dbearmaps
(see 2 ratings)
in Hennessey, Oklahoma
United States
Seller/Coder Rating:
10 (Excellent)
Sign up date: Mar 22, 2002 11:13:17 AM EDT
Current Bid Request Record:
Bid Requests Posted: |
3 |
Bids Accepted: |
3 |
Work Accepted and Paid: |
3 |
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Mark Hobson |
April 23, 2002 8:03:50 PM EDT |
They were very professional and able to explain what they wanted. If any problems came up, they would let you know so you could fix them.
I'd do more work for them if asked to. |
custom CGI-form mailer installed |
jackieg |
April 23, 2002 2:39:52 PM EDT |
the buyer was very prompt in answering my questions or concerns regarding her site.. I hope she will look for my bids in the future.. shes excellent.. |
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Average: |
10 |
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