| | Submitted on: 4/7/2002 2:23:42 PM
By: Will Wilimek
Level: Beginner User Rating:
By 13 Users Compatibility:PHP 4.0
Users have accessed this article 6204 times. | (About the author) |
| | This is a Username And Password Login for a website written in PHP4 and html uses mySQL to store user information and to validate usernames and passwords. Sorry for the .doc format here it is in .txt | |
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Other User Comments |
4/12/2002 8:34:53 AM:Yoda Hi! I think it's a nice code, but there
are some things to do with it, because
it doesn't do "User Auth" exactly. My
1. What happens when a user
tries to register himself as an
existing user? mySQL only appends a new
record, with an _another_ password.
What happens when a double-registered
user tries to sign in? Whose datas will
be applied? Whose password will be
checked? The first of them?
So please
modify your code to handle these cases
too, because I think this way of
solving "user authentication" problems
is not so secure.
Happy coding to
Yoda from Hungary
4/12/2002 8:37:06 AM:Yoda & sorry for my bad English... :)
4/12/2002 9:28:40 AM:Will Wilimek Your going to need to do a validation
for a username on the registration
page. Put another submit button that
goes to a page that will check to see
if that username is already taken. It's
not that hard. You should also be able
to piece it together with the code from
the login.php . If you need anyhelp
e-mail me at free0n@mchsi.com I can
work with you and try to help you if
you want.
I gave it the title User
Auth because it does validate the
username and password. It's basically
the backbone of a system. There are
lots of addons you should do like text
field validations. And besides where is
the fun if you don't create somthing
well later.
4/15/2002 9:39:59 AM:Dieter Very basics, but will do the job for
now. . . Your going to need to do a
validation for a username on the
registration page.Thanks
4/15/2002 9:40:11 AM:Dieter Very basic, but will do the job for
now. . . Your going to need to do a
validation for a username on the
registration page.Thanks
4/17/2002 10:08:40 AM:dkelske@yahoo.com Very Nice I've been looking for
somthing like this on the net for along
time. Checking the username I found out
wasn't hard at all. I've also done
e-mail validation in it aswell. Thanks
for the tutorial you got my feet wet
4/17/2002 9:46:52 PM:l33t pSyCo Has NO use in the real world but if
like it ok. 1 globe and no higher.
4/23/2002 4:10:56 AM:dumbass gave it 2 globes because of the lack of
validation :/
4/23/2002 8:55:57 AM:Will Wilimek Yeah sorry people you actually have to
do some php programming god forbid that
you actually do anything. I gave you
the basic backbone if you can't figure
it out maybe you shouldnt be
programming in php
7/1/2002 2:45:17 AM:Adam Good tutorial, I'm starting to learn
PHP/MySQL and I have been having a hard
time finding a good tutorial for a
BASIC login script... funny thing is is
that I already know how to validate,
but not this =|
7/25/2002 2:05:40 PM:Scar_Nemesis I have been trying to figure how to
make the validation for the
username...can you help me,
please send an email to
scar_nemesis@hotmail.com, i dont have a
100 access to thi computer so the best
way to contact me is via that mail.
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