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Pure ASP Barcode Generator

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Submitted on: 5/29/2003 11:21:34 PM
By: Mark Kahn  
Level: Advanced
User Rating: By 12 Users
Compatibility:ASP (Active Server Pages)

Users have accessed this code 5817 times.
(About the author)
     This script generates a .bmp barcode from scratch with no COM+ object required. Supports only a few types, but the common ones (UPC-A, code128b, code39, EAN-13).
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By using this code, you agree to the following terms...   
1) You may use this code in your own programs (and may compile it into a program and distribute it in compiled format for languages that allow it) freely and with no charge.   
2) You MAY NOT redistribute this code (for example to a web site) without written permission from the original author. Failure to do so is a violation of copyright laws.   
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    ' Name: Pure ASP Barcode Generator
    ' Description:This script generates a .b
    '     mp barcode from scratch with no COM+ obj
    '     ect required. Supports only a few types,
    '     but the common ones (UPC-A, code128b, co
    '     de39, EAN-13).
    ' By: Mark Kahn
    ' Inputs:<img src="http://www.yoursit
    '     e.com/barcode.asp?code=YourBarCode012345
    '     &height;=20&width;=1&mode;=code39">
    code = bar code value
    height = height of barcode In pixels.
    width = width MULTIPLIER In pixels.
    mode = Type of barcode (Currently supported barcode types: code39, code128b, UPC-A, EAN-13)
    ' Returns:a barcode :-)
    ' Side Effects:none...please notify me i
    '     f any.
    'This code is copyrighted and has    ' limited warranties.Please see http://w
    '     ww.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sho
    '     wCode.asp?txtCodeId=8383&lngWId;=4    'for details.    '**************************************
    response.contenttype	=	"image/bmp"
    'img src="http://www.yoursite.com/barcod
    '     e.asp?code=YourBarCode012345&height;=20&w;
    '     idth=1&mode;=code39"
    ' code = bar code value
    ' height = height of barcode in pixels.
    ' width = width MULTIPLIER in pixels.
    ' mode = type of barcode (Currently supp
    '     orted barcode types: code39, code128b, U
    '     PC-A, EAN-13)
    ' NOTE: If you prefer, you can also set 
    '     the mode to 'raw' and create the barcode
    '     yourself by setting the code to 1s and 0
    '     s representing the barcode, ie: 11001100
    '     001010... In this case, 1s are black, 0s
    '     are white.
    ' NOTE: Maximum width & height values ar
    '     e 65536 pixels. Values larger than this 
    '     will cause errors in the bmp file. This 
    '     is a limitation of the bmp file format (
    '     why would you WANT an barcode this large
    '     anyway?)
    ' Additional code types are very easy to
    '     implement.
    ' Images generated are very small. For i
    '     nstance, an ean-13 barcode at a height o
    '     f 50 pixels is a mere 662 bytes (less th
    '     an 1kb). The largest realistic barcodes 
    '     I've generated were less than 2kb.
    ' I added support for code caching. Note
    '     that the image is NOT cached, only the f
    '     inal set of 1s and 0s that represent the
    '     bars.
    ' If anyone adds additional codes, pleas
    '     e send me the source, thanks :-)
    ' cwolves@cwolves.com
    Dim code, origcode, height, width, mode, caching, FontKey, FontCN10, FontCN12
    caching	= True	' turn this on To cache barcodes in '10101010' format. Might speed things up on busy servers, although this script doesn't take many resources to begin with. An EAN-13 or UPC barcode will take less than 100 bytes of memory space. Other types will take more or less depending on the length of the barcode created.
