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Guest Book without MySQL


Submitted on: 8/12/2002 7:30:40 AM
By: As absurd as it sounds, we have to give a name... 
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 1 Users
Compatibility:PHP 3.0, PHP 4.0

Users have accessed this article 1979 times.

(About the author)
     This will show you how to create a simple guestbook in PHP.

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Section 1: Why I made it

I wanted a guestbook for my website but the server didn't support mySQL. So I made this. (It's not very good because I only started learning PHP last week).

Section 2: The HTML

Create an HTML file called anything you like (I called mine form.html). It should have something like this in it:

<br> Guestbook<br>


Section 3: The PHP

Make a PHP file called process.php and write the following:

$store = "store.dat";
if ($action == add) {
echo "Thankyou $name, Your message has been submitted

$opener = fopen($store,"a");
fputs($opener, "Name:


echo "To view the messages, click here";
} else if ($action == view) {
$table = join('', file($store));
echo "$table";
} else if ($action == clear) {
$opener = fopen($store,"w");
fputs($opener, "");
echo "Table cleared";

Section 4: The DAT File

Create an empty file called store.dat. Thats it!

Section 5: Uploading and Enjoying

Upload the three files and CHMOD the DAT to 666 (-rw-rw-rw)(read all write all).
If you go to process.php?action=view, then you will be able to view the guestbook. If you go to process.php?action=clear, you will clear the guestbook.
Hope you enjoy it!

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Other User Comments
8/13/2002 6:58:26 PM:Horacio
The code is not working... when I hit submit, it gives me some errors in the process.php file. Error: Undefined variable: action Maybe someone can look at the code and post it again?
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8/14/2002 5:54:12 PM:Charles Chadwick
Well, just by looking at it, although I could be wrong, where it says if ($action == clear) clear should be in quotes, such as if ($action == "clear") same with $action == view and $action == add. I myself got a different error, "parse error, unexpected $". I'll see if I can get it working. A valiant effort none the less by the author.
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8/16/2002 5:51:19 AM:As absurd as it sounds, we have to give a name...
Horacio, I forgot to include a line of script that is very important. You need to add a: <input type=hidden name=action value=add> Sorry! Charles, yes, you can use quotes but it is not essential. I'm not sure about the error - I'll try and work it out.
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8/21/2002 10:38:42 PM:HellOnComputer
a few little tweaks and it wouldnt be too bad. (try <br> instead of pressing enter in echo)
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8/23/2002 5:32:00 AM:mike
ive never done php before what do you mean by CHMOD the DAT to 666 (-rw-rw-rw)(read all write all).????
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8/23/2002 2:43:24 PM:Charles Chadwick
chmod is setting file permissions on a unix/linux machine. I suggest doing a search on google for how to do that, there's probably a better explanation of it somewhere on the net than I can provide here.
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9/2/2002 12:39:39 PM:As absurd as it sounds, we have to give a name...
Thankyou everyone for your feedback, and please vote for me! Cheers!
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9/3/2002 4:53:01 AM:
great! this was just what i was looking for, simple and working! add a few html- tags to the proess.php file and you can make your own style gb. love it!
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9/13/2002 4:17:45 PM:Darryl Porter
This is a good an simple script. In reference to the comment above, quote are not needed in the "if statements" if the server running the script is on a Unix based system. However, Window Based Operating systems aren't as forgiving. You will need to put either single or double quotes in else you will receive an error. It is a good idea to put them in anyway--it makes for clean cross-platform codes.
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10/4/2002 10:49:05 AM:
does not work, i get a load of c rap when i press submit, it looks like its showing all the php code, when i add a <?php tag to the PHP file, it shows BLANK.
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