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Short story. My fiances sister came to visit and started speaking this stuff.
Long story - My fiances sister came to visit and started speaking this stuff. It is irritating to not know what she is saying in front of me behind my ears.
It is easy to catch on to what gibberish is by just listening to it. It is just english (or any language for that matter) Any time you come up on a vowel sound - you add "idig" before it. Example - GIRL translates to GidigIRL.
Beware of the silent "E" in words such as "love". "Love" would be "Lidigove". Because you can not hear the "E", it should not be encoded. The enclosed script does not take this into effect.
You do however, contintue to add more "idig"s for additional vowel sounds. Example - "Boyfriend" would be "Bidigoyfridigend".
Now - you may have noticed that "boyfriend" has two vowels next to each other - "I" and "E". However, these together make one vowel sound.
Another thing you may have noticed is that I changed the spelling of "boyfriend" to "boyfrend". This is a more of a phonetic spelling of the word. If you can spell words as you hear them, rather then spelling them correctly, you may have more success with the codes results that I have supplied.
Unfortunately for myself, my fiance and her sister speak a mix of English and Pig Latin with gibberish. Ugh.
Dim strMessage Dim strGibberish
strMessage =InputBox("Enter a message to encode.", "Gibberish")
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By using this article, you agree to the following terms...
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this article in your own programs (and may compile it into a program and distribute it in compiled format for languages that allow it) freely and with no charge.
2) You MAY NOT redistribute this article (for example to a web site) without written permission from the original author. Failure to do so is a violation of copyright laws.
3) You may link to this article from another website, but ONLY if it is not wrapped in a frame.
4) You will abide by any additional copyright restrictions which the author may have placed in the article or article's description.
3/14/2002 7:19:56 AM:David Alden Obviously this code can be easily
cracked, but overall I think it's
pretty cool, plus you've submitted a
lot of other code to this site that I
use all the time....I give you 5 big
1/20/2003 10:06:51 PM: Hi. i am just learning to speak
gibberish and my friend already does.
but her version is different than this
one so how many versions are there?
1/24/2003 9:17:55 AM: Cant we all just stick to English? This
is too much...lol
8/8/2003 8:26:28 PM: Giberish is soo hard to understand!
8/8/2003 9:02:06 PM: I want to know EVERY WORD in gibberish!
8/8/2003 9:10:24 PM:Lewis Moten You can download Grady Ward’s Moby and
run the gibberish script on each word.
9/11/2003 10:33:30 AM: I am SO happy I found this site! This
brings me back to my childhood - AND,
I'm going to blow my nieces mind the
next time I see her because I'll be
able to respond!!
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