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Submitted on: 6/20/2002 10:31:28 AM
By: Chas Pardee 
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 1 Users
Compatibility:PHP 4.0

Users have accessed this code 957 times.
(About the author)
     This code produces a png. What it does is place four pixels evenly dispersed acorss the picture and they then move in a random direction. No color can go on top of any other color but can back track on top of themselves.

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    // for :Squiggles
    If you use my code I ask that you leave the section crediting it to me in. Otherwise you may use it whereever you please, as long as it is not being redistributed.
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    // Name: Squiggles
    // Description:This code produces a png.
    //     What it does is place four pixels evenly
    //     dispersed acorss the picture and they th
    //     en move in a random direction. No color 
    //     can go on top of any other color but can
    //     back track on top of themselves.
    // By: Chas Pardee
    // Inputs:The first two lines of code ca
    //     n be edited so that the code is ran more
    //     or less times and so that the size of th
    //     e picture varies. You'll find out soon t
    //     hough that it is easy for the script to 
    //     time out.
    // Returns:A file called pic.png is crea
    //     ted in the same folder as the page is sa
    //     ved. Because the image wraps around it i
    //     s also tilable and could be used as a ba
    //     ckground image. With a little modificati
    //     on of the colors a very nice background 
    //     that is different every time the pages i
    //     s loaded could be produced.
    // Assumes:I nterestingly enough I had t
    //     o make a can to microtime() because rand
    //     just wasn't random. Try playing with it.
    //     If you just use rand(1,4) to generate th
    //     e random numbers and if the screen is bi
    //     g enough that the different colors won't
    //     hit each other, the same shapes are prod
    //     uced every time, and they're symmetrical
    //     . Now first I tried using rand(1,5) and 
    //     just running until it produced a number 
    //     other than 5. This results in four ident
    //     ical nonsymmetrical shapes. It really ma
    //     kes you realize that they are pseudorand
    //     om numbers. Anyways, it's a fun script t
    //     o play around with. I hope you enjoy it.
    // Side Effects:Creates pic.png
    //This code is copyrighted and has    // limited warranties.Please see http://
    //     www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sh
    //     owCode.asp?txtCodeId=662&lngWId;=8    //for details.    //**************************************
    /*squiggle picture producing section*/
    /* Code by Chas */
    /* http://userpages.wittenberg.edu/s04.cpardee */
    // max size of the picture
    $max = 300;
    // number of times to itirate
    // or the number of times the pixel move
    //     s
    $times = 30000;
    // function made to check if a pixel can
    // move to a given spot 
    function testfor($pic, $xstart, $ystart, $col1, $col2)
    return(imagecolorat($pic, $xstart, $ystart) == $col1 ||imagecolorat($pic, $xstart, $ystart) == $col2);
    // creates the image
    // allocates the colors used
    // $col1 is the background
    // put colors and starting cooridnates i
    //     n arrays
    $col = Array($col2, $col3, $col4, $col5);
    $x = Array($max/3, 2*$max/3, $max/3, 2*$max/3);
    $y = Array($max/3, 2*$max/3, 2*$max/3, $max/3);
    // for loop simply loops through the
    // code the correct number of times
    for($i = 0; $i < $times; $i++)
    foreach($col as $key=>$value)
    // chooses a random value between 1 and 
    //     4
    // I was a little paranoid here because
    // for a while I was getting symmetrical
    //     images
    // and at other tiems all 4 colors were 
    //     follow
    // the same pathes with idfferent starti
    //     ng positions 
    $a = (rand()*microtime())%5+1;
    while($a ==5)
    $a = (rand()*microtime())%5+1;
    // switch statement chooses the coorespo
    //     nding direction
    case 1:
    	 	// test to make sure the pixel is not already
    		// colored with another color
    if(testfor($pic, $x[$key]+1, $y[$key], $col1, $value))
    // move
    case 2:
    // test to make sure the pixel is not al
    //     ready
    		// colored with another color
    if(testfor($pic, $x[$key]-1, $y[$key], $col1, $value))
    case 3:
    // test to make sure the pixel is not al
    //     ready
    		// colored with another color
    if(testfor($pic, $x[$key], $y[$key]+1, $col1, $value))
    // move
    case 4:
    // test to make sure the pixel is not al
    //     ready
    		// colored with another color
    if(testfor($pic, $x[$key], $y[$key]-1, $col1, $value))
    // move
    		// if the pixel moves off of one side this
    		// section makes it wrap around
    		if($x[$key] > $max)
    		$x[$key] = 0;
    		if($y[$key] > $max)
    		$y[$key] = 0;
    		if($x[$key] < 0)
    		$x[$key] = $max;
    		if($y[$key] < 0)
    		$y[$key] = $max;
    // color the appropriate pixel
    imagesetpixel($pic, $x[$key], $y[$key], $value);
    // creates the picture
    // free the memory storing the pic
    /*end squiggle picture section*/
    <img src="pic.png" border=0>

Other 2 submission(s) by this author


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Other User Comments
8/16/2002 8:16:02 AM:Grant Cummings
I'm only getting parallel horizontal 
lines?!?!  the top one goes red - green 
- red while the bottom one goes 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

12/9/2002 12:14:59 PM:Chas Pardee
Sorry I didn't respond for so long. I 
reran the code just to double check it 
and it's still wokring fine for me. The 
only tihng I can think to tell you is 
maybe to try and change the way it 
selects the direction to move. I was 
using rand() and microtime(), but you 
can use any given random number 
generator in that spot.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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