    code		= request.querystring("code")
    height	= request.querystring("height")
    width		= request.querystring("width")
    mode		= request.querystring("mode")
    origcode	= code
    if Not IsNumeric(height) or height	= "" Then	height	= 1 Else height	= numeric(height)
    if Not IsNumeric(width) or width		= "" Then	width		= 1 Else width		= numeric(width)
    if caching AND application("cache" & origcode & mode & height & width) <> "" Then
    	code	= application("cache" & origcode & mode & height & width)
    	Select Case lcase(mode)
    		Case "raw"			' Do nothing. non-0 chars are automatically 1s
    		Case "code39":		code	= code39(code)
    		Case "code128b":	code	= code128b(code)
    		Case "upc-a":		code	= codeean13("0" & code, "AAAAAA")
    		Case "ean-13":		code	= codeean13(code, eanflag(left(code, 1)))
    	End Select
    	if caching Then
    		Application("cache" & origcode & mode & height & width)	= code
    	End if
    End if
    function stb(String)
    Dim I, B
    For I=1 To len(String)
    B	= B & ChrB(Asc(Mid(String,I,1)))
    stb	= B
    End function
    function tstr(data, width)
    	Dim tchar, total, tpos, i, j, x
    	tchar	= 0
    	total	= ""
    	tpos	= 8
    	For i	= 1 To len(data)
    		For j	= 1 To width
    			tpos		= tpos - 1
    			if mid(data, i, 1) <> "0" Then tchar	= tchar + 2^tpos
    			if tpos	= 0 Then
    				total	= total & chr(tchar)
    				tpos	= 8
    				tchar	= 0
    			End if
    	if tpos <> 8 Then
    		total	= total & chr(tchar)
    	End if
    	x		= len(total) mod 4
    	if x	= 0 Then x	= 4
    	For i	= x To 3
    		total	= total & chr(0)
    	tstr	= total
    End function
    function numeric(num)
    	Dim numb, valid, i
    	numb	= ""
    	valid	= "0123456789"
    	For i	= 1 To len(num)
    		if InStr(valid, mid(num, i, 1)) > 0 Then numb	= numb & mid(num, i, 1)
    	num		= left(num, 30)
    	numeric	= cint(num)
    End function
    function size(lngth)
    	lngth	= cdbl(lngth)
    	if lngth	> 255 Then
    		if lngth > 65535 Then lngth	= 65535
    		size	= chr(lngth mod 256) & chr(int(lngth/256))
    		size	= chr(lngth) & chr(0)
    	End if
    End function
    function code39(code)
    	Dim output, i, clet
    	output	= ""
    	code		= "*" & replace(code, "*", "") & "*"
    	For i	= 1 To len(code)
    		clet	= ""
    		Select Case ucase(mid(code, i, 1))
    			Case "1": clet	= "111010001010111"
    			Case "2": clet	= "101110001010111"
    			Case "3": clet	= "111011100010101"
    			Case "4": clet	= "101000111010111"
    			Case "5": clet	= "111010001110101"
    			Case "6": clet	= "101110001110101"
    			Case "7": clet	= "101000101110111"
    			Case "8": clet	= "111010001011101"
    			Case "9": clet	= "101110001011101"
    			Case "0": clet	= "101000111011101"
    			Case "A": clet	= "111010100010111"
    			Case "B": clet	= "101110100010111"
    			Case "C": clet	= "111011101000101"
    			Case "D": clet	= "101011100010111"
    			Case "E": clet	= "111010111000101"
    			Case "F": clet	= "101110111000101"
    			Case "G": clet	= "101010001110111"
    			Case "H": clet	= "111010100011101"
    			Case "I": clet	= "101110100011101"
    			Case "J": clet	= "101011100011101"
    			Case "K": clet	= "111010101000111"
    			Case "L": clet	= "101110101000111"
    			Case "M": clet	= "111011101010001"
    			Case "N": clet	= "101011101000111"
