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Free Threading in VB.NET


Submitted on: 10/21/2002 2:40:41 AM
By: Jeroen Schouten 
Level: Advanced
User Rating: By 18 Users

Users have accessed this article 7373 times.
     An explanation of threading in VB.NET. This new exciting feature lets you FINALY execute code in an async fashion.

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In this article I will try and give you an example of one of the most exciting new feature of VB.NET… Free threading! Take a look the following VB6 code:


Dim myTest as Ctest


Public Function TestFunction(Id as Integer) as Integer

      Dim Ret as Integer

Set myTest = New  Ctest

      Ret = MyTest.DoSomething(Id)

      TestFunction = Ret

      Set myTest = Nothing

End Function


What happens here is very simple. We have a class (Ctest) which contains a method called: DoSomething. The DoSomething method takes one argument (Id) and returns an integer. The above piece of code wraps all this neatly in a function. I am sure you’ve done something like this a million times before.


Now what happens when DoSomething is a method that runs for a very long time? Let’s say it iterates through an ADO Recordset containing a thousand records? Right! Your code is going to hit the line:


Ret = MyTest.DoSomething(Id)


…And wait till the DoSomething method is done before your code will continue with the line below it (the one that sets TestFunction to the return value of DoSomething). While this is acceptable in most cases, for instance if DoSomething was to contain the code that saves a long document and the user has to wait anyway, it is very annoying behavior in a lot of other cases. I have tried every trick in the book, but VB6 doesn’t have a neat way of handling this situation. At some point your code will be waiting for other code to finish. If you ever tried keeping the GUI responsive with DoEvents while your application is off to do some expensive database operation, you will know exactly what I mean.


VB.NET to the rescue! Enter stage left, FREE THREADING. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a way to tell VB that you really don’t need to wait but instead want to go on with whatever the next task of your code is? You can!


The trick is in:




The system.threading namespace allows you to push methods of a class or subs and functions of your regular code off to its own thread. Create a form with a button on it called Button1. Then…


‘the following goes under the Inherits portion of your VB code

Dim Test as New Ctest

Dim ThreadTest as System.Threading.Thread(AddressOff MyThreadTest)


‘this is a simple Sub:

Public Sub MyThreadTest


End Sub


‘this is the button’s click event

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

MsgBox("Beginning New Threads")

ThreadTest = New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf _ MyThreadTest)



End Sub


Do NOT run this code! IT WILL FAIL. There is a couple of things we still need to do, but the above part shows us what is going on when we get into multi-threading. So what the heck is going on??


The first line we simply set a reference (Dim) to our Ctest class (remember? The one with the very loooooong running method.) In the next line we simply tell VB to declare a new thread! That is really most of what there is to it. By saying “Dim <somename> as new System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf <somemethod>)” We have created a new thread to call a method/sub on. The AddressOf operator might be a surprise to you. What you are doing there is saying to VB “Hey when I start doing something on that new thread I want you to be doing <insert name of method/sub>”. Some people might now say that I am over simplifying this… I AM! But for now that is all you need to know.


You can see that I pointed the thread to a Sub (AddressOf  MyThreadTest ‘MyThreadTest is a Sub) and not directly to the class we are using. There is a very good reason for that. If you want anything to run in its own thread you can’t pass arguments, or receive return values. I know what you are thingking…. “Geez, that’s not very useful!” But think about it for a second. You are telling VB to start a new thread… A NEW THREAD! Not a new instance of a class, not another copy of an ActiveX Server… A NEW THREAD! You completely disconnected the code on that thread from the main application. The application you’re doing this in doesn’t know anything about this new thread, and quite frankly, it doesn’t give a rodent’s butt-cheek. That is why you we need to wrap that code into a sub that our application DOES know about and that is exactly what I am doing this piece of code:


Public Sub MyThreadTest


End Sub


I set my new thread to be: AddressOf MyThreadTest. Even though The Sub doesn’t take any arguments or returns anything, I can have the call to the Ctest class inside of it take an argument (Id). Oh! This is why I said not to run it yet previously. VB.NET will complain that it doesn’t know “Id”. For testing purposes we can quickly fix this. Change the code of the Sub MyThreadTest to read:


Public Sub MyThreadTest

      Dim Id as Integer

      Id = 10


End Sub


Of course to run all this you better create a class in your project called Ctest with a DoSomething Function that takes an Integer (Id) as an argument, but you get the idea.


The last code in your project is the Click event of the button I had you put on the form. The most important line of code inside it is:




See what we are doing here is not calling the Sub MyThreadTest. Instead we are saying: I declared a thread called ThreadTest, Start it! Because we previously set the ThreadTest to be AddressOf MyThreadTest, VB will now run the code inside that Sub in its own thread.


To get the full effect of this you should really add a class called Ctest to your project and create a DoSomething function in it that does something that takes very very very looooong. If you’ve done that, start the application and click on the button. What you will see is the first message box reading: Beginning New Threads. If you on OK, the code will jump into the Sub MyThreadTest. But rather then waiting for execution of this Sub (and the call to the Ctest method DoSomething inside it) it will almost immediately show the next message box (“Done!”). And THAT is free threading in a nutshell… Cool or what??

