David Nishimoto
Access 2000: Launching a report
It is often the case a developer will need to create an Access 2000 reports application capable of data selection. For example, all transactions for a member. The data is input as parameters with in a form and passed to the report as query criteria. This is the simplest method to control report output resulting from user selected data criteria.
Table Transactions
Fields and Types
| MemberId | Number |
| PostedDate | PostedDater |
| Amount | Double |
| Code | Number |
Create a query called qryTransactions
include memberid, posteddate,amount, and code in the query field list
Create a columar report called rptTransactions
Step 1: Use the report Wizard
Step 2: Select qryTransactions as the data source
Step 3: Select all fields
Step 4: Group on memberid
Step 5: Select Tabular type
Step 6: Name the report rptTransactions
Create a form called frmReportParameters
Step 1: Design View
Step 2: Add a text field called txtMemberId
Step 3: Change the label to read "Member Id"
Step 4: Add a button named "cmdLaunchTransactionReport" and labeled "Launch Report"
Step 5: Save the form as frmReportParameters
Launch the Code
Step 1: Make sure your in form design
Step 2: Press the code button
Step 3: Add a Click event for the cmdLaunchTransactionReport button
The following code will limit data selection to records matching
a specific member id. The report will open in preview mode. Only
transactions with a specific member id will be displayed.
Option Explicit
Option Compare Database
Private Sub cmdLaunchTransactionReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdLaunchTransactionReport_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Dim sCriteria
sCriteria = "[MemberId]=" & txtMemberId
stDocName = "rptTransactions"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview, , sCriteria, acWindowNormal
Exit Sub
msgbox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdLaunchTransactionReport_Click
End Sub
Run the Form
Step 1: Press F5
Step 2: Enter in a Member Id
Step 3: Press the Launch Report Button
Step 4: Review your report