    			Case "O": clet	= "111010111010001"
    			Case "P": clet	= "101110111010001"
    			Case "Q": clet	= "101010111000111"
    			Case "R": clet	= "111010101110001"
    			Case "S": clet	= "101110101110001"
    			Case "T": clet	= "101011101110001"
    			Case "U": clet	= "111000101010111"
    			Case "V": clet	= "100011101010111"
    			Case "W": clet	= "111000111010101"
    			Case "X": clet	= "100010111010111"
    			Case "Y": clet	= "111000101110101"
    			Case "Z": clet	= "100011101110101"
    			Case "-": clet	= "100010101110111"
    			Case ".": clet	= "111000101011101"
    			Case " ": clet	= "100011101011101"
    			Case "*": clet	= "100010111011101"
    			Case "$": clet	= "100010001000101"
    			Case "/": clet	= "100010001010001"
    			Case "+": clet	= "100010100010001"
    			Case "%": clet	= "101000100010001"
    		End Select
    		output	= output & clet & "0"
    	code39		= left(output, len(output)-1)
    End function
    function code128b(ByVal InputString)
    	Const MinValidAscii	= 32
    	Const MaxValidAscii	= 126
    	Dim CharValue(255)
    	Dim i
    	For i	= 0 To 94
    		CharValue(i+32)	= i
    	For i	= 95 To 106
    		CharValue(i+100)	= i
    	' Encode the input String
    	InputString	= Trim(InputString)
    	Dim CheckDigitValue, CharPos, CharAscii, InvalidCharsFound
    	InvalidCharsFound	= False
    	CheckDigitValue	= CharValue(204)
    	For CharPos	= 1 To Len(InputString)
    		CharAscii		= Asc(Mid(InputString, CharPos, 1))
    		if (CharAscii < MinValidAscii) OR (CharAscii > MaxValidAscii) Then
    			CharAscii			= Asc("?")
    			InvalidCharsFound	= True
    		End if
    		CheckDigitValue	= CheckDigitValue + (CharValue(CharAscii) * CharPos)
    	CheckDigitValue		= (CheckDigitValue Mod 103)
    	Dim CheckDigitAscii
    	if CheckDigitValue < 95 Then
    		CheckDigitAscii	= CheckDigitValue + 32
    		CheckDigitAscii	= CheckDigitValue + 100
    	End if
    	Dim OutputString
    	OutputString			= Chr(204) & InputString & Chr(CheckDigitAscii) & Chr(206)
    	Dim BarcodePattern(255)
    	BarcodePattern(32) 	= "212222"		' <SPACE>
    	BarcodePattern(33) 	= "222122"		' !
    	BarcodePattern(34) 	= "222221"		' "
    	BarcodePattern(35) 	= "121223"		' #
    	BarcodePattern(36) 	= "121322"		' $
    	BarcodePattern(37) 	= "131222"		' %
    	BarcodePattern(38) 	= "122213"		' &
    	BarcodePattern(39) 	= "122312"		' '
    	BarcodePattern(40) 	= "132212"		' (
    	BarcodePattern(41) 	= "221213"		' )
    	BarcodePattern(42) 	= "221312"		' *
    	BarcodePattern(43) 	= "231212"		' +
    	BarcodePattern(44) 	= "112232"		' ,
    	BarcodePattern(45) 	= "122132"		' -
    	BarcodePattern(46) 	= "122231"		' .
    	BarcodePattern(47) 	= "113222"		' /
    	BarcodePattern(48) 	= "123122"		' 0
    	BarcodePattern(49) 	= "123221"		' 1
    	BarcodePattern(50) 	= "223211"		' 2
    	BarcodePattern(51) 	= "221132"		' 3
    	BarcodePattern(52) 	= "221231"		' 4
    	BarcodePattern(53) 	= "213212"		' 5
    	BarcodePattern(54) 	= "223112"		' 6
    	BarcodePattern(55) 	= "312131"		' 7
    	BarcodePattern(56) 	= "311222"		' 8
    	BarcodePattern(57) 	= "321122"		' 9
    	BarcodePattern(58) 	= "321221"		' :
    	BarcodePattern(59) 	= "312212"		' ;
    	BarcodePattern(60) 	= "322112"		' <
    	BarcodePattern(61) 	= "322211"		' =
    	BarcodePattern(62) 	= "212123"		' >
    	BarcodePattern(63) 	= "212321"		' ?