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Other User Comments
10/21/2002 5:36:07 PM:Charles Chadwick
Very nice and helpful. We need more well written articles on PSC like this.
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10/22/2002 1:34:45 AM:Jeroen Schouten
Thank You!! Spread the word and vote! :)
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10/22/2002 9:40:44 AM:SAXsucks
great article, thank you
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10/23/2002 2:12:28 AM:
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10/24/2002 6:39:47 AM:tHe_cLeanER
very nice article, are you going to write anything about delegates? since they look quite powerfull, and are related to threading.
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10/25/2002 7:41:00 AM:
Interesting article ;)
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11/17/2002 9:16:41 PM:
Nice article. Very helpful. Thanks
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12/1/2002 11:42:19 PM:
Thanks. Wonderful article.
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12/3/2002 7:34:57 AM:
Great article. My only question, how do you pass anything into the code you want to run?
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12/3/2002 9:04:00 AM:Jeroen Schouten
From Article:
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12/3/2002 9:07:51 AM:Jeroen Schouten
Well shucks!! hehehehe I was saying: ...the class can have properties... - you set the properties (outside of sub) - call the sub -get the properties from the class (inside sub) HTH
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12/3/2002 12:54:41 PM:Dubey Dave
nice ***** ;}===~
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12/4/2002 2:41:10 AM:miracl
thanks for the help, stay simple like that ! *****
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12/26/2002 8:16:03 PM:clearlytechnical
Great article. I like your "layman's" approach. Too many programmers can be too specific for fear of being criticized by their peers. This is a shame, because I learned more from your article than the many hours of reading the rigid details. Lot's of facts, but no substance. Please keep up the good work!
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2/1/2003 4:38:25 PM:
gerçekten iyi hazýrlanmýþ tebrikler
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2/5/2003 4:16:29 AM:NovaSoft
Great article.very informative while being simple at the same time.One question though, how does the thread call back the main application? Thanks
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4/24/2003 1:50:43 PM:Karim Bardai
Ah yes, thanks for your easy to understand article, but i have some questions. What if inside your thread you need to update some information on the form, how would you go about doing that? And what if instead of calling class to do the threading, you do all your work in the sub MyThreadTest itself? Also, when the work is done inside the thread, is the thread killed? What if you want to kill/stop a thread you started, how would you do that?
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4/24/2003 9:41:24 PM:Jeroen Schouten
Karim, of course you can do the work inside the sub itself and never use a class. However, as I stated in my article, subs that are pushed to their own thread can neither take arguments as input nor can they return anything. The omission of a return value can be overcome by using a global varibale. This is not a very neat solution. Especially since the the work performed by the sub is on its own thread and the main application has no idea when it finishes.
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4/24/2003 9:42:05 PM:Jeroen Schouten
It therefore would need to check the global var continuously to see if it contains a value (genereated by the free-threaded sub) already that it can use. This is far more overhead in your application then needed, since extra work is being performed (the check if the global var is filled yet). Furthermore, this method can only be used if you are really careful about cleaning up vars or you might end up having your main code use a value from the global var that was put there by a previous instance of the thread.
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4/24/2003 9:42:21 PM:Jeroen Schouten
This solution becomes unpractical if you ever need more then 1 thread using the same sub. You would need just as many global variables as you need threads, making your app scale very poorly. Instead you should raise an event that has your return value as a parameter. In order to have your main code "listen" for this event it NEEDS to be declared in a class. This also answers your first question, "how to change something on the form based on what happens in the thread?" (I reworded it a little). Again, if you raise an event, your form can "listen" for the event and change some of its properties based on the parameters of the event. Lasty, stopping a thread can simply be done by calling: ThreadTest.Abort
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5/2/2003 8:40:30 PM:MR303
the use of ThreadTest.Name is quite helpful to identify threads later (not by code, but by debug outputs, logfiles, eventlog, etc...)
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5/3/2003 12:38:26 AM:Jeroen Schouten
Agreed, but doesn't really apply to current example :-)
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7/20/2003 7:21:54 AM:Dodger
Thanks. ****
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7/27/2003 5:36:41 AM:
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9/5/2003 9:19:11 AM:
might i ask a question? i have implemented this within my code and it works. but, when i minimize my form (which is started in the main thread) while my second thread (the one that runs looooong) is still running, i still cannot restore my form again. it sticks to the taskbar and thus the user cannot make the form reappear. argh.. do you have any idea what i'd have to improve in my code? thanks! marc.enzler@freesurf.c h
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9/9/2003 1:49:09 PM:Jeroen Schouten
Marc, I would have to see your code.
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9/11/2003 3:20:52 AM:
hi jeroen! thanks for your answer. i managed to get it running fine by adding begininvoke. i was updating a taskbar which run in the main thread (the form) directly from the second thread. that was bad and resulted in refresh problems as well as destroyed objects once the second thread had ceased to exist. begininvoke was the way to go. thanks anyway for your time! marc
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