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Passing classes from page to page


Submitted on: 11/16/2002 3:44:23 PM
By: Dustin R Davis  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 3 Users
Compatibility:PHP 4.0

Users have accessed this article 2333 times.

(About the author)
     Ever needed to pass a class and its data from one page to the next? I will show you how.

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The scenario: Lets say you have a customer who is buying something. The customer is checking out, because he is done shopping. You have setup two pages, one with his personal information such as name address etc. and the other with the billing information. Since you are so organized and neat, you don't want to jumble the page with form fields so you decided to have two separate pages.

You think to yourself, "Wow, that's allot of variables to keep track of!". You ponder how much work this will be and you finally come up with a solution: You will use a class to store the information!

After designing and building a class, you sit back and sip your beer. Unfortunately you cant enjoy that sip because you realized that you have no idea how you are going to send the information from page one over to page two!

Well, I'm going to show you how to move your classes and your data that's held in them from page to page.

The Class

This will held in your class.php file. You will need to include this in every page you want to access your class and its data.

class cMyClass {

var $Name;

function PrintName() {

echo "Your name is ".$this->Name;
return true;



The Input page

This page will be what you submit your personal information to.


$myClass = new cMyClass;

$myClass->Name = $HTTP_POST_VARS["Name"];

... //other code you have

$_SESSION["MyClassData"] = serialize($myClass);


The last page

This page will display their information to them. The information that was carried over from page to page on the site.


$temp = $_SESSION["MyClassData"];

$myClass = unserialize($temp);



Unfortunately, due to my laziness, I gave a small, crude example. I think you get the point though. Once you have designed and built your class, you can save it in an include file. Make sure to have this file included in every .php file you will be using your class in. In each page you will need to access your class data by using unserialize() and when you are finished you will need to save it again using serialize(). I'm using the session method because I do not have access to write files on my server, and it would be too hard to write a file for each person that wants to order something. There are too many people. You can look in the PHP manual (v10) to figure out how to write them to a file and retrieve them from a file.

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Other User Comments
11/16/2002 3:45:46 PM:Dustin R Davis
I hope you enjoy my tutorial. Its simple but easy. I hope it helps someone. It was such a pain to figure this out on my own.
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11/20/2002 9:23:16 AM:Srirangan
Very helpful but Wrongly Titled!!<br> Should be "Passing objects from page to page"

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12/29/2002 10:04:35 AM:Mr. Chuckles
You can get the session ID variable and use that as a file name. I run PHP under Apache in Windows. The sessions are stored in the sessions directory using the session ID as the file name. If that is good enough for the PHP developers then it's good enough for me. Check if your hosting service offers MySQL or another database. If not - move! You can then write the serialied object (class - whatever) to a field in the users record. Either way simple things can be used to purge old data. This is a cool foundation onto which yo can build things.
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7/8/2003 8:49:07 PM:
Hi, Thanks heaps for this tut. Every time i unserialize my class then attempt to use its functions i get this err... Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\tgm\admin\index.php on line 10. I give there seems to be no reason for this PLEASE HELP????
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