    	BarcodePattern(64) 	= "232121"		' @
    	BarcodePattern(65) 	= "111323"		' A
    	BarcodePattern(66) 	= "131123"		' B
    	BarcodePattern(67) 	= "131321"		' C
    	BarcodePattern(68) 	= "112313"		' D
    	BarcodePattern(69) 	= "132113"		' E
    	BarcodePattern(70) 	= "132311"		' F
    	BarcodePattern(71) 	= "211313"		' G
    	BarcodePattern(72) 	= "231113"		' H
    	BarcodePattern(73) 	= "231311"		' I
    	BarcodePattern(74) 	= "112133"		' J
    	BarcodePattern(75) 	= "112331"		' K
    	BarcodePattern(76) 	= "132131"		' L
    	BarcodePattern(77) 	= "113123"		' M
    	BarcodePattern(78) 	= "113321"		' N
    	BarcodePattern(79) 	= "133121"		' O
    	BarcodePattern(80) 	= "313121"		' P
    	BarcodePattern(81) 	= "211331"		' Q
    	BarcodePattern(82) 	= "231131"		' R
    	BarcodePattern(83) 	= "213113"		' S
    	BarcodePattern(84) 	= "213311"		' T
    	BarcodePattern(85) 	= "213131"		' U
    	BarcodePattern(86) 	= "311123"		' V
    	BarcodePattern(87) 	= "311321"		' W
    	BarcodePattern(88) 	= "331121"		' X
    	BarcodePattern(89) 	= "312113"		' Y
    	BarcodePattern(90) 	= "312311"		' Z
    	BarcodePattern(91) 	= "332111"		' [
    	BarcodePattern(92) 	= "314111"		' /
    	BarcodePattern(93) 	= "221411"		' ]
    	BarcodePattern(94) 	= "431111"		' ^
    	BarcodePattern(95) 	= "111224"		' _
    	BarcodePattern(96) 	= "111422"		' `
    	BarcodePattern(97) 	= "121124"		' a
    	BarcodePattern(98) 	= "121421"		' b
    	BarcodePattern(99) 	= "141122"		' c
    	BarcodePattern(100)	= "141221"		' d
    	BarcodePattern(101)	= "112214"		' e
    	BarcodePattern(102)	= "112412"		' f
    	BarcodePattern(103)	= "122114"		' g
    	BarcodePattern(104)	= "122411"		' h
    	BarcodePattern(105)	= "142112"		' i
    	BarcodePattern(106)	= "142211"		' j
    	BarcodePattern(107)	= "241211"		' k
    	BarcodePattern(108)	= "221114"		' l
    	BarcodePattern(109)	= "413111"		' m
    	BarcodePattern(110)	= "241112"		' n
    	BarcodePattern(111)	= "134111"		' o
    	BarcodePattern(112)	= "111242"		' p
    	BarcodePattern(113)	= "121142"		' q
    	BarcodePattern(114)	= "121241"		' r
    	BarcodePattern(115)	= "114212"		' s
    	BarcodePattern(116)	= "124112"		' t
    	BarcodePattern(117)	= "124211"		' u
    	BarcodePattern(118)	= "411212"		' v
    	BarcodePattern(119)	= "421112"		' w
    	BarcodePattern(120)	= "421211"		' x
    	BarcodePattern(121)	= "212141"		' y
    	BarcodePattern(122)	= "214121"		' z
    	BarcodePattern(123)	= "412121"		' {
    	BarcodePattern(124)	= "111143"		' |
    	BarcodePattern(125)	= "111341"		' }
    	BarcodePattern(126)	= "131141"		' ~
    	BarcodePattern(195)	= "114113"
    	BarcodePattern(196)	= "114311"
    	BarcodePattern(197)	= "411113"
    	BarcodePattern(198)	= "411311"
    	BarcodePattern(199)	= "113141"
    	BarcodePattern(200)	= "114131"
    	BarcodePattern(201)	= "311141"
    	BarcodePattern(202)	= "411131"
    	BarcodePattern(203)	= "211412"
    	BarcodePattern(204)	= "211214"
    	BarcodePattern(205)	= "211232"
    	BarcodePattern(206)	= "2331112"
    	Dim OutputPattern, ThisPattern, thischar
    	OutputPattern	= ""
    	For CharPos		= 1 To Len(OutputString)
    		ThisPattern	= BarcodePattern(Asc(Mid(OutputString, CharPos, 1)))
    		For i = 1 To len(ThisPattern)
    			if i mod 2 = 1 Then thischar	= "1" Else thischar	= "0"
    			OutputPattern	= OutputPattern & replace(space(int(mid(ThisPattern, i, 1))), " ", thischar)
    	code128b	= OutputPattern
    End function
    function CodeEAN13(code, encoding)
    	Dim leftA, leftB, rght, OutputPattern, i
    	if len(code) = 13 Then
    		LeftA	= Array("0001101", "0011001", "0010011", "0111101", "0100011", "0110001", "0101111", "0111011", "0110111", "0001011")
    		LeftB	= Array("0100111", "0110011", "0011011", "0100001", "0011101", "0111001", "0000101", "0010001", "0001001", "0010111")
    		Rght	= Array("1110010", "1100110", "1101100", "1000010", "1011100", "1001110", "1010000", "1000100", "1001000", "1110100")
    		OutputPattern	= "101"
    		For i = 1 To 6
    			if mid(ucase(encoding), i, 1)	= "A" Then
    				OutputPattern	= OutputPattern & LeftA(cint(mid(code, i+1, 1)))
    				OutputPattern	= OutputPattern & LeftB(cint(mid(code, i+1, 1)))
    			End if
    		OutputPattern		= OutputPattern & "01010"
    		For i = 1 To 6
    			OutputPattern	= OutputPattern & Rght(cint(mid(code, i+7, 1)))
    		OutputPattern		= OutputPattern & "101"
    		CodeEAN13			= OutputPattern
    	End if
    End function
    function eanflag(num)
    	Select Case num
    		Case 0:	eanflag	= "AAAAAA"
    		Case 1:	eanflag	= "AABABB"
    		Case 2:	eanflag	= "AABBAB"
    		Case 3:	eanflag	= "AABBBA"
    		Case 4:	eanflag	= "ABAABB"
    		Case 5:	eanflag	= "ABBAAB"
    		Case 6:	eanflag	= "ABBBAA"
    		Case 7:	eanflag	= "ABABAB"
    		Case 8:	eanflag	= "ABABBA"
    		Case 9:	eanflag	= "ABBABA"
    	End Select
    End function
    Dim dataout, i
    if code <> "" Then
    	dataout	= tstr(code, width)
    	response.binarywrite stb(chr(66) & chr(77) & size(62+(len(dataout)*height)) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(62) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(40) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & size(len(code)*width) & chr(0) & chr(0) & size(height) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(1) & chr(0) & chr(1) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(37) & chr(14) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(37) & chr(14) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(255) & chr(255) & chr(255) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(0))
    	For i	= 1 To height
    		response.binarywrite stb(dataout)
    End if

Other 9 submission(s) by this author


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Other User Comments
5/30/2003 5:55:08 AM:
Excellent, just plain excellent
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

5/30/2003 7:03:24 AM:
Very nice. Excellent from me.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

5/30/2003 9:38:03 AM:VbNick
Very Very useful...and excellent 
coding...congrats.....5 globs..!!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/8/2003 4:46:21 AM:Chris Read
Excellent code. 5 gizmos
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/10/2003 6:18:10 AM:Sener Yetgin
Thanks for the useful code...
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/16/2003 1:03:03 AM:
an other country used this code
add this line
<%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript 
ANSI code page 1252 
is used for American English
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/28/2003 11:59:46 PM:
Awesome dude!! its impressive!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/18/2003 5:54:33 AM:
Lovely, gorgeous, genius :)
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

10/9/2003 11:24:53 PM:
I think this is a awesome idea, but i 
cannot get it to work.  Can I get some 
more instructions on how to set it up?
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

10/12/2003 9:46:13 PM:
I get this error when attempting to run 
this script.  How do I correct this?  
It is referring to this line of 
Response object 
error 'ASP 0106 : 80020005' 
/Test3.asp, line 405 
An unhandled data type was 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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